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Posts on cenimeters

Hey yall.. Once again, I am new here and have read dozens and hundreds of threads and such ...
friday i was having period like cramps.. i didnt wanna go to hospital and get sent back hom...
im due tomorrow and still nothing only 2 cm dialated! membrane sweep today and I've been wa...
39Wks. . .Dialated 2 Cenimeters What Can I Do I'm Ready To Meet My Love Muffin?
2day i found out im 2 cenimeters dialated, i just went pee and wiped there was my bloody sh...
Yay im goung to the hospital to be induced tonight im not due til august 4 but im already 3...
Went into my obgyn today for an appt & last time i was two cenimeters dialated & today my b...
So my due date is on Thursday and i have no signs of labor! I feel like my pregnancy will n...
My due date is this Friday and my doc knows I do not want to be induced. As of today I'm 3c...
Im experiencing EXTREME pelvic pain like sharp shooting pains and my stomachs tightening wi...
Ok so first off, congrats to all the mamas out there! Now secondly, let me keep it real wit...