51 - 60 of 5184 Posts
THIS ISN'T REALLY A QUESTION, BUT A COMMENT! ----- My pain doctor has stopped writing any and all prescriptions for oxycontin and oxycodone. She was suspicious why some patients only wanted oxycontin or oxycodone for their pain, as well as patients claimin...

I have been on pain pills for over 3 years. I have had 5 spinal blocks and they don't last. I get a script for percocet and that works for the day time. At night I wake up every 2 hours with pain in my hip and leg and have to walk it off. I asked the Dr. i...

What opiate is recommended for switching off oxycontin? I have moderate to severe chronic pain, and the oxycontin just doesn't work well anymore

What's the difference between oxycontin and oxycodone? I looked it up in a google search but the answers were confusing. Anyone? Love, Peace and Blessings...Rev P.S. Thanx for your support over the past few days, I am much better than I was when I post...

I was hoping that all you kind peps would give me your input about Opana ER. I am on fentanyl 175/48 hrs. right now. not what I want it to be. I really need to find a solution. Thanks.

Hi Does the symptoms of Oxycontin withdrawal also include such symptoms as anxiety, restlessness and agitation? Hope not. Had a bad experience several weeks ago. Accidentally overdosed on oxycontin. Was in alot of pain and took too many. Coming down ...

Many of you are familiar with my story, but am stuck now in which pill to drop next. As I said, I have tapered down from 20 pills a day 2 weeks ago, (10 or so oxycontin 10mg) & (10 or so perc at 5mg). to 3 of each for the last two days. So my question i...

My dr has asked me to think about changing from oxycodone 10/325 5xdaily (percocet) to oxycontin. I've done the research on oxycontin as requested and can see that they most likely are worrying about the dose of tylenol for so long. I do want to decrease ...

Now that I am looking at having to go back on pain meds because my morphine pump is now working I was hoping to get some advice/information on the different meds out there. Before the pain pump I was on the following: 30mg oxycontin 2x a day, 10/325mg pe...

My Dad was recently put on oxycontin- short term- for hip pain. He is having surgery next week. My Mom called telling me that Dad was having to concentrate on his breathing, was dizzy and having problems concentrating. I told her to bring him to the hos...

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