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skin allergies

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Journals about skin allergies

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Ok. So I haven't been on in weeks.... I've got good news and bad news. The good ...
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Your skin is your largest organ and absorbs elements of the environment as a sponge. So, if...
676476 tn?1234355339

by Betoschica, Nov 17, 2008
The worst pain day over the weekend was Sat., but I also spent Friday in bed. That was due ...
513691 tn?1211322901

by chief_rat, Nov 10, 2008 - 1 Comment
This is a reprint of the blog I have at, and I invite others to sh...
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by NVERVEST, Jul 13, 2008
i have for a while now suffered with red, irritated skin on my left hand. i assumed all thi...
557988 tn?1215708489

by Mrs_Emily_Rose_Lovett, Jul 10, 2008
i am having a horrible day today. my husband is driving me over the edge, making severe de...
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by Victory101, May 19, 2008
These are photos but not when at the worse. Painful but not life just remain...
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I was diagnosed with a pacreatic mass on the 24th of January 2008. I am blessed to be in th...
91878 tn?1209641089

by susieQ1960, Jan 15, 2008 - 4 Comments
I had a horrible appointment with my PCP last week. He has a thick file on me with all my m...
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I woke up this morning with this on my inner elbow, I know its not a sting of some kind cau...