
dust mites

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on dust mites (12601)
I cleaned out my studio/storage room over the weekend. It was very very dusty and I swept u...
I have always had slight dust allergies, ie: itchy throat esp at night, getting colds and b...
I've been having allergies for several years now and can't figure out what's causing it. On...
Hello - I've been diagnosed with dust mite allergy - however I notice that my symptoms (stu...
I am a 50 year old male, who for the last few years, seems to have violent coughing/ gaspin...
Does anybody knows if Air Bed really help for people with Dust Mite allergy. Sales person t...
I am a 16 year old male. I have suffered from nasal congestion and post-nasal drip for 3 ye...
In 2003 I was dx with Asthma and put on pulmicort twice a day. In the past 2 yrs I have low...
Journals about dust mites(2)
1549887 tn?1325506638

by bluejeanbaby9, Jan 07, 2011
I'll fill this out soon.
650886 tn?1226073526

by FaithFriend, Nov 13, 2008 - 2 Comments
Dust mites are soooooooo disgusting! Unseen by the human eye but under the scope, thos...