

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on candidate

I had these lenses put in in 10/2010. Within the first three months I noticed that my visi...
My mom recently been suffering with liver problems and and went into cardiac arrest and now...
I'm a 30 year-old heterosexual male. In the last three months I've had two sexual partners,...
Age 78 PSA 4.1 T2c Gleason's 7 4 out of the 12 biopsies had cancer =============== Th...
I have no history of trauma to my spine and I am only 21 years old so I am having a very di...
My mother-in-law will be 90 in April. Her doctor wants to put in a pacemaker to stabilize ...
What is the criteria that a NS uses to determine whether you are a surgery candidate or sho...
Hey, Congrats everyone for running this wonderful forum. I am 33, have been wearing glas...
FINDINGS: there is cerebellar tonsillar ectopia, with the cerebellar tonsils extending app...
So I finally got to see a top Neurosurgeon at Emory in Atlanta, well his resident anyway, ...
Hey Dr's :) I have many problems in my eyes, they suspect i have glaucoma although i'm o...
OK, so the gloves are off and the fists come out in this war of words. Who here has some t...
at what point does someone with chiari become a "candidate for surgery"? and if all else fa...
I am a 25 year old woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer in the left breast. I am goin...