468408 tn?1208433009

what happens if you take too high a dose of vitamins while detoxing?

Can you overdose on vitamins and minerals and if so, what would be the signs of this?  In particular, calcium, magnesium, melatonin and L-theanine?

24 Responses
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Jacqui the nurse is coming to ur rescue...LMAO
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p.sp...she said its a long answer so give her a minute or two!!
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I listen to a tape once called 'Dead Drs don't lie" I was on the use of vitamins and minerals and supliments. The whole point to the tape was if you body dosn't need the extra vitatmins or minerals you will just pass them. I am sure there is a limit where the levels taken at any one time could be toxic, but from what I learned from this tape was within reason the worst that will happen is you will have expensive urine.
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I bought some yesterday and it warns of accidental overdose of IRON in children 6 and under.. Noticed the iron content was 18mg for daily 100% for adult.. also warned about too much vit A can increase risk of osteoporosis.. that made me start looking up some of the min and vit.. over 25 in these tablets.. I realized everything we put in our body has an effect .. too much of something good can be bad...
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Except for Iron......that will put the hurt on you if you take too much and if not needed.  Most like you said will just excrete, but too many?  what exactly does that mean....a bottle a day wont keep the doctor away.  Depends on what you are taking.  Jaqui...where are you .......I'm curious on this one too.

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...that is true and it will be nice and yellow or orange colored as well.

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she is still typing...LOL
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if you take extra copper will it turn blue?
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Men who pop too many vitamins in the hope of improving their health may in fact be raising their risk of the deadliest forms of prostate cancer, especially men with a family history of the disease, researchers said on Tuesday.

Researchers at the National Cancer Institute found that men who exceeded the recommended dose -- taking more than seven multivitamins a week -- increased the risk of advanced cancer by about 30 percent.

From CBS website,,,, too much of anything can be bad...
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401786 tn?1309152034
Well, you certainly can overdose on vitamins, minerals, and supplements.  I'll try to be specific to what you mentioned, in addition to a little more info. on the topic.  

Calcium:  RDA = 1200 mg for a 24 yr old adult  In excess, renal calculi (kidney stones) with specific characteristics can develop, and hypercalcemia with deposits in your joints and soft tissues.

Calcium aids bone and tooth formation, maintains blood serum calcium levels, aids blood clotting, aids muscle contraction and relaxation, aids transimission of nerve impulses, and maintains normal heart rhythm.

Magnesium:  RDA = 250 mg (male), 280 mg (female), for a 24 yr old  In excess, can cause magnesemia.  

Magnesium assists in regulation of body fluids, activates enzymes, regulates metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, and protein, necessary for formation of ATP (necessary for cellular energy), component of chlorophyll, works with calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D in bone formation.

While some minerals are not a problem with excess absorption, there are others that are, and still others yet that are down-right toxic.  I could list them if you want.

Some vitamins are toxic if taken in excess as well, big-time, and others, are peed out when taken in excess.  The major ones to be concerned with in excess are A, D, E, and K.  Again, I could list all vitamins and minerals if you want.

Melatonin:  I don't know all there is to know about this, but I can tell you that it is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland and is produced at night.  It is thought to to influence sleep-wake cycles, and be involved in the onset of puberty.

L-theanine:  Being an amino acid, the main problem with excess would be the same as the over ingestion of any protein (amino acids are the end result of the metabolism of protein, it's how your body absorbs protein).  That would be the following:  Kidneys can malfunction, become damaged, or underdeveloped, bone demineralization, especially if coupled with low calcium intake, may increase risks of colon cancer by changing the internal environment and altering the bacteria of th colon, contribute to a high incidence of heart disease, and contribute to obesity.  

Protein:  All proteins are not alike, and there are essential, nonessential amino acids, and limiting amino acids, as well as complete and incomplete proteins.  Protein is responsible for all growth, repair, and maintenance of the body cells, and this is putting it simply.  

Now there are many situations where increases in the recommended daily allowances would be increased for vitamins and minerals.  They vary depending on each one obviously.  I'd be happy to list these if you want as well.  If you would like more information, please ask, I'll be happy to provide you with it.


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468408 tn?1208433009
thanks for the details.
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199177 tn?1490498534
remember the fluids you drink can flush alot of the vitamins out  ,my doctor told me to take them at night ,I drink a fair share of coffee in the am he said i was most likely just peeing them straight back out :)
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I think the important thing to remember is that fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E & K) are eliminated more slowly bc they're stored in the liver therefore they can be toxic if you take too much.
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429432 tn?1343594190
I'm almost positive vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene is safe, if I'm wrong, someone please let me know
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401095 tn?1351391770
A is stored in the fatty tissues as is D,E and K...the rest of the vitamins can and will be excreted in the urine if the body does not need them...that is why it is a good idea not to take 3 at once but to spread it out over the day so that the body can absorb it, otherwise you have wasted them into the toilet...aminos are protein molecules and is some work on the kidneys to excrete as are big molecules...guys at the gym who overload on too many aminos and such end up with sore kidneys from taking too many/will complain of lower back pain and their kidney function tests are not good...doc will tell them to cut some of the pills out.....excessive consumption of any vitamins causes extra work on the kidneys as they have to excrete all of this that we dont use ...so you try and be sensible...it took a look at my multitude of supplements and it is horrendous amounts...i have chosen the ones i need the most right now and the aminos are included...Bs...BIG 50 by gnc makes a great multi-B supplement and is cheap...calcium/magnesium at night..a good multi...milk thistle...glucosamine for my back...now taking chromium to help with these pounds i have gained as I am no longer the enrgizer bunny anymore(:
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435658 tn?1257805781
my doctor put me on Pre natal (sp) vit...?..
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458998 tn?1208332643
if i take centrum (vitamins), potassium sup's, L-Theanine, Melatonin, Valium and 5HTP throughout the day, is it ok to be taking all of that at the same time.
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401095 tn?1351391770
All of those are fine together...if you find the theanine makes you sleepy, take it at night or when u feel stressed...it is the calming ingredient in green tea...tyrosine and glutamine are good for energy and SAMe or methionone are good for moods..5htp too...make sure u have plenty B complexs in there...GNC makes a Big 50 that is cheap for your Bs and energy...calcium/magnesium at night as it aids somewhat with sleep and relaxation
There is a list of the aminos and their functions in my journal....there is also a multi amino drink called Amino Fuel which has helped me alot instead of so many pills.
for a little while i loaded up on vitamin c as i kept getting sick...have heard many did this as well..i got EmergenC from Walmart
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458998 tn?1208332643
You know what's funny, i have found that taking these pills have actually cut back my cravings to take the pain pills. I think its because i'm taking a pill and getting the desired effect that I need at the time, which i found myself doing with the pain pills. Crazy right,lol? I know.
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401095 tn?1351391770
like people chewing on toothpicks or carrots after they quit smoking...it is a learned behavior...takes a while to unlearn it....
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401095 tn?1351391770
Thought about that...yey substituting vitamins for pills  LOL   i get up and it is like...i need my tyrosine, glutamine, phenylanine, multi and rocket shot to get out the door...pop the B complex too...boy have I indulged!  LOL  then lunch...more tyro, gluta and sometime phenylamine...energy   then i drink my EmergenC with my amino fuel in it...yuck,,,stressed in the evening..no problem  lol  pop a theanine or 2...do my 5htp and my SAMc...then my cal/mag before bed...still feeding myself pills all day long arent I? milk thistle to when i can fit it in...not too hungry as my stomach is full of pills!   I even have extra stuff i can cram in there when i am ill, in pain etc....gonna have to cut this back a bit before long  LOL...may need to taper!
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458998 tn?1208332643
don't wanna get addicted, lol
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401095 tn?1351391770
The Indispensable Amino acids


A branched chain amino acid readily taken up and used for energy by muscle tissue.
Used to prevent muscle wasting in debilitated individuals
Essential in the formation of hemoglobin


A branched chain amino acid used as a source of energy
Helps reduce muscle protein breakdown
Modulates uptake of neurotransmitter precursors by the brain as well as the release of enkephalins, which inhibit the passage of pain signals into the nervous system.
Promotes healing of skin and broken bones.


A branched chain amino acid
Not processed by the liver; rather actively taken up by muscle
Influences brain uptake of other neurotransmitter precursors (trptophan, phenylalanine and tryosine).


One of the major ultraviolet absorbing compounds in the skin
Important in the production of red and white blood cells; used in the treatment of anemia
Used in the treatment of allergic diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and digestive ulcers.


Low levels can slow protein synthesis, affecting muscle and connective tissue
Inhibits viruses; used in the treatment of herpes simplex
Lysine and Vitamin C together form L-carnitine, a biochemical that enables muscle tissue to use oxygen more efficiently, delaying fatigue
Aids bone growth by helping form collagen, the fibrous protein that makes up bone, cartilage and other connective tissue.


Precursor of cystine and creatine
May increase antioxidant levels (glutathione) and reduce blood cholesterol levels.
Helps remove toxic wastes from the liver and assists in the regeneration of liver and kidney tissue


The major precursor of tyrosine
Enhances learning, memory, mood and alertness
Used in the treatment of some types of depression
Is a major element in the production of collagen
Suppresses appetite


One of the amino detoxifers
Helps prevent fatty buildup in the liver
Important component of collagen
Generally low in vegetarians


Precursor of key neurotransmitter serotonin, which exerts a calming effect
Stimulates the release of growth hormones
Free form of this amino acid is unavailable in the U.S.
It is only available in natural food sources

Conditionally Dispensable Amino Acids


Can increase secretion of insulin, glucagon, growth hormones
Aids in injury rehabilitation, formation of collagen and immune system stimulation.
Precursor of creatine, gamma amino butric acid (GABA, a neurotransmitter in the brain)
May increase sperm count and T-lymphocyte response


Detoxifies harmful chemicals in combination with L-aspartic acid and L-citruline
Helps prevent damage from alcohol and tobacco use
Stimulates white blood cell activity


Precursor of the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine, as well as thyroid and growth hormones and melanin (the pigment responsible for skin and hair color).
Elevates mood

Dispensable Amino Acids


Major component of connective tissue
Key intermediate in the glucose alanine cycle, which allows muscles and other tissues to derive energy from amino acids
Helps build up the immune system

Aspartic Acid

Helps convert carbohydrates into muscle energy
Builds immune system immunoglobulins and antibodies
Reduces ammonia levels after exercises


Contributes to strong connective4e tissue and tissue antioxidant actions
Aids in healing processes, stimulates white blood cell activity and helps diminish pain from inflammation
Essential for the formation of skin and hair

Glutamic Acid

A major precursor of glutamine, proline, ornothine, arginine, glutathione, and GABA
A potential source of energy
Important in brain metabolism and metabolism of other amino acids.


Most abundant amino acid
Plays a key role in immune system functions
An important source of energy, especially for kidneys and intestines during caloric restrictions.
A brain fuel that is an aid to memory and a stimulant to intelligence and concentration

I kinda looked over all of this to see what i need...like for anxity, sleep or fatigue so I knew which ones i need mosst,,,the amino fulel had large doses of all of these at 3 tablespoons/absorbed quickly in the liguid form verses pill form


Aids in the manufacture of other amino acids and is a part of the structure of hemoglobin and cytochromes (enzymes involved in energy production)
Has a calming effect and is sometimes used to treat manic depressive and aggressive individuals
Produces glucagon, which mobilizes glycogen
Can inhibit sugar cravings


May help increase growth hormone secretion in high doses
Aids in immune and liver function
Promotes healing


A major component in the formation of connective tissue and heart muscle
Readily mobilized for muscular energy
Major constituent of collagen


Important in cells' energy production
Aids memory and nervous system function
Helps builds up immune system by producing immuno-globulins and antibodies


Aids in the absorption and elimination of fats
May act as a neurotransmitter in some areas of the brain and retina
Used in many energy drinks


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468408 tn?1208433009
thanks for the detailed info on amino acids...also the fuel 50...i will check that out.  He has not taken the nightime mix of calcium, magnesium, melatonin and l-theanine since the first night as it scared the hell out of him-thought he was having a heart attack!  His sleep has been disruptive but not much worse than normal.  he has prostrate issues also so is up and down a lot during the night.  day 4 and he is doing really well.  I am so proud of him!!

i am so thankful for this medium where you can talk it out with others!  Enjoy your day!
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