
Focal Asymmetry - Mammogram

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Focal Asymmetry - Mammogram

What is Focal Asymmetry? What is the usual prognosis for this? What are the percentages o...
Hello I am a 46 year old women who has always had normal mammograms. I went last Friday an...
Just want some clarification on what a 4mm irregular density is. Are they thinking possible...
Hi - I just received my mammogram results and was told I need to go in for a brest ultrasou...
asymmetry posterior superior left breast best seen on MLO view. persists on spot compressio...
I'm 44 years old and had my yearly mammogram on 12/03/10. Got a call on 12/08 telling me t...
I am 43 years old and have been recently told my adenocarcinoma (originated in my thyroid a...
I am really anxious about the recall I received today for my recent mammogram. I'm 42 years...
I was called thefevening following my mammo( 15 Nov) to do a ultra sound on Tuesday 26Nov. ...
I went to my yearly mammogram last week. I have been called back for further evaluation. ...
I got a copy of my mammogram done on my left breast and it states.... On review of the p...