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First day on Subox

Hi everyone, I am helping my son wean off oxy's. This morning at 8:00 this morning he called me and I went right over. (I am holding the Sub) I gave him 1 pill 2mgs and he felt better within a 1/2 hour. He has been with me most of the day and doing fine. It is now 7:00 ish and he is still doing fine.
I am waiting for it to wear off. I am thinking this low dose will wear off sometime tonight .... any ideas?
brief history: He was normally taking 3 80mgs of oxy every other day or every day. Monday was 2 80mgs Tuesday was 2 30mgs and today just 2 mgs of subox.  
53 Responses
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momojo...really hun, there has been alot of BS going on here on the sidelines, and i am sorry this had to happen in your thread...but it happens at times, please dont let ones anger and bitterness deter you from what you are doing, it had not a thing to do with you...ok? dont worry...your doing fine...stay strong!!! and when you need a chat, you know where to find me...best of luck to you...

but i do have to say to someone...not addicted to the pills, just maybe chemically dependant!!!???  did YOU read the post...heroin was involved at one point...LOL!  
do not even go there, obviously you dont have a clue what the difference is...there is NO such thing as being chemically dependant to heroin!!!   too much to learn to be handing out advice...geez...
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i am not sure what is going on here in the discussion. We are not using methadone.
I have updated my thread to "
Day TWO on Subox"

Progress is good.
Will start a new thread Day THREE
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199177 tn?1490498534
yes that is what is said

Methadone is a dangerous drug that needs to be monitored by a doctor as does sub
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199177 tn?1490498534
calling people morons is degrading and will be reported .
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199177 tn?1490498534
Methadone is a dangerous drug that needs to be monitored by a doctor as does sub ..... not bought off the street and taken of a home detox program ...... are you aware how many have died from mixing a dose of methadone with the wrong med ........... take Danial Smith he took one methadone pill he didnt realize it would interact with the antidepressants he was on and die....... you don't know what others are taking ,i am glad nothing happened to you ..... but someone else might not be that lucky
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and thanks for your posts. I have started a new thread under "Day TWO on Subox"
You will learn that our plan was off a little....
I will continue to keep you all posted and thanks again SO MUCH for your kind words and encouragment.
it is late here and I need to hit the hay
Hope to catch up with each of you to respond to your questions... I do not believe I will be able to keep my eyes open much longer... Tomorrow is another day
Hug to everyone!
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You're so brave to try again for your son. Been through a lot of what you're talking about. Two things, Suboxone was a wonder drug for me in helping me through a horrfiic w/d. It does fill the opiate receptors fairly long term (24/36 hours they say- depending on the metabolism of the addict), so if the subox dosage is adequate your son does take anything else it's not going to find receptors to bind to so he won't get the high, it'll just wash out of his system without re-starting the w/d clock. Of course, I'd not share this info with him, but it might be helpful for you. Subox side effects are NOTHING in comparison to what he has been taking, and as you've read here short term use can be the difference between moving towards life and a junkie's death. It was for me. He can also go back to is short term if he hits cravings or hard times of needing to use- as a safety net. Talk to your doctors more when you can. The other thing is subox doesn't help the horrible insomnia that is such a curse for w/d. Life without enough sleep is too hard for people not going through detox. Trazadone is an old anti-depressant that is totally non-addictive and often used for insomnia related to opiate detox. Again, it helped me. Best to you both!!!
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417564 tn?1287982827
I was going to ask you if he would like this.  As I said, I am not usually one for something of this nature, but now...This has truly been a godsend.  I am so thankful to have come across it.  
I also want to learn more about everyones story...I have read so many, but I just cannot remember.  That is so frustrating...memory loss appears to be somewhat common in detox.  Ugh!
Have a wonderful day...talk with you soon!
Peace and love to you -
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306867 tn?1299249709
Thats a great idea to get Joe to come on the forum.  It will make him feel so much better to know he is not alone in this. He will get so much information on addiction here and the more you know the better you will do.  So many great people and we even get silly and have fun sometimes.  
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okay client not here yet....I have a few minutes

I have not set up a profile. I will do that today or tonite.
I pm'd a few that pm'd me.
but I have so much to say to all of you! You have been an inspiration to me and I will continue to stay here and be a part of this community. I really want to get to  know you each and feel bad that I have not learned YOUR stories better. My dream to be able to help someone else some day. I would like to say to anyone that has this challenge ahead of them, keep up the good work! You are all wonderful people to be here helping and supporting others. It inspires us to keep going and know that there are others out there. My wish is to get Joe on here. Maybe he can help someone someday get through there tough times. I will suggest it to him today.
I think it would really help him to meet all of you!
My client just called and is on her way. I have 10 minutes haha
Have a GREAT day!!
big hugs!
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306867 tn?1299249709
Go into "My Medhelp" at the top of the page and fill out profile info.  I think people can still get your pm's even if you don't fill out a profile. Not sure, but think so.  
How is your son today ?   Your doing a great thing helping him.  Good job Mom !
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417564 tn?1287982827
I am pleased to see that a particular post was removed, I think that was quiet appropriate seeing as how this sweet lady has enough to worry about.  Clearly mommajo is awesome and has the support, love and admiration of most.

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417564 tn?1287982827
I am not the best navigator around here myself!  I was saying a minute ago that I have never used the pc for anything of this nature but this forum is so supportive I cannot stay away...it helps so much to see everyones kind words.

Did you click the 'join community' link?  Have you set up your profile?  Is a pm in my inbox?  lol.  I forget to check mine.

I hope that your day is going ok.  How is your son this morning?  
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How do I join the community? I thought I did... why isnt my name 'blue'  :(
is anyone getting the pm's I have sent already?
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Wow guys! thanks for all your help and info and support! I am carefully reading your comments and am really listening to what you are saying. Joe is seeing a phsyco therapist. I am paying out of pocket for now. He will have insurance by April 1. :( seems like an eternity)
I am really worried about the short term plan myself. Where to go after subox. there is nothing but will power and counseling. He asked me yesterday if he could move back in with me soon. Of course I said "of course" some rules will apply...
This is all up to him in the end. If he really wants it he will get it. With one on one couseling and group. I can not force him. I am learning that slowly but surely. Everything and anything that can be done, will be done. Pep talking is my only weapon. He needs to see what the world has to offer. He will be going back to school, but is looking for a job now instead. Cant do both in his condition and I will not encourage the school until he moves back home.
He seems areal motivated which can easily throw me off. I will not be tricked this time. but as I said  before , Utimately it is up to him and he know that.
I have to work in 20 minutes gotta run, But I will be back so I can pm some of you.
I LOVE you guys!
Thank you so much
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if the sub dose was the correct dose, he would be sleeping just fine...its not the dose of sub that causes addiction , it is the amount of time on it that causes the addiction...
simply detoxing isnt enough for his type of addiction...
as you must know addiction is an incurable disease...there is no cure.
and 7 days isnt long enough for him to learn the tools to combat this everyday for the rest of his life, again...not meant to be harsh, just honest.

the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
simply detoxing has not worked for him yet...
again, i hope i am wrong about everything i said.
good luck.
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434293 tn?1204323007
yes i agree man goood advice i jus found this page i have been battling opaites fore 6 years  now....but have been on subs for 10 months  this time also took them in rehab abt 2 1/2 3 yrs ago...but after my 8 day detox i was coming off of methadone and xanix but when i stopped subs i had mild withdraws....and i was craving for months...i replapsed abt 6 months after i got out of rehab started another year long battle.....its soooooo hard pain pills are the devil
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434293 tn?1204323007
subs do have a 24 to 36 hr half live but this donst mean there is still 1 mg left after 36 hrs and jus takin 2 mgs.....i first did subs in rehab 3 years ago comming off of 200 mgs of methadone a day ....they gave me 4 mgs the 1st day and took me 8 days and i was off it was uncomfortable but not as bad as w/d or cold turkey...but 2 mgs every 36 hrs isnt much.....the half life dosnt work the way ur sayin at all....jus dont want ur son to relaps after a painfull detox.....i have been there and done it i am a young man myself i know how it is.....goood luck
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just some info you may find helpful...
i have been on sub since may, transitioned from methadone, i was on the max dose of 32 mgs daily for 6 weeks, tapered down to 12 mgs quickly without a problem.
the reason people turn to sub is to bypass withdrawal symptoms, and to also be sure his dose is high enough to do this AND curb any cravings. if his plan to only take it for 7 days, that really isnt long enough for addiction to happen as by the 7th day most of his drug of choice SHOULD have left his system,but possibly not all of it, and i really doubt he will have any withdrawals from the sub at all, MAYBE some chills, if that. but i worry that if his dose isnt high enough it is still possible for him to suffer cravings and relapse while on the sub, and 2 mgs is not enough to stop the effects of an 80mg oxy...
also 7 days is nothing compared to the lifetime battle he has in front of him...getting clean is actually nothing compared to staying clean, i hope you have a plan in place for aftercare, after only 7 days on sub...he will need it urgently. i dont mean to seem harsh, and sorry if i come across that way, its not whats meant...but when the sub is gone in 7 days he will still have all of the issues to deal with that come along with addiction. i really hope you get the results you want from this, i just dont think 7 days is enough for someone with a 3, 80 mg oxycontin a day habit...lets hope i am wrong...also you shouldnt be worrying about half life of sub, it really doesnt serve any purpose in this situation, he wont be building up much of anything for a blood level in 7 days...also like  mentioned previously, 2 mg may not cut it for days ,3,4 and 5....those will be his tough days...12-16 mgs is a typical dose, even for a short term taper, which can be up to 21 days....
i could get into all of the benefits and statistics for longer term maintenance of suboxone, but i wont...but aftercare IS A MUST!!! i cant stress that enough.
i hope his oxycontin addiction was short term and that this works for him....good luck.
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First of all I think thats awesome for you to help!! Second people on here are great and will help out !
    I'm so glad this went well for you. A little story for you. I tries suboxone a while back(month a go) and itwas a DISASTER!!!!!!! I wasn't in withdrawl apparently before i started the suboxone and it put me thru "precipatated withdrawl" thsi is what the dr's called it!
    I'm so so glad that tis is working for you! What ever he does make him stay with this
he will be better on this than oxy's trust me....i use to take 3-5 80's a day plus percocets!! so I def know where he is coming from!!!
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lol.   I love it!
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  Mr. Kelly's response was just obnoxious ........he obviously didn't even read the post before making his rude remark.  Please disregard posts like that.  Although, I don't like th Idea of self-medicating......2mg. is nothing.  It sounds as if you are watching him closely and taking good care of him.  Don't even worry about doomaz remarks like that.

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199177 tn?1490498534
thanks hun , i was being not  judgemental ,just concerned ......
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I am new on here and just reading for information on helping my brother.  

I would just like to say to johnnykelly that if you are going to call somebody uneducated, you may want to use a spell checker or proof read what you write because somebody with that many grammatical errors calling someone else uneducated is like the pot calling the kettle black.

PS.. didn't your mother ever tell you if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.

This is a VERY hard situation to be in (I am just getting into it myself) and having someone saying negative things JUST to be negative is very discouraging and causes pain to someone who already has enough pain and stress in her life.  Just leave her alone.. she's trying to do a good thing in the best way she knows how.
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