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Posts on BMR (234)
I want to go.on a diet .. I now weigh 276 and want to drop 100 .. what would be the most ef...
Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is the estimated minimum level of energy required to sustai...
What is BMR and where did that number come from?
Hello i eat 2500-2900 calories a day but burn of 1000 in the morning at 200-500 in the afte...
Hi. I am still in the process of a second opinion for hypothyroidism. I have gained a lot o...
I just got a weight loss app and it has BMR listed and I have no idea what that means. Any ...
I was changing my weight loss goals and I noticed there is a BMR with a value of over 2800....
Do I need to calculate the BMR myself? Or does it calculate on it's own, using the other da...
Hello everyone i just had a question about how many calories i should be eating daily. As o...
I am using this program to track everything. My doc told me to only eat 1000 calories a day...
Journals about BMR(3)
6918143 tn?1386340447

by amylocklear, Dec 05, 2013 - 3 Comments
I considered myself splurging and still came in under my "BMR"…so what is go...
4172858 tn?1350591445
Eat 800. Burn 300. BMR=1100. Eat 850. Burn 350. Eat 900. Burn 400. Eat 950. Burn 45...
969983 tn?1304299590
DAY 9 I was sooooo proud!!!! I ate good yesterday but still had only 810 calories so ...
super body super brain
michael gonzalez wallace