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11 days clean off norco-- when will my energy come back?

so i just quit cold turkey my horrible habbit of 20-30 norco's a day after 4 years. it was hard, and still is a struggle. but i am staying strong. the physical withdrawals are over now i dont notice anything. my sleep is still a little irregular but improving. my question is when will i feel normal again? when i was on the pills i had so much energy and could keep up on all my chores and house work. now i cant do anything! i feel rather depressed and useless. i dont want to get up out of bed in the morning. dishes seem like the hardest thing in the world to do! i have tried energy drinks and stuff, nothing helps. is this a normal thing to go through? it seems like it has been a lifetime since i quit, and i want to keep off them but i dont like this feeling!
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Hi Rochelle, I just returned to this forum to see if anyone was still writing updates on my original post and their stories of encouragement.  I am so glad to hear you have chosen the path of sobriety, and though I am a few months late, I do sincerely hope you are still on that path!  It seems unreal to me that 7 months ago I was on this site feeling as awful as I was during my first week of withdrawal.  The 18th of this month marked 7 months sober, and we both have something major to be proud of!  I wish you the best of luck in continuing your sobriety, and please don't hesitate to contact me if you are feeling tempted!
Good Luck!!
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Oh honey...im with you on the every thing in the world but watching tv is just too overwhelming...im a little over one month coming off 12-15 norcos per day...a single mom of 2..its terrifying to not have the energy you once had. Some people say its the last thing to return...ive been so depressed as well. I'm already taking antidepressants so I don't know if they're just not working or my brain is just still in recovery from the constant state of high I was in. Please keep strong...ive had to learn to let things go bit...its difficult as I'm super clean ;) but I try and tell myself in sick and must be afforded extra rest time. I did start taking vitamin b liquid four times daily and it does help a little. For some it helps significantly..i would definitely speak with your doctor and see how he feels about putting you on an antidepressant for awhile to get you over the hump. Its too hard to do this all without support. I have relied so heavily on this forum and its been a livesaver...but seek some aftercare. I'm signing up for the online na..as I just don't have time to go right now. Keep up the good work...keep posting. I'm pulling for you in my corner of the world. Smile laugh and hug your kids...alot!!!
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Oh honey...im with you on the every thing in the world but watching tv is just too overwhelming...im a little over one month coming off 12-15 norcos per day...a single mom of 2..its terrifying to not have the energy you once had. Some people say its the last thing to return...ive been so depressed as well. I'm already taking antidepressants so I don't know if they're just not working or my brain is just still in recovery from the constant state of high I was in. Please keep strong...ive had to learn to let things go bit...its difficult as I'm super clean ;) but I try and tell myself in sick and must be afforded extra rest time. I did start taking vitamin b liquid four times daily and it does help a little. For some it helps significantly..i would definitely speak with your doctor and see how he feels about putting you on an antidepressant for awhile to get you over the hump. Its too hard to do this all without support. I have relied so heavily on this forum and its been a livesaver...but seek some aftercare. I'm signing up for the online na..as I just don't have time to go right now. Keep up the good work...keep posting. I'm pulling for you in my corner of the world. Smile laugh and hug your kids...alot!!!
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Hello, I'm new here and by no means an expert but I have been having similar problem. I was taking 8- 10/325 or more of hydro a day. I'm currently on day 5. I've been having problems with rapid heart beat, 120+ per minute. Feeling like heart is pounding. I've read that palpitations can occur with withdrawals.  I know that magnesium can help. I started taking it and my heart rate has gone down and I no longer have that shaky feeling. I also know if you are having heart problems you should check with your Dr. Before taking mag. Supplement as it could cause serious problems. I'm not as short of breath as I was. Just an idea, again check with doctor as w.d. can affect heart rate and rythem.
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Has anyone suffered difficulty breathing or abnormal EKG's while withdrawing from Norco? I'm on day 7. I have no energy and I'm constantly out of breath. It's like a prolonged panic attack that Xanax won't fix.
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I am on day 4, I took norco 10's fir about three years between 8 and ten a day. I've come to work every day through this, the only thing that helped was the few hours of sleep I would get by taking ambien. I'm scared of what's to come but excited too. I will say I don't think I'll ever take another pill again, though I know it might help me feel better, I don't think I'd be able to live through these four days ever again.

Good Luck.
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Hi Sashamae1, I just decided to go back to this post to see if anyone new has been successful with their detox and saw that you wrote to me :).  Thank you for the support!  Today I am 2 months and 1 week sober from my Norco addiction, and my life has drastically changed for the better.  It makes me emotional to read what I wrote on day 2 of my withdrawal, but I hope that whoever reading this, including you, is continuing to do great with their recovery, and can trust that with time, everything gets better.  I had moments where I felt I would never be okay, and today, I am living proof that it is 100% possible to get off of these horrible pills & lead a healthier life.  I hope you and your recovery is going great! I will continue to pray for you and everyone else who has battled with addiction and for you all to continue on your path to sobriety every day!
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I'm have been on norco 10/325 for approximately 9 months due to three total knee replacements with complications of infection in the knee.  Dosage has been 4-5 daily every 4-6 hours.  I have tapered down to 15 mg daily. With 8 hours between 1/2 tabs.

This is the second day of 15mgs.  So far so good.  I plan to drop to 10 MSG on 3/31.  I don't know how to taper the 10mg.  Someone please advise me.
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I hope you're feeling better. I was taking 10/325 Norco's 12 a day for three years. I didn't tell my Doctor I was going to quit but I couldn't take the side effects and how it controlled my life. Today I'm on day 8. My only problem now is energy. I read littlebit667's post and he had some good info. I'm going to try the  amino acid protocol he suggested. I have to go back to work in one week and I'm scared I won't be able to make it through the day. I hope you'er doing well and sticking in there. It's going to take time for our bodies to get back to normal. Take care.
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I am new to this online support community.  I am on day 2 of being clean from a Norco dependency.  I was prescribed Norco for 15 months for back pain relating to a terrible car accident I was in.  So far, I feel extremely sad, tired, depressed, I have chills, and I cry for no reason the second I get home from work.  I don't know how normal this is?  I was used to taking anywhere from 6-8 pills a day and I feel this awful after 2 days.
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Or to anyone who may have some answers...
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Hi, I'm withdrawing from a "normal" dose of Norco; 10 mg 4x daily. I have always taken them as prescribed. I'm not finding people with my experience of coming off this dosage. I'm wondering if my withdrawals might be less severe? Or is it the same across the board? I'm down to about 4mg 4x daily. I've experienced some anxiety and some shakiness, inside and out. I almost feel manic at times, with more energy than normal. I'm also feeling some anger and short-temperedness. I'm just kinda lost on what to expect since my experience is different than what I'm coming across online. Btw, I just decided I didn't want to be on them anymore after a few screw-ups with the docs office, and ended up without them over some weekends. Having to beg them off other people to get me thru those weekends. Don't want to be at the mercy of the docs anymore. I take/took them for fibromyalgia, but want to try to handle my illness in other ways. Would much appreciate your, or anyone elses, input. Thank you!
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Congrats on 11 days!! It will take some time for your energy levels to rise. Hang in there! I know how hard it is in the beginning, feeling like you have 50lb weights on each limb. You will feel normal again, your body and mind are so used to you taking a pill for the "energy" to do things that at first it just feels weird and awkward doing those things sober. The more you do things without the pills in time will feel normal again. Its amazing how we used to do things so naturally then when you start taking these pills its like your brain forgets how to do them.  You are pretty much starting over learning to do things natually, In time it will feel normal again. I promise((hugs))~Bkitty
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I started an anti depressant, Cymbalta, which is helping...it just makes you feel a little more positive about life. And if you're like me, with spine issues that started me on these opiates, then it's also supposed to help with joint pain...which is a bonus. You don't have to stay on an anti depressant forever, they're not addictive, but it may help at least for the first few months...just an idea. Hang in there.
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1416133 tn?1351123217
St. John's Wort is good for depression and it helped me a ton.  Also B12 sublingual tablets are great for energy.  And if you do decide to try the St. John's, check w/your pharmacist if you're taking anything else to be sure there are no interaction issues to deal with.
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I'm on day 9 without a very large opiate addiction !! I started feeln better after day 7 but every now and again a withdrawl symptom kicks back in !!! I think everybody is different too but youre almost there !! I also think that if you tell yourself good mental,positive things it will also help !! That's why we all come to this site for support !!! I know it has helped me !!! STAY STRONG !!!!!
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You seem very knowledgable on the opiate topic. Here is my question for you. Most people here talk about depression once in recovery. My situation is just the opposite. After ten years of doctor supervised use, I went into a deep depression. I have been on several meds for it and wellbutrin was the one that worked the best. Now that I have been clean for almost a month, my depression has lifted. 2 weeks ago, I stopped the wellbutrin and I'm still getting mentally stronger every day. Why? It seems to be the exception to the rule. I have to find a replacement non narcotic pain reliever and I'm paranoid of falling back into depression from it. My thoughts are that my body has developed an allergic reaction to the opiate. Not sure. Just asking for your opinion. Thanks.
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2083449 tn?1381354708
I would give it a few more days, and if the depression is still bad, then talk to your doctor! You are right, your body has gone through major changes these last few days! Give it some time to heal! Take things slow! Maybe try to focus on one thing at a time! Trust me, my house was a huge mess after I went through He** week! So when I felt better, I tackled one thing per day! One day I did the laundry, the next day I vacuumed and so on! It will get done! Don't put to much pressure on yourself! I promise you it's gonna get better! Stay a positive as possible! Get outside in the sun for a little bit each day! Take care, you are doing great! You do not want to start over again!!
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Thanks, I do feel better. Physically. But this depression is tough! I can handle it, but it is really affecting my family. My poor son - I feel like he can sense it or something. I think anti depressants could help me? But I dont know if its a great idea cause my body has just gone through a major change. Its been about two days of this bad depression, I thought it would pass but it seems to be getting worse :(
I am staying strong though. I know the norco doesnt give me energy. I just thought it did. Its just hard cause I crave it so bad- just one pill would give me everything I need to get up and do chores, cleaning, laundry, everything has been suffering lately.
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2083449 tn?1381354708
Hey Shantellle! You are doing so well! I am a little over 30 days clean and I feel pretty darn good now! You will have ups and downs, and good and bad days! But isn't that what life is? Trust me you will get more energy every day! Get some exercise, it gives you energy! Drink high protein drinks! All that stuff will help! Stay strong! Think about how you felt a week ago! Stay positive! So proud of your progress! Take care and be happy!!
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1801781 tn?1461629469
Hey, at 140 days I am feeling pretty darn good and have for a few weeks.  Everyone is different.  Focus on this "After being off the opiates for a month, they should be about 45-50% of normal" not the year part.  Think about it, you have not been "normal" for a long time...shoot, none of us were. 50% is much better than when on the pills!  
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It can take up to a year? Omg.. I just want to feel normal now! I feel like I have so many things to do, and just cant do any of it. Like life is just passing me by and Im missing out on so much. Just yesterday I didnt want to get out of bed and all day I couldnt move and I just kept crying for no reason at all.
I was considering visiting my family doctor and talking to him about starting anti depressants. Is this a bad idea? At this point I just want something to make me feel better. I feel sad for my family. I have no interest in anything and my husband keeps asking if he has done something wrong. Its bad enough for me, but it makes it even worse knowing that it is effecting my family.
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Yes yes yes. All to what littlebit said... I didn't have any energy at all the second week. I had to make myself do things. By the third week I started walking daily to help the endorphins and stuff... By the 4 week the energy was coming back... I no longer had to force myself to move and I was dreading walking this room to that room. My walks got longer and more intense... Week 5 I'm up to 6 miles cardio 4-5 days a week. I can do things like I use to. I do take a multi vitamin and some of the amino acid stuff.  I've told this to people before but we expect over night results. We took pills and got instant relief or buzz... Well years of that damages our bodies so it's going to take time to get back to what we consider normal. U will get there I promise!!!! I complain of the same thing!! Lol we all did. Give yourself time to heal ok. Were all different in when it hits us but it will come to u !!  Hugs!!!
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1801781 tn?1461629469
Congrats on 11 days.  Remember it took time to get where we were and is gonna take time to get ourselves back. Energy changes with the person, etc.   But that and sleep seem to be the things that suffer the most.  If you can start walking (I know, I know) it seems counterproductive when you already have no energy,  but it will help.  Your body is trying to do a million things at once without the pills and is stressed.
I found that if I MADE myself get out and do something it helped.  The amino acid protocol helps many.  It is at the bottom of this page under health pages.  

This helped me when I was struggling to figure out why I was so tired and depressed while withdrawing, etc.  Maybe it will help a bit.
You have to remember how opiates work, and why you feel depressed etc. when you quit taking them and after you are over the withdrawals and often why we keep craving long after the physical withdrawals are over.

Opiates bound to the opioid receptors in your brain and body. They release their artificial endorphins to them, and block the bodies natural endorphins. After a while the neurons that produce the body's natural endorphins disappear. There is no need for them so they just don't rejuvenate like they would normally.

When you stop taking the opiates,  they leave your opioid receptors bare, and they are calling out for your body's natural endorphins, but there isn't any there at first. You body has to repopulate the neurons that make them, and this takes time.

Endorphins like dopamine  control your moods, anxiety, sadness, anger, happiness, pain etc.

You will slowly get your "old self" back as these neurons repopulate and begin increasing their endorphins production. After being off the opiates for a month, they should be about 45-50% of normal, and be back to normal within a year.
So hang in there, you will feel better and better as the months roll by.

Try keep busy and keep your mind focused on positive things instead of dwelling on the depression, anxiety, etc. that are only temporary and will disappear as your endorphins return to normal.

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