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1109982 tn?1260729008


I have been prescribed hydrocodone for probably close to 10 yrs. Before that it was darvocet. I never knew what addiction really meant when I first started taking them for fibromyalgia. I know, I'm naive. Now I am worried that it's affecting my quality of life. I have become very lazy and I have very little desire to do anything.  This past year I have been slowly decreasing my activities. I stay in bed almost all day, many days of the week. I am 46 yrs old.
I have talked to my dr about getting off them and he's no help at all. He says to just wean myself off them. But I am very scared of the physical pain I get and the anxiety I feel while trying to taper off.  I'm scared to pin my dr down much more. For some reason I don't trust him. I feel if he gets mad he'll just cut me off. I'm not even sure that once the w/d's are over that my pain will still be bad enough to warrant taking them again. So I don't want to bug the dr about it.
I've thought about going to another pain dr for help getting off them while keeping my prescription just in case. Can someone please help me?  Also, I saw on TV today about ibogaine.  Is this something I should look into?
Please help. I don't want my life to be over. This has been going on for a very long time.
Thank you.    
102 Responses
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I see that your posts are a few years old. I've also been on norco for 5 years. 10/325 and I really need to quit this stuff. I woke up with the worse headache ever and flu symptoms, sweating, chills, fuzzy thinking, not being able to think straight and suicidal thoughts. I'm in a relationship where I am also a caregiver for my ex-husband's 90 year old father and it's just driving me to the brink. I cry alot, don't have any interests, don't want to be around people... I'm here for support and to see how others are handling their problem with these drugs. I have chronic pain from DDD- all levels and I'm 58. I feel like my life willnever be normal again and this caregiving situation is making me crazy. I feel like it's affecting my mental health.
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1109982 tn?1260729008
Hi everyone,
just wanted to update how it's been going for me. I'm on my horse camping trip and guess what I just realized?!  I forgot my hydrocodone!!!  Icant believe I actually didn't think of it when packing.
Now hopefully I'll still be able to function. I brought ibuprofen. I am having a great time so far!  Life is really really good. I feel so light hearted and eager for the new day. I forgot I could ever feel this way!
I hope you all are doing better and staying or getting clean. :)
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1047946 tn?1332608029
The butterflies are a great sign!! I remember those very well from when I was a kid like on Christmas Eve or the excitement on going on a vacation. When on the pills they numb everything. We fly through life and forget about the simple things that can be so exciting. Everything will continue to get better and better. You will enjoy life so much more. Just keep going strong and know that with each passing day it will get easier.
Have you checked in to the amino acid protocol? It truly does help. Also be sure to eat healthy, push the good fluids, and exercise. I know it can be hard to muster up the energy to do so but even a short walk will help. Take you horse on a walk or go for a ride. It helps so much to get out and about. Kind of like when you went to the movie. I know you didn't feel like going at all but once you are out you enjoyed it. You just have to force yourself. If you lay around the house all it does is bring you down. If you don't keep your mind occupied you will think about the pills more. I did puzzles while withdrawing. I never thought I would do a puzzle again but they really help. I framed them so every time I look at them I remember those days I went through. If puzzles aren't for you try reading a good book, watch some funny movies, etc. Just find anything that you enjoy to keep your mind from wandering.
You seem to have a very strong and positive attitude! Keep thinking like that. Tell yourself everyday that failure is not a option! You can and will beat this! If you need anything, please let me know!
Best of luck!
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Congrats to you..you are doing so well even if you dont think you are..if you ever wanna chat I cant usually sleep at night either, send me a msg ANYTIME...I am same as you and dont have many to chat to on here as I am just starting this venture, I am tapering but considering doing CT to lesson the length of the hell of wd...if your bored looking for reading just out my profile and journals, I have been having a hard time too and woudl take any encouragement I could get lol......... Hang in there, I am an oxy addict and wd's suck and are terrible but it gets better I hear so here's hoping.........Keep going, you are doing so well to have only taken what you have over that many hours,,,,,,,,
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It only gets better!

Please try to keep it going, for you and your family.

Have a great trip!
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1109982 tn?1260729008
It's a new beginning and a much better day. I had something different happen. Normally when we're getting ready to go on a trip I stress and grumble. But yesterday evening I got BUTTERFLIES about going camping with my horses!!!!!  Butterflies. I forgot what they felt like. I guess you'd call that coming alive!
I gotta stay on track. This is good!
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1077186 tn?1261164937
First of all, you are not a burden! And you didn't go through all of this for nothing either. I understand that the stressors are a trigger and I would suggest going to a regular counselor or meeting where you can vent about what you and your family are going through. Get it off your chest, let it go. It really stinks but unfortunately the only power we carry is over ourselves. You can only accept responsibility for you. You can't change your sister's journey and you can only support her until she is ready to make her own changes. I know that is hard to hear but take care of you. Hold on right now and don't let this be a reason to give up on your recovery. You may have taken a pill, it's okay -- don't be too hard on yourself!!

Hugs to you...

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992117 tn?1281206055
So you hit a bump in the road.  I think almost everyone here has done the same.  Your a horse-lover, right?  So, the important thing when you fall is to get back on.  You haven't failed as long as you keep trying.

I know you may not want to hear this (god know I didn't when I was deciding to quit), but you can't have a SINGLE PILL in your house or anywhere you have access to them.  You need to be honest with your doctor so he/she will look into an alternative pain-management strategy.  If you have easy access to the pills and you are an addict early in your recovery, you will take them.  Don't put yourself through the torture- just flush them and get honest with your doctor.  I'm sorry to be a party-pooper, and I know it's hard to hear, but it's the truth.  Narcotics are not the only way to manage pain, but you have to want to be clean more than you want the feeling the pills give you.

I can tell you that, once you have detoxed and are committed to your recovery, you will feel better physically, emotionally and spiritually than you ever did on the pills.  That's a decision only you can make.  I am 9 days clean, and I feel better than I ever did on the pills.  When things are stressful, yes, I do miss the escape and "warm fuzzy" feeling the pills gave me.  But, I now realize that popping them as a coping mechanism only made things worse.  Yes, I have to face uncomfortable emotions without chemical assistance, but we all have to face our emotions sooner or later.  I find that I am much better equipped to deal with stress and emotions now, and I am able to feel true happiness.  You may not feel like that is possible during the first week of detox, but I promise, it is just around the corner, and it is a GREAT feeling!!  I hope you feel better soon-- send me a private message if you would like to chat :)
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1109982 tn?1260729008
I caved in. I started hurting alot worse because I don't know how to deal with my sisters abusive marriage. We're very close but we live in separate states. I can't help her. I'm so frustrated and crying and I don't know what to do. My sister is falling apart in every way after being married or with this drunk for almost 30 years. How can I learn to deal with these emotions?  I can't take all this frustration.
Can someone please help me?  I don't want these pills to rule my life but I'm hurting so bad. Stress is always what starts my fibromyalgia flaring up.
I'm so tense and tight and don't know what to do.
I'm sorry to tell you I caved in. Now I feel like I went thru all this for nothing. I am feeling like I'll never beable to break away from them completely. I can't flush them because I really do have physical pain. But once I get started I want them everyday, even when I'm not that bad off.
I guess that's addiction after all. Not just dependancy, eh?  Oh! I gotta figure out how to deal with life. Plz help me if you know what I can do.
Thanx for listening. Sorry to be a burden.
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1109982 tn?1260729008
What's up with this!  I was fine and suddenly I miss the warm fuzzy feeling from the pills. My pain level is fairly low. I know what it is. I just found out more abuse my sister is going thru from her husband!  That's it!  I want to escape. Ugh. I am hooked.
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1109982 tn?1260729008
Today is a better day. I'm awake after a poor night sleep but I'm alert and my pain is just a low ebb!  
I've got a full day of activities to keep my mind occupied. Life feels fairly good. Lol
Hope you all are having a good day too!
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1109982 tn?1260729008
I'll try to chronicle what it's been like to quit. I started trying on the 17th of this month. It scared the snot outta me. I've been on a narcotic for 15 years. They were my friend, I thought. I was way too attached to them. I'd go on vacation somewhere and need a refill and always have a hard time and I'd freak out everytime. Not fun!  Lol
so the first day I had the runs pretty badly. I couldn't leave the house for two whole days. I had a constant migraine for two days and my fibromyalgia pain was thru the roof. I also had rls and I still have that to some degree. That comes in waves. I hyperventilated many times in those two days. That was very frightening. The panic in my chest was so hard I thought I'd explode.  I also had hot and cold flashes. I was very emotional and still am. I had absolutely no energy whatsoever. I was in bed two days. Probably not a very good example but I guess I'm a wimp. I just wanted my bed and hide.  
I still have a stash. So of course it was begging me to go take some. I caved in twice in
90 hours. I think that was pretty good. :) But I just kept reading all of your lovely posts
about how good life is on the other side. That spurred me on.  Truly you all helped me sooooo much!  I couldn't really post much about how I was feeling at the time because I felt so stinkin' sorry for myself. Hehe But I knew you all had gone thru it and lived to tell about it so then I could too.  I only had 40 mgs in the past 5 days.  
Day 3 and 4 was actually pretty good. But today was depressing and flu like and very emotional. I've been crying over happy and sad things. Tonight is better. I forced myself to go shopping with my mom for a mini cruise we're going on December 3. I didn't want to go and my mom was hovering around me impatiently wanting to leave and my husband started hounding me to get going and I lashed out and told them to leave me alone!  That I was doing the best I could. They both just looked at me. Lol but I cooled off and went and actually kinda enjoyed it.
So that brings me to now. I'm in bed and I'm probably not going to sleep like all the other nights thus far. So I'll be checking the forum and facebook. I actually don't hurt too bad right now. I do have a headache but it's not a migraine. Thank goodness. Ice packs are wonderful. Oh and lots of salt baths!  No alcohol. Lots of water!  And just being nice to myself.
That's about it. Hope that's informative and not too boring. ;)
Thanx for asking and I hope you all are doing well and staying clean.
Hugs, LMH    
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Hey! It's great to see you're still hanging in there -- GOOD FOR YOU!!!!  I lost track of you for a while, but for the past few days you have made HUGE strides ... seriously, you are very strong and doing amazingly well.  You give me hope.  Can you do me a favor and just sum up in a few paragraphs what you've gone thru the past 3 days.  It not only will help me ... and others ... but will show you how incredibly far you've come in a very short amount of time.

Seriously -- it helps all of us to be reminded of all it takes.  Remember, if you relapse, it gets much worse.  Even if it wasn't as awful as you imagined, it will be worse than that the next time.  Don't let there be a next time!!!

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992117 tn?1281206055
I'm sorry that you are having a bad day.  It happens, though, but it does get better.  I'm 8 days clean, and days 4 and 7 hit me on the emotional side out of nowhere.  Today, I totally feel great again.  You just have to remember it's temporary and that a good day is right around the corner.  I'm not saying I don't have cravings, but I just don't let myself think of taking a pill as an option.  I know that you need something for pain, but I don't know how you will be able to truly quit if those things are anywhere near you.  I would go crazy if I knew they were around and obsess about it.  As for pain, many people here have said that their pain actually got better or went away completely after detoxing from the pills.  That's the trouble with the little monsters- they trick your body into feeling pain that isn't necessarily there just to get you to take more pills.  In general, they are not recommended for long-term pain management because of the tolerance you build up, which renders them ineffective.  Have you checked out the fibro support group here?  I have a couple friends with fibro and they have chosen the OTC route with natural/holistic therapies.  Just know that you have other options for the pain.  Personally, I take an anti-depressant which helps immensely with the anxiety and depression.  I don't plan on taking it for long, but I will take it as long as I need to get off of the truly damaging narcotics.  All of this is just my own personal experience and opinion, but I hope it helps.  Hope you feel better soon.  Keep on going!
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1109982 tn?1260729008
Hi Everyone,
I'm just wanting to vent a little.  I'm having a bad day and really wanting some pills.  But I haven't taken any because even tho I'm having pain it's not unbearable.  It is the anxiety and depression that is getting me.  And the general malaise.  Plz send me some encouragement.  Thanx alot,
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1109982 tn?1260729008
Off to bed and looking forward to tomorrow!  I feel very good about all of this now!
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1109982 tn?1260729008
zanaflex/tzanadine is a muscle relaxant. It helps but it makes me drowsy, which I don't like. I have focalyn left over which I heard it's like speed. It's not doing much. Lol. So I guess I'm still going thru withdrawals and just feeling very crappy.
I just took one more hydrocodone. Sorry to say. But I still say I'm doing awesome!  It's been 94 hrs my husband says, since I started trying to quit. I'm going to have quite the stash at the end of the month. Lol. I guess that's not good. But by the time I get back from my horse vacation after thanxgiving weekend I think I'll know more about how addicted I am or not. My husband just said maybe I'm not addicted to them because he's only seen me sobbing once from the pain. At any rate I think we are doing a very good thing to double check ourselves to make sure it's never a problem. I think I was definately heading in the wrong direction as I rook my dead fathers oxycodone. I was just feeling like I didn't care about anything at all so why fight it. But I realized I'm not that kind of person and I really do want to enjoy life. I wasn't enjoying much for the past couple of years. I was just so apathetic alot of the time. I want to get excited and enjoy life so badly. But when you have a chronic pain condition it's so hard to care if you're missing out. Ice been camping before, many times and be content to stay at camp by myself while everyone else would go off riding their horses. And my poor horse had to stay behind with me. :( I have severe anxiety. But I have to say I found this program that really works and it's really why I'm even trying to quit the narcotics. If you want to know more about it pm me. I am very passionate about it. I'm a different person. I don't let fear or anxiety/panic stop me anymore and I don't get it much anymore either. I get it right now because I'm trying to quit this junk. Lol pm me anytime or email me. We sound the same in a lot of ways. Thanx for replying to my thread. I'll look for yours. Take care and big hugs!!!
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1077186 tn?1261164937
Hello and good day to you!

I had 2 norco's yesterday and a half today so far. I have really bad anxiety and don't know how ppl make it through this. But I am still here, reading and posting so I guess that is a good sign to continue on this journey. I have only been on the norco for a year and want to quit but there is always something in the way. Live with roommates, kids, thanksgiving coming up and can't afford to be sick, blah blah blah. So here I am. I have made a big improvement, even in the last week (cutting down drastically) so that is something to be proud of. I do think that maybe the time to jump never comes, maybe you just have commit and take it???

Anyway, I am happy that you are doing better and that the plan you are following is working for you. Do you get bad anxiety? That seems to be the killer for me!! Increased heart rate, and chest pain. That gets me. I am worried about having a very bad reaction and ending up in the hospital. I have xanax but take it rarely.

What is zanaflex? Thanks for replying and keep posting!!
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1109982 tn?1260729008
I had 2 at about 32 hours clean and 1 in the following morning.  But I haven't had anymore since and now it's well over 90 hours.  I'm doing pretty good.  I am taking a zanaflex periodically tho.  Also, I'm taking Ibuprofin.
How are you holding up?
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1077186 tn?1261164937
Not gonna blast you. I feel the same way... if feeling like such utter garbage and have no motivation to move, why not a little bit to feel okay? I have told myself it's okay to give them to my boyfriend and that he will give them to me, occasionally, and only as needed. You know, the way they are originally meant to be used. Is that so wrong? Get thru the WD's until you no longer need them though. Thoughts?

Also, did you have had 3 in 80 hours or you quit?

Either way, you are doing really well Lovemyhorse!!! :0)
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1109982 tn?1260729008
Ok. I need to confess what I'm thinking about. I'm starting to think this hasn't been that hard so maybe I'm not really addicted. And if I'm not then maybe I'll just take 1 every now and then for the arm and leg pain.
I know this is flawed thinking. But I feel so crappy and unmotivated and maybe it will pick me up a little, if I keep it to a minimum.
Go ahead and blast me away. I know it's wrong to think this way but it can sound pretty convincing in my head. :(
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1109982 tn?1260729008
Thank you for that candid reply. I needed to hear that. So I won't get my hopes up and have them dashed to smitherines when I don't feel great. My husband said I'm at 88 hours now. I really didn't think I'd be able to take the fibromyalgia pain. But others who have it said the narcotics made their pain worse in the end. I'm beginning to see that myself.
Thanks again.
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1110177 tn?1268461548
80 hours is a great mark.  This is what I have found...that the recovery and feeling better goes in 2 day intervals.  Meaning...you will see big changes at hours 48, 96 and so on.  The challenging part comes in the odd days (hour 72 for example).  I was frustrated on days 3 and 5 because, although I felt better, it wasn't the big jump I experienced on days 2, 4 and 6.  I am not sure it makes sense...but did my best to explain.

The reason I am telling you this is to say, yes, the worst is probably over...but don't be discouraged if today isn't a drastic change...there will be plateau days, where things appear to stand still for a bit.  BUT KNOW THIS...you will not regress...and the longer you push on...the better you will feel.

I feel great during the day...but at 4 o'clock, my symptoms reappear.  Much less than the day before, but they do come back.  Anyway, frustrating...but doable and then your at the next day, feeling great.  

Very proud of your progress...80 hours is big...triple digits should be your next goal...and keep going from there...

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1109982 tn?1260729008
Thank you.  I didn't think anyone would be up. lol  It's getting a little better.  I guess I don't have much patience.  I gotta develop that awul trait.  For the most part it's not as bad as I thought it would be.  it's been around 80 hours and still no more slip ups.  Do you think the worse is over?  Anyone?  Thank you.
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