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Posts on wii

Has anyone tried the Zumba game for the Wii or Xbox yet?? I plan to start on Monday and ...
Just wondering if anyone 'in the know' can shed some light on the use of the Wii by person ...
What is your Favorite Gaming System???
If there are any gamers reading this I was wondering which gaming system you believe is the...
I would like to see a Wii tracker or have something added to the exercise tracker for the W...
does anyone have or have they bought for anyone the wii fit, I bought my daughter one for c...
If anyone has got the Wii program for exercise - respond to this post. It is amazing gettin...
Does anyone have the Biggest Loser game for the Wii that just came out in October? I bought...
just wondering if anyone on here has the wii fit? and if so is it worth it? can u see re...
Finally DH bought a wii for me. Unfortunately I don't get to touch it until Christmas. Ho...
I just bought a wii fit and I LOVE IT! I have not been to the gym is forever, which is horr...
So I have been trying different ways to keep myself motivated to work out. I researched fun...