1697690 tn?1329123638

Day 1 oxycontin withdrawal

Today is day one off oxycontin. I was snorting about 5 80's a day. I want to stop so badly. It is painful to type this right now but my body hurts so bad, my eyes are so watery, my legs wont stop twitching, i am sweating and so hot and then freezing cold the next second. My stomach hurts so bad I think I might throw up at any second. But I want to get through this so badly. I know this is just the drug trying to keep me using, I need to get through these WD's I want to have a real life and actually live my life not just watch it go by. Noone knows I am detoxing and I cant really tell anyone, I just want to go back to ym old self and be there for the people in my life and stop causing them so much pain. Is there anything I can do to help with the anxiety i feel like im about to have a panic attack. Also im just wondering about aftercare, what is the best form of aftercare people have done? Thanks for anyone that may take the time to read this and to everyone on here that makes this forum happen it is really inspiring to read your comments and stories, it gives me some hope through all this.
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good for you!
ok so how long have you been using? you said how much, but how long counts too, anxiety is hard to work through with withdrawaling but just breath through it take relaxing hot baths, keep everything as clean as you can cuz smell is one of my worst thing to have to go through i cant stand how things smell when dope sick, take some multi vitamins, i took, b12,b6,zink copper balance,5-htp,fish oils,valarian roon gaba plus relora and melitonin and drink lots of gatoraid it restores your electro lights which you need to have, eat small heathy snacks and ensure and water, tea too, tetley berry tea is sooo good and its calming, stay focused you can do this if you wanna talk about it i been on alot helping another sweet guy, so im around alot these days so just give me a note if you need someone to talk to hun, good luck it dose get better!
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I know what you are going thru and I feel for you...The panic attacks are horrible...I try to breathe deeply and slowly and remind myself that it"s not going to kill me but even then it's still hard...Just know you are not the only one going thru thid Hell alone....and it is ABSOLUTE HELL...All my best...Anj
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1697690 tn?1329123638
Thank you so much for your response. I have been using for like 4 and a half years now, I used to be pretty social and would go out a lot and drink and do coke and then one day its like I traded it all in for oxycontin and got so addicted it was shocking. Id never really been addicted to something before the way ive become addicted to oxy. Its literally taken over my life and I want so bad to stop it. Thanks for the suggestions on vitamins, i have 5-HTP that I will take and some valerian root and melatonin so I will try all those. And the hot bathes I will try that too. I see everyone postng on here about taking hotbaths/showers but I am so hot and my skin feels like it is 1000 degrees that I almost feel like I want to take a cold shower but then I know ill get those chills that literally hurt to the bone. I know I should get up and try to help myself but I feel like I cant even move. My body hurts so bad just the thought of walking to the bathroom feels like the most daunting task ever. I am laying on couch watchign some TV but my mind feels like it cant even focus on tv, I have a water bottle and am trying to drink water because i think some of the hot skin and parched feeling in mouth is from dehydration. Thank u for your response and suggestions it is really helpful
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1697690 tn?1329123638
Thank you for your response. Yes this anxiety is so bad, I  never get anxiety except for when I come off oxycontin. Before I started oxy I didnt even have anxiety but now I get it so bad when detoxing. I am trying to drink water and just be calm and focus on whats in front of me. Sometimes the heating pad on my stomach helps to calm my body and mind but my skin is so hot right now and I feel so hot that I dnt think I can do the heating pad. Sometimes splashing cold water on my face helps but I dont feel like i can even make it to the br right now to do that. Plus then I become freeezing, this hot and cold is crazy. But thank u for your response it means a lot to me
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I also wanted to say I'm withdrawing and I  even have a script for Klonopin and even that does not take away the anxiety and panic attacks..I feel like I'm dying when they hit...like I want to jump out of my skin....I'm on all the vits....especially B-12...we are just going to have to let time run its course and be prepared that it may feel worse before it feels better...Small consolation..I know... as I feel like jumping out of my skin right now as I type this...Feel free to contact me anytime if it gets too bad...Anj.
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1697690 tn?1329123638
Thank you so much. If you dont mind me asking, how many days have you been detoxing now? this anxietty is definitely one of the worst, like the physical pain is so bad, but the anxiety makes it hard to do anything im so tense my stomach feels like its churning. My legs hurt so bad too, how come oxycontin detox makes your legs hurt so bad like this?
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I'm also a little over a day myself today, 31 hrs to be exact, of 160mg of oxycontin withdrawal.  The anxiety and sweats are by far my worst.  I know I can get through this, I've been through this before and focused to be the last time.  I want you to know you can get through this too, soon you will be feeling like other people are feeling off pills and it will be wonderful.  I have too much to live for and I'm sure you do too. Take the vitamins, baths, eat some bannanas, get some exercise and some sun if possible.  It'll get much better.
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For legs, take hot baths with epsom salt.  You can get that at the 99 cent store.  Get some Restful Legs by Hylands at Walmart.  Eat a bunch of bannanas, I also take potassium gluconate vitamins.  During the bath, make sure you soak your arms too coz those get restless.  Take walks or if you have a treadmill, get on it.

For anxiety, 5htp helps me alot.  I tried L-tyrosine with a B6 and it helped as well.  I'm still trying to find out if anyone knows what I can do with DLPA, L-tyrosine, L-theanine, Valerian Root, and St. Johns Wart.  I know they're all either for anxiety or depression or to relax you, but I'm worried about mixing everything together into one glob lol.

Watch some good movies, find a movie that works for you, than watch that movie over and over.  Put it on repeat if possible.

I see myself next to you in the race and don't want you straggling along.  We can do this and meet at the finish line!
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1697690 tn?1329123638
Thank you for your response. Yes I have 5 HTp and will try that and the hylands restless leg because my legs and arms are so restless they just like start twitching uncontrollably. I think i am also really dehydrated, my mouth is so dry and skin so hot. Why does opiate WD make you so dehydrated?
Yes lets get through this together, I like your name ... I am trying to find some new hope as well to get through this. I have tried before and was not able to make it but this time I really want to get through the withdrawals and stay sober.  Thank you for all the suggestions I am going to try them all once I can get myself up and able to walk. The littlest things seem like the biggest effort right now. But I will keep fighting through this i don't want to give up on myself and I hope you dont give up either, we can both get thru this I hope.
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I quit Cold Turkey Morphine and Fentanyl (supposedly 100 times stronger than Morphine) almost a week ago..In fact..it is 7 days today..Problem is I still want to get off my other two meds..Percs and Soma....I got off the heavy duty ones first thinking my withdrawal wouldn't be so bad as I was still taking the other two...WRONG!!!...I feel the Fent. and Morph are out of my system...Now I have to decide if I'm going to quit the others CT or Taper...I do have Klonopin for an unrelated Anxiety Disorder and that didn't even touch the anxiety I had withdrawing...so I just stopped it...I'm hoping quitting the last two will be easier..but I'm not so sure how my body's going to react without any foreign substance in it...For me...the anxiety, depression and mental anguish are the worst....Hang in there and we will ALL get thru this together....Anj
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Read the Amino Acid Protocols in the health pages and try and follow them ......the theanine in particular is for the anxiety - - otherwise you have some good advice - the showers, the hylands, the vitamins and etc.  Try Immodium if you have loose stools.....and maybe emetrol for the other stomach problems................but most of all stick with the resolve - - the stuff is easy to quit!!  I did a dozen or so times before this lasr multiple year stretch - and I feel that I have finally gotten it correct!  Best of luck -
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yes, hot baths seem like such a chore and like it wont help, but it really dose, day 1 when i would get out id regret my decision right away of even getting in, so id just stay in all day when you get out you get instant sweat and chills but its better cuz you dont have the sticky grossness so it dose benefit more that hurt and that,
just try it with epsom salts it relaxes your bones and you wont hurt as bad, keep your bathroom warm tho so you dont shiver your teeth off too! lol i figured that out the hard way almost broke a tooth ;P
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1697690 tn?1329123638
Wow that is a lot of meds but good for you for trying to get off. I think youre right the perc and soma wd's should be easier then the morph and fent wd's. I have done those two before and wow they were strong. Congrats on 7 days when do you think youll start trying ot get off the other two? I thik cold tukey is always the best but it takes a lot of strength to get thru it (as we both know)

The eagle,
THank you, I will check out hte amino acid protocol. I do have some 5htp valerian root and melatonin and i just had a banana but feel like i wont be able to keep it down.

My body is so weak, my hands twitch and shake as I right this. The only thing i can do right now is drink water. My mouth is so dry and my skins so hot and the water does help I think I am dehydrated so I am  trying to drink a lot of water. My body is just in so much pain, but I want to get through this. I have sit by and let these drugs completely rule my life and destroy it. I cant just sit by anymore I need to get my life back. I want to be off the drugs more than anyting right now.  I dont want to let anything stop me but i know its a lot of work. I am just trying to focus on today for now, staying sober today. I kow these wd's are only going to get worse tomorrow, i am only a few hours into it now and it is so bad. Thank you everyone so much for the support.
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1697690 tn?1329123638
yeah my body is crazy tempurate wise right now. One second im sweating and so hot and the next second im freezingg. I will try the hot bath when i can get a little more strength. The water does sound so refreshing, thank u for the suggestions, i am going to give it a try in a bit.
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Dont underestimate some crushed ice to keep in your mouth - or maybe a hard candy if you can think of one. And if you cant do the shower right now think of an electric blanket or heating pad to wrap your legs in - works great for the RLS....
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yea give it a try if u dont like it you dont have to keep doing it but my temp was sooooo crazy i loved my hot baths :)
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1641357 tn?1470495393
Hey, you gotta drink TONS of water.  You're sweating a lot and that will dehydrate you a lot faster than normally.  So drink drink drink WATER!  Try juices and other stuff too, that has vitamins in it.  Ensure or pedialyte is good too has lots of good stuff for you!  The baths are what helped my husband the most.  He basically lived in them for a few days in and out in and out, but it helped a LOT.  Especially for him to sleep.  Good luck :)
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I am sorry for the WD you are going through. I am like 7 hours sober and I was taking a much smaller amount- I can only imagine what you are going through. It has got to be worth it, we will get our lives back. The people here give such wonderful advice and support and the above poster was right....we are all going to get through this.
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1641357 tn?1470495393
Just keep your head up and remember what your life used to be like and keep striving for that.  You will finally be FREE!!!  
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Try Ace bandages for the aching legs. Move around as much as you can....I know you don't want to but, it will help you Drink plenty of fluids, juice etc.

Dark chocolate will help. Alot of this is mental, keeping a good attitude will help more that about anything.

Hang in there .....you will be fine!
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1198664 tn?1368647812
I was wondering how you were doing MrNewHope. Seems like it's going as good as it can. Just keep it up.
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1697690 tn?1329123638
Thank you so much for the posts. I had a banana and took a hot bath. It did help but when i got out i was freeeeezing got the worst chills, but of course a few minutes later i was back to hot. I literally had to crawl from the bath back to the couch. My hair is soaking wet not but the coolness of it feels good cuz my face is so hot. My body hurts so bad right now omg my legs. I cant keep them still they are so painful. I want to cut them off i cant sit still but i have no energy to move around. The hot bath did help the anxiety though. Even though  i am in so much pain right now, there is a small part of me that feels proud for once that i didnt wake up and rush to call my dealer today to get more oxycontin. Even though i feel so sick, i want so badly to get through this. I want more for myself then just drugs and im so tired of being a dope fiend drug addict. I hate the way those small pills completely control me.

I am kind of scared though because i know in the beginning the deeper I get into my WD the worse things will get. I am scared because this is already so painful i cant imagine it getting worse but ill try not to think about that to much. I have some watermelon here i am trying to eat but my stomach just hurts so bad. i am staring at it but cant eat it. I do hve a wate bottle next to me that ive been drinking all day because i feel so dehydrated.

thank u everyone for your comments, its helping me stay sober just knowing there are people who care. It really is helpful, i dont have anyone else that knows wat im goin thru so its nice to be able to post on here. thank u everyone so much.
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1641357 tn?1470495393
By drinking a lot means you should be drinking at least a gallon of water....so try to drink a little more often, the watermelon should help too! Great idea!
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Hi sweetie!  I am so proud of you!  I looked on your profile and saw that you are 22 yeas old.  I only wish when I was 22 that I would have started breaking the addition hell cycle!  I was using then and continnued to use for several years.  Hang on tight and know this - You can do this!  So much better for you to do it now than to waste your life wishing you would have done it sooner.  I waited until I was almost 50 years old and I have to tell you I wasted a lot of my life as well as my families lives.  I missed alot of precious times when my children wanted to play for instance but I was too tired and needed a nap from using so much.  Now my babies are all gone and so are the drugs.  My point in all of this is that I know you are scared and I wish I could be there to hold your hand for you and to go through this with you.  Baths do help.  Hard to even run yourself a bath when you feel like crud.  Also, I know you are going to think I am crazy - but exercise does help.  I remember someone telling me that and thinking - I have never been a person who exercised and when I feel like I will die if I move you are telling me to exercise?  Are you nuts????  Truly though, I am not saying to go run a marathon but any exercise you can get in will help.  I use to drive out to the mailbox (seriously and we only live 90 feet from the mailbox in the culdesac).  I started out by walking around my home once.  Three months later I was walking 3.2 miles a day.  Make sure you drink plenty of fluids too.  Hang in there and I will watch for your posts.  :)    
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