
Esophaegal verix ligation

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Esophaegal verix ligation

Friends, I have new HCV QUANTETIVE & RNA,GENOTYPE test result.(Non responder or relapse)...
Friends, I was suffering HCV Gentype 3. My Age 42 yrs. On July 2007 My Hepatologist g...
I am taking Omeprazole 20mg+0+20mg since 07.21.2009 as i have duodenal ulcer confirmed by E...
Does anyone have any idea of what could be causing this? Today is Tuesday, and on Saturday ...
I am pegasys(Pegasys+ribavirin 1000mg/perday Non responder genotype 3 After end of my 24...
Some one please suggest me if it is possible to go with pegasys therapy again while i am a ...
Can you get pregnant after a tuble ligation and Novasure?
How effective is a tubal ligation in a 46 year old woman?
Can I get endometreosis after tubal ligation?
I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks even after I had a tubaligation almost 18 years ago