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About a month ago, I got 2 root canals done on my top molars. My dentist said that he will put 2 crowns built in one (i.e 2 crowns in one unit), in order to eliminate a 'gap' between the 2 teeth. When he put the crowns before cementing them, they we ok. Bu...

In June of '08 I started with a new dentist. I had discomfort and very low grade pain in the upper right jaw for several months. Mild pain--not requiring any pain medication and also a slight pressure sensation on the outside of my cheek in the area of t...

In November 2006 I received a permanent crown on an upper molar. At that time, there was slight sensitivity to heat and cold, but I was not concerned. Then in January 2007, I underwent a free gingival graft procedure where tissue was harvested from my pal...

OK so this is what going on my hubby had surgery last February on his acl and other ligament in.his knee well he had done 5 months of physical therapy and we went to see his doc two weeks agoand he told him.he wanted him to go to move intense therapy for a...

Right now I am really aggravated because I have two crowns on the left side that came off today...and were just reattached last week. Now I have a single crown on my right side that came off too....and, no, I did not eat anything hard. The one on the ri...

Does anyone know of any doctors in Dallas? I am considering moving there and I am checking it out at the end of this month. I would like to look into treating at some point and Dallas may be the place... Thx.

HELLO , I HAVE A VERY URGENT QUESTION. i have finally decided to get online and ask this question. i have had 4 crowns in my mouth since i have been 8yrs old. i recently just had them renewed 9 MONTHS ago and ever since i did that i have had pain from hot ...

I have a couple of crowns that have some decay under them. The crowns are not that old and I have been told that the dentist will have to remove them, fix the cavaties and then install new crowns. My question is, do I really need new crowns?

This is going to go well. Visitors to prisons can't carry, but visitors to maximum security psychiatric hospitals can. I wonder who they think is housed at those facilities. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/guns-permitted-texas-state-psychiatr...

Years ago I broke of half the front teeth, had a bonded teeth "glued on" to it. Now I want a cheap cosmetic dentistry of the front teeths.: What is the best procedure? I was thinking about doing teeth whitening on the other front teeths and then a white...

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