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Journals about emotions

15253767 tn?1440108165
I find that when time has passed from my last period of acting out, feelings begin to wash ...
3060449 tn?1479432064
Woke up in a foul mood, which was triggered by my dislike of Valentine's Day - I always...
6383000 tn?1383459215

by Skiey, Oct 19, 2013
Emotions can run wild, they can go up or down, and sometimes they can leave you feeling lik...
5624042 tn?1372196566
Every parent wants to protect their children, teach them to protect themselves, and help th...
5194883 tn?1365662658
I am very emotional and most of actions do rely on how I feel. I love one person and I'...
4642801 tn?1364034108

by TIddums, Apr 04, 2013
I was really Happy when I first woke up, but due to relationship issues, or more just an ar...
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So much stress today. On my body and on my emotions. Stomache hurt almost all day. No re...
5081171 tn?1363304302
Family discord sends my depression into a spiral downward void. Often I wonder if I am trul...
4322184 tn?1352876010
20 minute jumping jack workout. I watched the video all the way through, but I didn't d...
1612312 tn?1324791860
two days, i've been on the verge of tears first it was just my body my eyes so ea...