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14 Days Clean!!!

Well, today is my 14th day free and clean from painkillers! I was using Lortabs and Roxicets for the past 3 years or so, and this is the furthest I have come (consecutively) without using!! No more w/drawals, no more panicky feeling when i wake up to hurry up and take something, no more planning trips and events around if I'm going to have some pills, no more "mysterious illness" when i run out...no more dependency! And I'm sleeping well and waking up alert! Well, to be honest, I do wish i had one to take at times, like when we went to visit at a friend's house over the weekend. But i realized that was just a trigger, b/c i have always been on pills whenever I visited or did ANYTHING, so i just made myself relax and you know what?? All was well!! I owe a lot to exercise I must say. I feel like I can't start my day w/out riding my bicycle around the neighborhood to get the juices flowing and endorphins pumping! And i'm getting in shape too. I'm mentally clearer, and am not fuzzy-headed anymore. I'm more productive at work, and my procrastinating tendencies are disappearing. My boyfriend even told me i've been such a joy to be around these past few weeks! Well, I still would like more energy, but I've come SO FAR from where I was before that i'm not complaining. I could be still having chills, diarrhea, and all that other horrible stuff, but i'm past that! I've just been eating healthy whole foods, taking vitamins, exercising, and enjoying the little things in life. It's really like a whole new lease on life. I'm only at 2 weeks, but it seems like so long. I've come such a long way. I can't wait to see what 30 days feels like! Hopefully i'll have a bit more energy. Can anyone tell me when i'll feel all the way "normal"? Thanks!
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35 days if fantastic.  You should be very proud of you.  Isn't great to feel you are in control instead of those pills.  Keep your guard up.   Wishing you continued success, peace and strength...Deb
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Congrats to you Mom309! You'll notice the days are getting progressively better and better, aren't they? I don't know if taking 5-hour energy is a bad thing, but I know that I would be drinking as much water as you can. Melatonin is a good natural sleep aid too. I know I personally reached a high in my spirituality while overcoming my addiction. Praying with full intention helped me so much. But I wasn't praying to take the pain away and make me feel better automatically (b/c I'm not foolish enough to think that it would just *poof* go away) but I prayed for the STRENGTH it would take for me to overcome. I prayed for STRENGTH and DETERMINATION and for the INNER POWER I would need to survive this ordeal. And funny, right after praying, I would feel a sense of calm and I could connect with myself on a deeper level, and pull myself out of the miserable "moment of now" and just kinda see things from a higher level, and that helped me pull through. Our SPIRIT is what will pull us through, as our spirit is eternal, existing inside and outside of this physical body...my favorite quote is "We are spiritual beings having a human experience" and I truly do believe that. We have so much power that lies dormant inside of us, and I believe that our time on Earth is really a test of our willpower. Having overcome this addiction, I have learned so much about  myself and the power that I have when I really set my mind to something. Not easy, but absolutely achievable. You will so enjoy that family vacation...you've earned it!! Keep up the good work!!!
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congrats on 14 days clean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I am on day 5 and starting to turn the corner of the withdraws....biggest 2 are insomnia and sleep.....I have been taking 5 hour energy in the morning and melatonin in the evening.....Is this a bad thing?? I stopped cold turkey and my husband did the same day....except he has not used anything to help him with withdraws......U know what is weird...Like a couple weeks before I all of a sudden had a wake up call I was praying...I mean literally on my hands and knees praying for god to give me and my husband the strength we need to overcome our addiction to vicodin......I am so pleased with our decision and do not regret it at all!!! Now the $750 a month I was spending n this crap can go towards saving for the family vacation I am about to start planning.....................Thanks for reading everyone.
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Good for you on being on Day 3!! Those are the worst days, so thank goodness that's behind you! Keep on looking towards a bright future, and it will be waiting for you shortly. A lot of it is mental, and if I didn't consciously keep myself in a positive outlook, I probably wouldn't be where I am right now. It DOES take mental fortitude, so don't let yourself get down in the dumps being miserable about the whole ordeal (I know it's so easy to sink into that state of mind!) but keep yourself upbeat, listen to feel-good music, watch comedies, and know that there IS an end in sight, and it won't take long either!! The days feel soooo long right now I know, but when you look at the big picture, one or two weeks is NOTHING in the grand scheme of things, and your investment to take care of yourself now will pay off Big Time once you're past this!! Stay positive, and keep me posted on how you're doing!
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WOW!! You're over 2 weeks clean that's amazing!! Congratulations on your perseverance and accomplishment!! Isn't it so much better now that the worst is over?? And it just keeps getting better and better. For me it required a complete lifestyle change of eating healthier and exercising to really reinforce the changes taking place, and I've even lost 10 pounds from it, yay! Keep me posted on your success, and congrats again!!!
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Congrats on getting clean!! So today should be your Day 4, how are you feeling? I'm sure I could guess! I would drink LOTS of water if I were you, to flush out all those toxins and keep you healthy. You will certainly feel sick for the first few days, but the worst is pretty much behind you now. For me, around day 5 or so I started to notice that I could sleep a bit better and each day got progressively better. B/w 5-7 days total is the physically part of it (for most) and then it gets to where you just experience a complete lack of energy and motivation. But don't give up there! That's when you have to self-motivate yourself to live each day, and it keeps on getting better and better each day. I highly recommend that by now you should start light exercise, like taking a walk or bicycling or just stretching. This helps immensely. Eat healthy whole foods, fruits, etc...and take vitamins, and you might wanna start taking L-tyrosine (look up the Thomas recipe). Just keep your eye on the big goal, and don't let these few days of w/drawal let you down. As you conquer each day, you open the door to another day that gets better and better. KNOW that you CAN do this, I promise!!!
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You're so right about how those pills completely ruled over me! I can't even begin to think about all the plans that I broke b/c I didn't have any pills and I knew I would feel crappy and so I just stayed at home miserable, but the second I got more, I was up and at em in no time! Splurging became pretty much routine for me, as I would make just about any excuse to splurge. Then I would have none, and the whole vicious cycle would start all over. I don't miss that anxiety about running low or running out...it truly was ruining my life. So glad I broke free!!!
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Such an inspiring story, and certainly adds to my feelings that I know I can do this too, although I'm only at the end of day 3 and still have a long way to go, it sounds great once you get there.
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You sound so much like what I was going through, especially towards the end with those vicious cycles of withdrawal, only to go back for more instead of taking that opportunity to clean up. All that crazy rationalizing in our heads just so we can take more. It's crazy and really defies all logic!! If you are 110% ready to kick this, then NOW is the time. Your attitude and positive outlook will see you through this. Keep us posted on how you're doing so we can help encourage you and answer any questions you may have. I'm here to help! And KNOW that you CAN beat this!!!
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hey congrads on 30 days clean....keep up the good work...nows the time to plug into some aftercare if you haven't already...it will help you with the challenges ahead and make your new clean and sober lifestyle much more enjoyable good luck and God bless...Gnarly  
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30 DAYS = 1 MONTH PILL-FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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1331115 tn?1536362140
A BIG CONGRATS on 28 days, I am now at 16 days and am feeling better everyday. The feeling of not having to worry about having enough pills when going on the road for work, not being able to go on vacation without worrying about those stupid pills. AHH freedom isn't it great to enjoy life as it's supposed to be. I am right behind and can't wait for the BIG 30. Congrats again and thatnks for the encouragement back at day 6.----quitin
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Today is my 2nd day. I have been feeling okay, Couldnt Sleep last night and today im feeling sick. when will this go away.? i have been addicted to pain pills (percocets,Vicodin) for 2 yrs. I have been drinking Herbal tea and trying to keep my mind of of everything. i need help, and courage that i can get away from all the drugs :(
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That is AMAZING!!!!!

Isn't it crazy how the pills give us our marching orders???  How they tell US when we can go on vacation or go ANYWHERE???  No more counting to see if you have enough.  No more "splurging" on special events or time away only to run out even EARLIER on next refill???  Aren't you glad that is over???

BTW, I've heard it here......"normal" is a cycle on the washing machine!!!!!

I am so happy you have broken free.  You deserve your freedom for a job well done.

Congrats again,

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I have to say, reading your comments has provided some much needed inspiration for me. I, like you, have battled these pills for the past couple of years on and off with that last year being the worst. I have not gone beyond a couple of weeks without them and have always ended up relapsing. Lately it has been such a vicious and painful circle of going through withdrawls, feeling better only to cave and get more pills thinking "I can just take a few and save the rest for another time!" My god how many times have we bargained with ourselves only to take even MORE pills! I am so sick of those blue demons and what they have done to my body and I want off this ride once and for all. I have made the decision that I am fully 110% ready to get my life back. I'm so tired of thinking about how I used to be so full of life and I'm ready to BE full of life and then some once again.
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DAY 28!!! Wow, I never thought I would ever get here! I had a blast on the camping/tubing trip! Great fun with friends, natural laughter and good times. At this point I'd say that I'm "back to normal", whatever that is lol! I'm feeling great, sleeping very well, healthy appetite, not so anxious anymore, and I don't need to 'take' anything before setting forth to accomplish a task, no matter how small or big it is! I'm so glad I put forth the effort to nip this thing in the bud and make it through the beginning stages of w/drawal, which was no easy task, but I persevered, and now here I am, with money in my pocket and not stressing out over those pills anymore! Thanks to everyone who supported and encouraged me, I really appreciate it. I look forward to another month of goodness!!!
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617347 tn?1331293081
I believe it's going to be a very special weekend for you, it means a lot and you gonna bless you soul surrounded by nature...

wish you the best ! :)
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DAY 24 Guys!!! I'm so [naturally] excited about going on a camping/tubing trip this weekend...it's my first "outing" of this sort since i'm clean! we're staying 2 nights, which was unheard of before going w/ out any pills. But i can't say i'm really even phased by it to be honest! it's out of my system, i've been feeling good, exercising, and i'm ready to go have a good time, and I don't need any chemicals to make me have a good time either! I will enjoy a leisurly float down a river, looking at nature, and reflecting on my huge accomplishment, and realizing that I had the power in me the whole time, but it just took until now to actually implement my power and kick it. We ALL have the power in us to kick it, but it takes longer for some of us. It took me over 3 years to kick this one! And I tried many, many, many times, but would always relapse. I've never gone longer than 5 days w/out, and that was only one time in 3 years. So where I'm at now is a blessing, and I'm so HAPPY!!! Thanks to everyone who encouraged me and offered support...it has truly helped, you have no idea. If anyone would like help or encouragement or support just message me, i'm here to help others to the other side, where the grass IS greener!!
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Well, now at my official 21 day mark, otherwise known as 3 WEEKS!! Woot Woot!! I have to say, I am starting to feel "normal" again...no longer the residual anxiety i was still feeling, only small traces here and there, but I think that's "normal". Nothing I can't deal with! I realized something last night, too...I have NOT been missing those high-stress situations of running out/low, scrapping around for some money, emotional rollercoasters, etc...I'm not missing that at all!! In fact, life has been relatively stress-free. I still have the same life, but those things that I thought mattered so much, or that I used to let upset me, I now have a different perspective on, and now my whole outlook on life is great! Well, for the most part, anyway...after all, I am still human. I'll still utter an expletive when i drop something, or if someone cuts me off on the road. But I'm learning to enjoy each day for what it is, and it's great! And the natural energy is on a comeback, with the help of vitamins and exercise!!
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Congrats on almost 3 weeks clean, that is great. You sound so positive and glad your feeling so good. Keep doing what your doing:)
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Thanks, guys, it's really nice to hear such wonderful things!

quitinoxys:  You are past the worst, congratulations on a week! now you need to finish it, and it's 100% achieveable, i promise! just keep a positive attitude and be optimistic about your new lease on life. At the end of another 6 days hopefully you should be feeling like i felt in my first post! Keep it up!!!!!!

Day 20 for me!!! Feeling good! I did a huge cleaning of the house yesterday, involving moving furniture and getting rid of old cluttered messes around the house. All on natural energy, i never thought i would EVER be able to do such a large task w/ out the help of pills, but i didn't even feel like i needed them! and i was full speed ahead, and got a lot accomplished. Now, with my newly cleaned, organized house, I feel less cluttered in my mind too. New beginnings! It was good exercise too, which I can't stress enough how helpful exercise is. I'm moving forward, and will keep posting so others can be encouraged to follow in my footsteps. I wasn't by any means easy, but DEFINITELY attainable. Perseverance is key! And the rewards are bountiful!! You just have to put your mind to it!

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1336313 tn?1275689518
It's great to know that somone  is doing so wonderfully....!!!.. Congrats and keep it going... Hope to be there one day soon... Tam
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Your current attitude is EXACTLY what is going to see you through this.

I hope all those in their early days of wd read your post and gain strength from it.  

You also have helped many today merely by sharing and describing your state of mind.  I know this because I am one of them.

Congrats iknowicandothis!!!!  You ARE doing this!!!!

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