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Posts on anaesthetic

My dad is 67 and has had a stroke 18 months ago. He fractured his hip last week"interthroch...
I had a D & C on Tuesday last week (nearly a week ago) and I have been experiencing some ve...
I was at the denist durning the week and i got 2 anaesthetics! Can having sex affect the pi...
Once you have them - do they ever go away on their own?? What are the options to treat them...
Hi - I'm about to have a hydroscopy and think I'll be under general anaesthetic but I have ...
I had black runny stools last summer and during my cholesterol testing, the nurse also chec...
Well, I have my first lap in the morning, wish me luck. By the way, I had to sign a form fo...
I have had an abscess on my left upper thigh/bikini line, which was then removed surgically...
Please would you advise me as to the importance of having a D & C/Hysteroscopy for the rem...
I am scheduled for a desperately needed arthroscopic knee surgery procedure in December. I ...