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Search Results for "Alcortin"

1 - 10 of 12 Results
I live in a climate where 'sweating' is an olympic sport of its own the recent past had a 'rash' that P.A. (couldn't see dermatologist-handles now only cancer-related situations-in process of finding new doctor) who thought the existing 'whatever' ...

Hi Doctor, I have a question regarding the color of the hydrocortisone 1% iodoquinol 1% cream. I was prescribed this cream for my penis due to some yeast infection. When I first open the cream, the cream color is yellow, I jut want to make sure this is nor...

I had protected sex (multiple partners) in last couple of months. Last time was 4 weeks ago. I have developed wart like things on palms of both of my hands. Since then I visited my dermatologist and he used the Liquid N2 removal method to get rid of the...

Hi Grace, A red rash has appeared on the right side of the lower abdomen...not sure if I am describing the location right. Its basically on my bear belly sides ...specifically right side ? What could this be ? A similar smaller rash has appeared closer...

Hi Terry, I had a bad yeast infection back in November 2012. I got some sores also on my penis gland. My doctor thought that I am having HSV 1/2. He ordered a blood test (igg). Both came back negative for HSV 1 and 2. Then he gave me fluconazole for th...

Hi Grace/Terry, I had a bad yeast infection back in November 2012. I got some sores also on my penis gland. My doctor thought that I am having HSV 1/2. He ordered a blood test (igg). Both came back negative for HSV 1 and 2. Then he gave me fluconazole ...

Several months ago I noticed red, painful cracking of the skin in the fold of the groin (where the thigh meets the scrotum). It eventually subsided a bit, but since then I have had deep red lines going down each side of the groin fold. Occasionally areas i...

This is going to be a long question but basically starting in november 2006 the head of my penis became really sensitive. It hurts when just slightly rubbed which could be a finger or when im walking around in my jeans. I am a circumsized 18 year old mal...

Hello, I have recently been dealing with some IBS issues. My GI sent me to have a colonoscopy, which was totally normal. I also have seen my PCP and a Colon Rectal doctor because of this itching and burning in my anus. They've had me try Topicort, ...

Hello Terri, I had a bad yeast infection back in November 2012. I got some sores also on my penis gland. My doctor thought that I am having HSV 1/2. He ordered a blood test (igg). Both came back negative for HSV 1 and 2. Then he gave me fluconazole for...

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