
Severe nerve pain after removi

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Severe nerve pain after removi

My mom is diabetic and she has severe pain , and it looks like its anerve pain , in the ruq...
Ok so a you all know I have been doing so great from my posts, but yesterday and today, my ...
Last year I had a cracked tooth (#19) that ended up being crowned. Up until about 6 weeks a...
im 35 year male. im suffering from severe unexplaineable pain since 2.yrs i have got done a...
I had a sarcoma malignant tumour removed from my knee. The surgery required plastic surgery...
Hello, I was wondering if anyone is familiar with my problem. I had a cardiac cath 5 week...
my mon was in a car accident a few years ago, at the time her shoulder was dislocated - whe...
Hi all! I am 46 year old female I suffered a i guess it was a heart attack on may 19th 2007...
Hello everyone. I am writing on behalf of my mother. She is 55 and suffers from diabetes. I...
Has anyone had a nerve that had to be buzzed or tied during surgey due to bleeding, and the...