
my period?

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on my period?

I had unprotected sex with my bf on November 13 2015. I took an emergency contraception a f...
12 days late on my period had a light pinkish blood 8 days ago and still haven't started my...
If i fertilize in a particular month, will my periods stop from that month only or they may...
Hi, I'm 14 and I've been having my period for years. Only I've never used a Tampon before. ...
I just started my first pack of birth control (Tarina Fe 1/20) and I am on the 4th week and...
Hi I'm 18yrs old, me and my boyfriend wasn't really having sex but he try put his thing ins...
My period only lasted 3 days but it usually lasts longer about 5 or 6 ????
Hi, My boyfriend and I are sex active and we dont use any protection, had pills for 8 mon...
I got a really sharp pain in my lower stomach so be I couldn't stand up. I went away after ...
I've been on birth control for about the past 2years. my period is usually very light and o...