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My Experiences Having Just Quit 300MG OC Habit

Hello to Everybody Out There:
    I am not sure exactly where to start. If you were to research my user name you would see that I have posted up TWICE before about how I had quit. I have tried to quit OC two times in the last 6 months and have made it to about 17 days both times @ which point I caved in and said I could do it once. I know 100% for sure that "just doing it once" simply puts me back to where I was.
   I started off doing it last summer recreationally with another person who had already been doing it awhile. A 40 would last me through a day and this stage lasted for awhile..until my tolerance started building up and the "addiction" side of things started to develop. Fast forward to last December and I was snorting 240MG/Day (3 80s). I quit for two weeks and gave in @ 2 weeks and than just kept using. I made another quiat attempt this last march and the same thing happened. This time though when I quit (now) my dosage was on its way up to 320MG+ a Day. This is all insuffulated too. That is A LOT OF OXYCODONE!
   Anyway, I just finally hit what I think a real botom point was and decided it was time to quit. I was so sick of never having money, lying to everybody, needing to be high all day, NEEDING pills just to make it through the day, hiding it from everybody, sleeping in until 11 every day and still feeling tired, and just the whole lifestyle. I wanted my OLD life back. The life without the pills.
  Soooo fast forward to today and it has been TEN Days. I have TEN DAYS CLEAN and I feel PRETTY GOOD! I am surprirsed. I took suboxone for the first 3 days but I think that just delayed the "real" withdrawls. At this point I am still not sleeping much but with the help of some ambien I got I can at least get 4-5 hours (interrupted). Even at Day 10 my stomach is still very messed up. I am having diarrhea every day throughout the day and my stomach just killed earlier today for about an hour. I wouldn't say that's the worst though. I"m over most of the withdrawl symptoms but one that is sticking with me..which did last time too...is the NIGHT SWEATS. I have to wake up and change FOUR TIMES a night roughly. The problem is that my sheets and even my comforter wil be a little wet/damp and even though I change my clothes I will be FREEZING inside my bed. This part is terrible.
  So yeah that's my post for now and is what I wanted to say. I know I am only at Day Ten but something about quitting this time is different. I can't go back to that disgusting dysfunctional lifestyle that I was "livining" if you can even call it that.
I hope some of you take the time to write back. It would be nice to hear some feedback.

11 Responses
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Broke the news to my wife Friday night, actually it was no news she had a suspected it all along, she is very loving and understanding and had read up on this withdrawl issue already, she had links for me to read, wow and we think we have everyone fooled :>)
For the 4th we had a 10 hour road trip planned with parents and kids, we discussed this and to my surprise she said that was not the day to stop and I agreed so I nibbled on my Oxy to stay alert as I was designated to drive the entire 10 hours which ended up being 11 hours but none the less we all had a wonderful day.
Sunday, D-day started off good normal activities mowed, worked out etc thought to myself "what's the big deal"  but hit the "exhausted" wall around 1:00, wife said "don't fight it take a nap", I did two hours later woke up!
went out and di some family activities but felt very very tired, wanted that nibble but fought it, hit a wall again at 5:00, took another nap! Woke up two hours later 7:00 pm.
Too tired to carry on a conversation, went to bed with wife around 9:30 slept great.
Up at 6:00 for work day and the only thing I notice today is the pains in my body from years of sports and working out that were masked by the Oxy.

Having told my wife and having her support is paramount, instead of her asking "what's wrong" and me blowing it off and making excuses before when trying to quit now she knows and does not take the mood thing personally.

I'll keep you updated but I'm determined to kick it.
The aches and pains I know are form sports stuff and not WD, the tired feeling is the WD but like my wife said, "we all have tired days what is wrong with that? We all have days when we want to take a little nap on the weekend, what is wrong with that?
Good points!
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917008 tn?1251223979
First: Congratulations! I started on oxy of the euphoria, because it lifted me out of depression, and because I could arrive at work, on time, and be socially interactive and charming and all that hooey you feel on opioids ... grandiosity on a huge scale.

sportnut wrote:

"For me these are like energy drinks, really perk me up all day and before workouts, weird from what others have said but that is what got me hooked, the energy level."

Nothing weird there, friend -- if you took a poll (I think someone already did about abusing these drugs) asking "Why?" you'd find the energy in the top three ... I know people who keep a line ready in case they wake up at night. If it's a few hours before work, up she goes.

Britt: Have to assume you're a heavy, or regular drinker. Been there: Two or three pints before work. By the time I got home, after about six more pints, I'd get wrecked. No more -- it was just exacerbating the chronically lousy mood, big-time.

I hope you've got a plan on that one -- it leads to losing everything, in many cases, life itself. I mention it only to warn non-drinkers especially, DON'T DRINK during withdrawals ... you will feel so much worse than a regular "cold turkey" w/d. I cheat (doesn't feel like it, though) by stockpiling benzo's, which I've built up a huge tolerance to. They calm me down a bit during the day (light use, if any) and often get me some sleep, which can be hard to find. If everyone's got this far, I highly recommend melatonin either on its own (start at maybe 6mg before lights out, and you can gauge its effect -- it's okay to up it to 10mg or a bit more) or combined with benzos/trazodone/other sleep meds -- it could really help, just before you put your head down and turn off the lights within 15-20 minutes)

Good luck to all. Be joining you before week's end.
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How was your 4th? I am amazed that such a small dosage can trigger withdrawls. I have never taken oxy, but have been taking anywhere from 10 to 15 lortabs a day while drinking heavily. The pain meds were for legit surgeries, the high however, wow, I couldn't get enough of that. The energy was unbelievable! I am on day 30 now, I have not taken a tab, but I have been taking 3 darvocets after the initial 5 day withdrawl period I went through. Maybe because of that, or because of my body, and alcohol, I do feel a lot better, still yawning if not moving, still wanting one every single minute of every single day, rls comes and goes as do night sweats, and a good nights sleep. As far as the energy, I'm still waiting for that. I need to start taking vitamins, I've heard that helps. Also, if I feel like my body won't carry me out to check the mail, but I force myself, I feel better upon returning. I'm here if you need me. This site is what has gotten me this far.
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481056 tn?1240138727
Why are these pills so evil? I am on about my 5th time withdrawing and every time was different. If this is your first time and don't know what to expect then you might feel like you are never going to come out of it. I am working on day 2 of withdrawing and was taking about the same amount as you but this is one of many times I have done it and know what to expect so the withdrawals aren't that bad (compared to others). It's so crazy how I could pop a half of 40 oxy, strap on my running shoes and run about 6 miles and still feel like I could keep going! That is just not normal!!!! The best thing you can do is tell your wife! If she loves you and is understanding she will help you through it and be your support. I find if I can talk to someone sbout how bad I feel or how bad of a loser I feel like and let it all out it really helps! Good luck and JUST DO IT. I was in the exact same shoes as what you are doing now.......making excuses why I couldn't quit today and needed to wait until next week because I had to do this and had to do that.....you will never quit if you keep making excuses! Best of Luck!
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942290 tn?1252618549
wow dude,jvette, that sure seems intense.Its amazing how much tolerance the human body can build up. that sure seems like a major amount to me, surprised you were able to breathe. I found myself gasping in my sleep a few times when I was taking 7-9 norcs a day. you must have done it too.

hey sport, tapper off then dont use any replacement drugs like sub or methadone, they just opioids too. look up the right herbs like valarian root for sleep at night, and try energy drink or power mixes during the day. cold pills can help too for the first 2 weeks.

yeah, I use to work out like a  champ on vikes, they always picked me up !!

your going to go through some WTs, your going to be sick....... I've done it many times, you can do it too. now the question will becomes ,whether one can STAY off em for good.
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715482 tn?1286833249
Hey your doing great!  its funny how many times we think we can just have that one it took me about 10 separate times...im at day 21 and i was taking over 400mgs...just to let you know life gets good!  i feel like ive been free of pills for months, but its only been 21 days...

Just a thought i started going to meeting and doing the 12 step program and its saving my life because i was reallllly helpless...my mentally is so different now and so quickly its amazing what this can do for someone....just a thought though ;)

You are doing great my withdrawals the second week started tapering down and by day 15 the start of the 3rd week i didnt even really notice anything just some lingering wd's like interrupted sleep, but i can fall back asleep so its not that bad, stomach once in awhile, the rls is pretty much completely gone, and about the sweats it getts better but it kinda latched on..i still get night sweats till now but its very little, that will probably be gone in afew days...

do cardio or walk....i started working out again 9 days ago...its amazing what it does...it makes me feel so good even so early in sobriety...it helps your brain start making edorphins on its own :)

keep going strong....your doing great!
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628190 tn?1269018507
Congratulations on your success! I am on day 7 of being clean with the help of suboxone and NA meetings oh and not to forget my family!! I was taking heroin(the strongest drug i took) ocycontin morphine oxycodone hydrocodone vicoprofin(loved it but didnt last long).Anyways be proud because you know 10 days is alot for you just like 7 is alot for me! We are all in this fight together so keep your head up and your eyes on the prize!! If you mess up then get up knock the dust off and try again! Good Luck and Congrats! I wish you the best!
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I posted yesterday under sportznut.
I'm thinking of cold turkey tomorrow, July 1st nice milestone.
50 yrs old, 4 rotator cuff surgeries, only bite off 1/2 a 20 mg once a day maybe once a week end up taking 2 1/2 to equal a whole 20mg but this has been going on for four years. Don't need it for pain but they give me a great energy boost. Sneaking behind my families back etc. NEVER thought I would end up here, never been hooked on anything.
Main thing now is I'm having horrible cramps and nerves twitching all day and night so something has rewired in my brain.
For me these are like energy drinks, really perk me up all day and before workouts, weird from what others have said but that is what got me hooked, the energy level.
After realizing I had a problem I quit for two days and it was miserable, I yawned constantly and wanted to sleep all day so I gave in and took another 1/2 and now back n the train.
They make me feel great but it is wrong and I need to stop like NOW.
Did you have the cramping or anything?
I'm going to go cold turkey tomorrow I think but have 4th of July plans etc so not sure if I can spend a week sleeping and yawning all day.
What to do, any input out there? Flush 'em, taper down?

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Hey J....there's always a few stumbles before the walking and then the running.  Good for you for recognizing the need to get your life back.  I think most of us have been where you were/are and the success stories I read as I was recovering really inspired me to keep going.

Good Luck to You!

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man the gov needs to get a hold of these oxys and ban them , i live on long island , ny and oxys and herion are taking over here its out of control , everyday there is an a overdose in the news here if not 2-3 . i know it helps the right people but cmon . its crazy cause i went to a family doc when i was 22 for herniated disc , thinking i would get some high dose advil and he ending up writing me 10 methadone 10mg s and 6 10 mg norco per day , first week i was waked out of my mind , asked doc if i would get addicted and he said no u just have to taper when you want to stop . so after 3 yrs of this i asked to taper and one day i went back and he said i cant write you becasue i have lost my liscense , so i cant help u anymore . so i tried to go to other doctors and they said that they other doc messed me up bad with those meds . and most thought i was doctor shopping for drugs which i was to try to keep up with my dose i was on .
anyway not my post but they really need to do something asap with these doctors
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Im in a real similar position to you. Ive been on oxy for almost 2 years now, started by recreational use. At my peak I was doing 2-3 80s a day depending on how much money I had, but lately I was doing only about an 80 a day. Im on day 12 now and I dont really feel much if any opiate withdrawal besides having trouble sleeping at night and being bored all the time.
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