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Search Results for "Urex"

1 - 10 of 10 Results
I am a 22 year old female May (First Doctor) -I was diagnosed with gonorrhea and chlamydia which my boyfriend gave to me, symptoms including itchy feeling, excessive yellow discharge, redness of vulva. The Chlamydia that I had was possibly from 3 yea...

I've been on Adderall for several months now. I recently was prescribed Lyrica for pain in my foot. Can these medications be taken together?

hey, I always get uti's and i'm taking my course of antibiotics even though i jus found out that the same antibiotics kills your good bacteria as long as ur bad ones. recently my boyfriend got a cold sore (HPV1) Is it possible for him to catch that cold s...

I have never had a sign or symptom for herpes other than the fact that I get UTIs. I went to get a full physical and the nurse practitioner that I saw said it could be a symptom of herpes and I could not know I even have it (I think she just got back from ...

For several months I've been with the same male partner (I'm female). I've always been prone to BV and yeast infections when I take antibiotics. I've also been having a lot of urinary problems. I've actually had 7 UTI's in one year. I just got treated for ...

About 19 days ago I had unprotected sex which is something I normally never do unless I am in a monogomous relationship. I definitely will never make that mistake again.The only symptom I am noticing now is a kind of burning sensation down there..The probl...

TO whoever is interested and feels like helping: The past year i was in a relationship with a man (now broken up), when things were ending between us i found out that he has oral herpes..... and shortly after that i started getting cold sore. At first i w...

Hi, I'm a 32 year old white male. On Jan 27th I had protected (used condom at all times) oral & vaginal sex with a white girl in a massage parlour in the southwest of the UK. She was menstruating at the time. Some of her fluids were in my pubic hair but...

Ok so the doc told me i tested positive for HSV2...he is however doing a retest... my test numbers are as follows: HSV2 IGG TYPE SPECIFIC In range Out of Range Reference Range AB ...

A close relative is suffering from hepatitis C in and for a few months he has a problem of hernia. Hernia problem has grown bigger. His body is swollen around that area. Doctors say he can not be operated because of his condition of hepatitis C as the blee...

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