
not walking

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Posts on not walking

My dog Like 3 weeks ago everything she eats she pukes,no matter what is it she pukes even h...
FTM 39w 4d & have not had any kind of progress. No dilation, no effacement. I've been attem...
My son is 14 1/2 months old. He can stand on his own and walk with/around things but not by...
Hi, My daughter is 20mths and still isn't walking. Everyone around me keeps telling me tha...
My 2 year old is not walking yet. OT said she was fine but her brothers walked at 8 and 9 m...
So people are always telling me walk so you won't struggle so much during labor. Ladies th...
Anyone had experience with walking making you go into labour early or on time verses being ...
Before I got pregnant I did not walk. Now I'm 33 weeks I actually enjoy it. It relieves str...
How far or how long did you ladies walk in order to start labour?
Hey I'm curious But I heard that walking a lot helps you later in labor ! When is the p...
Hi, dear friends,I am 47 years Old male, I had a heart attack a year ago and there is one s...