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How long does it take to detox of Vicodin?

After knee surgery 31/2 years ago I was put on Vicodin. Little did I know I would get hooked. I never really thought about it, since my doctor was giving it to me and I took it how he told me to. Well today is day 2 and night 3 of not having any vicodin. I have terriable legg cramps, sweets and I can not sleep. How long does this last? It is driving me crazy. I do not have any cravings for the vicodin. Just the withdraws are killing me. I have been drinking water and taking baths. But it doesn't help any.
I'm thinking about going to the emergency room and see if they can help me with my withdraws. I have heard about a pill that helps, but then I'm scared of taking another pill as well.
Please let me know how long this is going to last..........
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You may not feel good or yourself for at least a year or so. The drugs are poison to our system and it takes forever to feel 100%. Good luck I'll be thinking about you.
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I need to know how to detox at home, tapering off method. I've been taking about 1.5 to 2  10/325 a day for the last 4 years. It doesn't seem like a lot after reading some of the other comments, but it's enough for me to be numb, and that's too much. What dosages should i cut down to, and for how long?My mother got me addicted, and that is another problem that I have. She is a toxic person, and everytime I have tried to quit, she makes it incredibly hard. If I try to go off the grid to detox, she blows up my phone, and becomes very angry at me if I don't talk to her. She posts all over my facebook, and even has gone so far as to fake a medical emergency to get me to come to the er to see her, and stay the night with her after she is sent home to be sure that she is ok.if I am angry with her for not letting me be, she immediately offers them to me, and even though i say no half the time, the other half I say yes. It's a very dysfunctional relationship, and i am not sure how to stay away from it. Theroretically, it's a breeze, but in reality, it's so much different. Anyone have any tips for dealing with toxic family members during withdrawls?
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get a back swing they work great for your back then pretty soon you won't need pills or a doctor
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I'm so glad I decided to Google "Detox from Vicodin" tonight. I have an appt. to see my doc this week, and will definitely be telling him I want to get off this crap. I want my life back! It wasn't perfect, but it was a whole lot better than this. You know what's a really GOOD thing...? That they've made it MUCH more difficult to get this stuff. Since the beginning of this year, I've had so many terrible side effects from taking Vicodin, that I'm lucky to be alive!! I can't wait to talk to my doctor Wednesday, and get back to normal... although I am pretty scared about withdrawals. One thing I've learned from this experience is that a few days is just that. A few days. Maybe a week. I can do it!!! Thanks to all you people for making your posts. You all may have helped save my life tonight. Peace.
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narcotics anonymous has help, no hospitals required.
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4341997 tn?1514588688
Hon, i'm sorry you are going thru this alone, Please go to the top of the page and hit the orange button "ask a question". That way you can post a new comment and more people will see it and can help you.  This thread is really old and most people won't see it to help you.  Good luck and post that new thread.  
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Hi Ive been taking vicodin for years off and on---guess qute a bit more lately (last 4 months or so) upto 4  a day---oh and Im a alcoholic (big drinker) trying to slow down on that too--stopped vicodin about 7 days ago (cold turkey) its been awful and feeling very depressed--wasn't drinking either--but have now managed to drink at least 3 different days (a bit, not lots)--here's the thing, I really want to quit everything---permanently just have drinks like a normal person here and there---but I know I have a new prescript. coming on the 2nd---and I know that Im about to brake up with my boyfriend---and I keep thinking about picking up those pills and weaning off after being bad for a few weeks---excuse I know---but this breakup is really going to be hard---and **** I really want to feel better, Im depressed, my body hurts, I have no support, hell even my breasts are killing me...just a little nice advice please--even if Im being stupid---Im crying enough here too--oh and Ive been taking Xanax for sleep and comfort and haven't left the house in over 8 days---please nice comments if you can      
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NO NO way. U need somewhere to go. Cut down and Slow Down was the most scariest words to me. That's ridiculous your family. Take some downers or something but u cant just do this by yourself.
I know but your lucky you didn't do something horrible and end up in a cell or something but we addicts are in a cell of the devil. I remember it feeling like the words I used was "Angel next to me" I still agree the FEELING itself is but what is slowly doing to you massive destruction mainly financially, and to yourself. It felt very normal to me like alcohol almost part of the OTC list. But no.
Think about the Heroin users: they will endure pure hell. So this makes me stronger.
Get support and go to a place and please when u do get support go to a person that actually been through it. Oh if u take downers don't drink alcohol. I just learned that.
I'm a ******* licensed Pharmacy Technician by the way. Currently not working. I love the field of medicine but I think I loved it a little to much, no the street stuff is the one that ate me. I have to admit I experienced a lot of drugs and this drug is the most comfortable with even more than oxycontin it like really got me in the brain and changed the way I think and the brain receptors begin to get used to it and respond to happiness only when u take the damn ******* yellow oval 36 01 scored ************. When u don't have it ur not familiar without the drug. Music always helps me.
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Thanks for sharing your experience I'm on my 3rd day last nite was the worst chills to the bone and then hot diarrhea was horrible I was hoping this day would be better.  I woke up with a slight headache less symptoms just a little scared, because I have to leave the house today. I've been taking vicodin for about 5 years , I loss my only child to murder , I have been numbing my feeling taking 5 to 8 Vicodin a day I really want to stop. I'm tired up being tired
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I have been  addicted to opiates for 18yrs, im a mother of three wonderful kids and i am married to my soulmate. Im on day 3 of cold turkey. It *****, ive also been hooked on xanax for over 8 yrs, i didn't think i could stop taking xanax but ive been clean for 2yrs but these pain pills r a mother!!! With that being said after 18yrs of always thinking about a pill i am truly done, i want the old me back but idk if i remember who that is!! My family deserves more
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I have been  addicted to opiates for 18yrs, im a mother of three wonderful kids and i am married to my soulmate. Im on day 3 of cold turkey. It *****, ive also been hooked on xanax for over 8 yrs, i didn't think i could stop taking xanax but ive been clean for 2yrs but these pain pills r a mother!!! With that being said after 18yrs of always thinking about a pill i am truly done, i want the old me back but idk if i remember who that is!! My family deserves more
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I have been on narcos for 12years. Im 30. Im afraid too. Its all going to hit me when i come off these suckers. I have maybe 12 left. Their the 7.5's. I finished my 210 narcos, about a week ago. And i gt the 7.5s 5 days ago! Talk about trouble. Huh! Feeling confused. Doubting myself. Im in a serios relationship. God knows hes been trying to help. He knows nothing about opiat addiction-in the past helped a girl gt off of heroine-which i think is the second worst detox. I love him and i know he loves me. For he doesnt have to put up wit my crap. Yet, he does it anyway. God has helped me alot. I have bad anxiety which makes me take more of the anxiety meds. I have messed up so much theres no time anymore to feel sorry for the stupidity that im creating. If thomas has showed me anything, the main thing hes shown me is to be strong. Im a serious pill addict. Ill be detoxing at home, and it scares me-since ive had siezers before. Im coming off a 25 a day pill intake. Please pray for me because i nd A miracle in this one.
"The girl whos taking a step"
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Same here I'm so scared...
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Hi I've been taking norco and vicadin for 2 years I take them everyday. I have lupus and just took advantage of them and now I'm stuck. I'm so tiered of taking them its becoming a problem in my marriage... I'm so scared to stop I get so sick....
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I am starting now for 9 days detox  off of 8 a day  I will be reading and posting  thanks  for being here...
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Hi, my name is Lisa. I have been taking 4-5 norco a day for a year now because I have nerve damage in my face from a bad oral surgery. I have had to take them daily and now want to go back to taking them just a few times a month when I just cant take the pain anymore. IAM NOT ADDICTED, only dependent, I have ZERO cravings for it, I feel sea sick all the time from them. I hate pain meds. and like i said addiction isnt the problem, its the restless feeling I cant stand so I take 1 pill.That us what scares me is the RLS. only it is not just restless legs it is my whole body and my arms bad. I cant sit still and just cry. I noticed u talk about RLS, so I wanted to know how u are now and how long did it take to lose that restless AWFUL feeling? Did the l tyrosine really help? Let me know please and if u have any more advise I would love to hear it. Thanks, Lisa  u cant e-mail me at ***@**** please. I dont know if i will be back on this site so e-mail me please:)
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Hi, my name is Lisa. I have been taking 4-5 norco a day for a year now because I have nerve damage in my face from a bad oral surgery. I have had to take them daily and now want to go back to taking them just a few times a month when I just cant take the pain anymore. IAM NOT ADDICTED, only dependent, I have ZERO cravings for it, I feel sea sick all the time from them. I hate pain meds. and like i said addiction isnt the problem, its the restless feeling I cant stand so I take 1 pill.That us what scares me is the RLS. only it is not just restless legs it is my whole body and my arms bad. I cant sit still and just cry. I noticed u talk about RLS, so I wanted to know how u are now and how long did it take to lose that restless AWFUL feeling? Did the l tyrosine really help? Let me know please and if u have any more advise I would love to hear it. Thanks, Lisa  u cant e-mail me at ***@**** please. I dont know if i will be back on this site so e-mail me please:)
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Be careful of the Tylenol! THAT is the deadly ingredient contained in Vicodin, believe it or not. The one that's making you feel the worst.
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As soon as I saw "Wellbutrin" a red flag went up! I have taken enormous amounts of Vicodin over MANY years. I was off entirely for years. After 22 days off my guess is the severe suffering may be due to something else you're taking. For me, the very first time I took Wellbutrin when my shrink prescribed it, it was horrifying. I was on the freeway on July 4th with my very young daughter when it kicked in. It was all I could do to make it off the freeway and into a MacDonald's parking lot. We sat there until I felt back in control and able to drive. About six hours. Never took another. How you described your symptoms coincided with some of the things I felton Wellbutrin. For me they're lethal and not an option. There are so many other things that can take their place. I do not know if these are a problem for you, but it's worth thinking about and trying a process of elimination.  
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As soon as I saw "Wellbutrin" a red flag went up! I have taken enormous amounts of Vicodin over MANY years. I was off entirely for years. After 22 days off my guess is the severe suffering may be due to something else you're taking. For me, the very first time I took Wellbutrin when my shrink prescribed it, it was horrifying. I was on the freeway on July 4th with my very young daughter when it kicked in. It was all I could do to make it off the freeway and into a MacDonald's parking lot. We sat there until I felt back in control and able to drive. About six hours. Never took another. How you described your symptoms coincided with some of the things I felton Wellbutrin. For me they're lethal and not an option. There are so many other things that can take their place. I do not know if these are a problem for you, but it's worth thinking about and trying a process of elimination.  
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I am on day three....not sleeping well..feel like crap....2 months of Vic/morphine...I could go get more and was just about to and decided to read this...thank you for your posts...I went through this about 6 years ago and have taken narcotics when ever I could get them, legal or otherwise...I really need this to be the end of this addiction...I have this incredible son who really needs his mother to be present right now...not laying on the couch or bed for days.  Why oh why does that medication give me such a empowered feeling?  I am a much more lively, involved, happy person on them.  How do I get that feeling outside of narcotics.....I WILL NOT GO AND GET MORE, price is too high
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I am on day three....not sleeping well..feel like crap....2 months of Vic/morphine...I could go get more and was just about to and decided to read this...thank you for your posts...I went through this about 6 years ago and have taken narcotics when ever I could get them, legal or otherwise...I really need this to be the end of this addiction...I have this incredible son who really needs his mother to be present right now...not laying on the couch or bed for days.  Why oh why does that medication give me such a empowered feeling?  I am a much more lively, involved, happy person on them.  How do I get that feeling outside of narcotics.....I WILL NOT GO AND GET MORE, price is too high
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Thank you so much! I realized oops, I am responding to old posts :). Thank you and hugs to you! Tapered down again last night...I do not want to rush it ,but my mom said, if you do not need it, do not take it. She has been through it because she has had her knees replaced so I am listening to her AND my body. I will post on a new thread. Thanks BKitty!
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Great Job Belle!! Sounds like you are on your way to recovery. This is an older post so if you want you can start your own post and it will be with the most current posts and you will probably get more responses and support. Just FYI. Keep up the great work!
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