Search Results for "Abilify Im"

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Yeah public aid (this is my last year on it.) pulled my abilify. It made me feel so..amazing. So real. Whatever I suppose, got denied four times. I also found out in america you cannot get coverage with a pre-exsisting condition. Thats just great, im fearf...

My Dr and I discussed it and he said i may be a good "candidate" for Abilify. Right now im taking 100mgs of zoloft, and .05mgs of lorazepham. Been on those meds for 2 months now and while im not having as much panick attacks, its still there and im havin...

I'm in so much pain. It's like Satan placed his hairy *** cheeks on my life. Last August of 2015 I stopped taking Abilify, after taking it for a year because it caused me to shake a lot, and I was worried about getting tardive dyskinesia. Also, last year I...

I was diagnosed with a bipolor disorder approximently 5 years ago I was put on Lamactal 300mg and Abilify5mg I soon found out that I was allergic to Abilify because I was having all kinds of problems I had a very very dry mouth, I had a very very diffic...

My dr put me on ambien 12.5mg to help regulate my sleep, which sounded great to me since I do not remember the last time I had a good night sleep. He also put me on a low dose of abilify 2mg for a week then up it to 4 mg a day. I slept good last night, we...

What do you think of abilify? I am on 5 mg , im suppose to increase it slowly to 10mg.....I feel restless all time, no concentration and my appetitie is out of control, I was like this before I started abilify, it got a littl ebetter when I started it now ...

My dr put me on ambien 12.5mg to help regulate my sleep, which sounded great to me since I do not remember the last time I had a good night sleep. He also put me on a low dose of abilify 2mg for a week then up it to 4 mg a day. I slept good last night, we...

Hi,My questtion is ,is anyone on just abilify for depression? I was on cymbalta but got very bad dierehha ,the dr was going to ahve me do both but since i got the dierehha she said stop the cymbalta and just do abilfy,Im so worried it wont help,she even sa...

I recently staring using Abilify for my bipolar disorder...wanted to know if anyone else was on it and about the side affects anyone may be experiencing, if any... I've been using it for maybe 2 months now.

Hi I have been on 5 mg of abilify and also klonopin since jan..09.Recently i have been having severe dizziness.,y ear hurt so wen to dr put me on antibotic...Abilify has helped my depression so much but im wondering f it would start causing dizziness after...

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