41 - 50 of 11220 Posts
Hi All, I'm still pretty new to this and am working on my OCD, but what's been really helping me lately is watching helpful youtube videos on OCD. They're pretty funny too. Below are a few youtube videos that I hope can be helpful to all of you: You...

All the best from my family to you and all of yours. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY4J8yBf6vg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30kXXTdmGCo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_f2xU_h02A

How do I find a NL who can help me even if I'm lucky enough to have my NS agree chiari is my issue? My NL agrees I have chiari, but not one that is causing a problem. I don't know yet how NS views me, will find out Monday. In the interim, the only hel...

MY observation. I've been reading about alot of things and noticed that the woman with the most fears or uncertainty about pregnancy issues as well as post pregnancy issues have Doctors not midwives. NOTHING wrong with OB Doctors just my observation on th...

Im 38 weeks ,but ever since I was 30 weeks my vagina hurts really bad when I get up from my bed ,car,chair ect ....I had even cried this is my 4 th pregnancy n never felt this way ,and on sunday when I showered some clear creamy stuff came out like what is...

So this morning iv put my foot down and told my doctor I knew fluoxetine was doing nothing for me like it had done 3 years ago and needed a change after persuading him and listing all the side effects I was getting he changed me to mirtazapine 30mg to be t...

I'm 19 weeks pregnant and I have no energy to work at all. I currently work as a Nurse Aide, and I can't seem to find the strength to keep working. Anyone else having this problem?

Is it normal for your vagina to ache every now and then during pregnancy,? And how does contractions feel?

hey everybody i know this question seems v stupid but it is worrying me a little, i went for a rapid hiv test, finger prick test…we talked about almost half an hour before she perfumed a test,,, my worry is is it possible she might had used a used needl...

Hello! For those of you who have already had a child, I'd like to hear your opinions on midwife v. Ob, and drug-free birth v medicated birth (while we're at it). I've been doing a lot of reading on all the subjects, but I am interested in hearing more pers...

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