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I'm severely addicted with no end in sight. I desperately need advice.

My name is Mike and I'm 24 years old. I'm severely addicted to Marijuana, and the withdrawal symptoms of trying to quit are too much for me to handle. I need help. Advice. Something.

Let's go back in time for a little bit. As a child, teen, and young adult, I never once tried any drugs, and that includes alcohol and nicotine. I just never touched the stuff. I had no desire to. On my 21st birthday, however, my life changed completely. My friends and family took me to the bar for my first time. I started slow, just a beer. It tasted terrible. I think it ended up taking me an hour to finish it. After that, it was time for my birthday shot: the Three Wise Men; Jack, Jim, and Jose. That shot changed my whole night. The alcohol in my bloodstream felt so good. The rest of the night was spent bar hopping. Shot after shot. I got so drunk that I started stealing random drinks from the bar and tables. If people went to the bathroom or something, I drank their drink. Nobody got angry with me; it was my birthday, my first time, and I was plastered. Walking back to my house at the end of the night, I passed out face first in the middle of a road. I had to be carried inside. I spent the next 24 hours in the worst pain I had ever experience, puking my guts out every few minutes.

I likely had alcohol poisoning, but that didn't stop me. For the next two years I blew my checks at the bar every weekend. I have a wife and three children (two at the time, however). Rather than get them what they needed, I spent my time and money drinking on weekends. I never did drink during the week very often, and I rarely kept alcohol in the house.

Before long I became a violent drunk. For no reason at all I would get so drunk and start fights with people. I would come home bloody; sometimes it was mine, sometimes it was theirs. After two years my family and friends told me that they thought I was an alcoholic and I needed help. I didn't believe them. How can I be an alcoholic? I'm not dependent, I don't constantly think about drinking, I don't drink at home, and I only drink on weekends. Not long after I acknowledged that I was an alcohol abuser, but it wasn't an "aha!" moment. It took a truly terrible act of drunkeness for me to come to reality.

My mother began to fear my drinking and told me to never show up at her house drunk again. Well, I did, and she told me to get out. I snapped. I started smashing windows and throwing decorations at her head. I went outside and smashed her van windows out and punched her door in. I went on the run and was tackled by police a couple of hours later. After I sobered up the following day in jail, reality hit me. I started bawling at the horrors I had committed over the last couple of years, especially what I did to my mother. These days I rarely drink, and if I do, it's only a couple of beers or wine. I avoid liquor.

In March of this year, I picked up another drug: Marijuana. Wow, is this stuff awesome. Smoking Marijuana completely killed my desire for alcohol, even during those rare moments when drinking is an option for me. I just didn't want to. Alcohol makes me sick and angry; weed makes me feel good and happy. The first month of my smoking was completely innocent, for a lack of a better word. I only took a few hits a few days a week after work. About two weeks after that, I began to smoke everyday after work, and every weekend. At the two month mark I began to think about weed all day, every day at work. I couldn't wait to get off so I could go home and smoke. Those thoughts and desires led me to smoking at every break at work. Every. Single. Break. And that's how it has stayed. I only smoke what is called "dank", high quality, high THC weed. I smoked this stuff all day, every single day. GRAMS of weed a day. I was spending so, so much.

There was a time over the summer that I went "dry" for my first time. I ran out of weed and all of my guys were out too. It was like that for a couple of days, and those days were some of the worst I've ever had. I made sure that I never again ran out of weed. Those couple of days were spent depressed, anxious, sleepless, and irritable; I was nauseous and having diarrhea. I couldn't fall to sleep at all. I work with one of my drug dealers, so when he told me that he was "good" and he'd bring it in to work for me, I was so relieved. I went to work, grabbed my weed, went to my boss and said I was sick and needed to go home. I went home and smoked most of what o bought from him that day. Of course he brought in a lot more the next day.

Two weeks ago I quit my job because the MERE HOURS inbetween breaks was too much for me to handle. That was too long of a time period between smoking. I used the excuse that they were harassing me and treating me unfairly, and I just needed to get out of there. I spent my final check on weed, all of which I have smoked as of three days ago. I have no money, no job, and my family and I live with my mother-in-law. These three days have been the worst days of my life. I physically and emotionally hurt. I lay in bed shaking and crying while my wife rubs my back. I just so tired and I can't sleep. I'm so hungry and I can't eat. I've lost 10 pounds already. I can't even drink water without gagging. I spend the first 3-4 hours of my mornings with extreme nausea. It dissipates after awhile, but comes back periodically throughout the day. I have stomach cramps and aches, and diarrhea. I'm having suicidal thoughts because of severe depression that has set in. My days seem to be getting darker and darker. There is no light at the end of my tunnel. People say that you can't become addicted to weed and when you quit you don't experience withdrawal. Lies! I'm living proof! I never experienced any of this when people were calling me an alcoholic. This is horrible, and has ruined my life. I've even sold my of my possessions to buy weed because my checks just weren't enough to keep up. I don't know what to do. I can't live like this and need help.

Another thing that has happened to me is I've lost all desire for the things I used to like, such as hobbies, sports, etc. My only desire is buying, smelling, examining, grinding, packing, and smoking weed. That's all I desire to do, and I hate it.
28 Responses
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N A makes no distinction between drugs, our identification as addicts is ALL inclusive allowing us to concentrate on our similarities and not our differences.
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10623623 tn?1414292089
That is exactly what my husband's friend said. Others just haven't smoked it as heavily if they haven't felt the Cannabinoid Hypermesis. He said he thought he needed instant medical help. He thought he was having a heart attack or something. I highly suspect that my husband would go through hell if he every quit. I think your idea of spreading the word is great. I wish people like my husband would wake up and see that everything, even weed, when used in moderation is bad. It is just like caffeine or nicotine. If you use too much, you are screwed when you try to quit. For some reason, my husband things marijuana is the exception to that rule,
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4898964 tn?1381257899
Hey Mike.  I've got to put my two cent in her and say those who say pot isn't addictive have never smoked enough.  I'd get sweats, nausea, insomnia and constipation issues.

The green eyed monster is real, though not comparable to opiates as far as pure physical withdrawal goes it does have a similar lingering mental aspect and is not a fun week to go through.  
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hey Mike, I only have a minute, but wanted to congratulate you on 5days clean.  So glad you're feeling better.  

To change your gender, go to your profile.  In your profile pic box (there might be a better way to term that, but I'm old. lol), you will see 'about me' on the left, and 'edit' on the right.  Click on 'edit'.  You can take it from there.    
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No apologies necessary PurrfectlyKrazy. A lot of people are still repeating what they've been told and what they've understood for years: pot isn't addictive and you don't get withdrawals. Completely false. Through my research I have found that since the legalization of marijuana in parts of the U.S., cases like mine have sky rocketed. You have mariijuana buds at 20%+ THC these days, and dabs that are 50-75% THC. That's a far cry from the sub 5% and 10% stuff of old. We call that schwag, dirt, or regs these days; it's cheap and undesirable weed. Everyone wants that "kill".

There's also another condition that is associated with cannabis use that has skyrocketed since legalization: Cannabinoid Hypermesis. Check that one out. Im almost certain I have/had that as well.

WHEN I beat this I think I'm going to use my story to spread awareness and stop that misconceptions. People need to know the truth before they start: I was never told.
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9880688 tn?1414115647
Hi Michael

First, go up to the top of the page and hold your mouse over the MedHelp tab...a drop down menu will come up...go down to the moderator suggestion link.  You can post there that your profile is wrong and could they please change it to male.  They'll take care of it for you.

I apologize since it seems I was wrong about what I said about pot and the side effects.  It seems pretty obvious that the stuff you youngsters get now are way out of the norm for what we considered quality in our day.  I'm going to have to research this some more and see what kinds of things with help the most of the withdrawal symptoms in case someone else comes here like you did.

In the meantime, stick with us okay?  We want to help you through this with support.
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On another note, I'm quite embarrassed; I just realized I'm listed as a female and I don't know how to change it!
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Hello everyone! I'm on day 5 and I'm feeling so much better. Every day has its own challenge, but every day things are also looking up. My symptoms are down to: nausea only for 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour at night, down significantly. No more vomiting. Diarreah is still a problem, but getting better. My main challenges now are insomnia, which is getting better -- I was able to sleep 6 hours last night, up from 2-4. Eating is still a challenge but improving. I at some bacon, eggs, and toast yesterday, and I've had some chicken noodle soup and tomato soup today. As the severe symptoms improve, minor ones are now appearing: I'm sweating all the time now. It's gross, but better than feeling like I have swine flu! I had my first dream in as long as I can remember last night, and it was a using dream, but unique in that my drug dealer was trying to get me to buy some and I refused. I can smile today. Thank you all so much, everyday is better.
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10623623 tn?1414292089
I was curious about withdrawal related to marijuana, so I asked my husband's friend because he is a daily smoker. He said that one time he went on vacation with his wife, and he decided to not take any weed with him. He got sick really fast after they got to their destination. He said he was throwing up and had bad diarrhea. Pretty much he experienced the same symptoms that you have experienced. It was awful. I just thought you would like to know that you are not the only one this has happened. to. I am keeping you in my prayers.
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Hi Mikei just wanted to say my brother who has smoked weed 20 plus years has tried coming off it but he too suffers the W/Ds like u are expeiencing now,and that has stopped him from getting off the weed he  can't sleep he gets angry,vomiting etc etc.........Goodluck Mike hope u can do whats best for you i too have my own D/C  that i am STILL trying to get off of take care Debbie  :)
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10623623 tn?1414292089
I don't have any great advice, but I have to say that I wish my husband would read this and realize that smoking pot can be an addiction. Just because it comes from a plant does not mean that it is OK. I don't believe people who smoke pot should be imprisoned or anything, but I don't think addicts in general should be imprisoned every. Addicted people need help, not prison.

I really hope that you are feeling better. I am an opiate and Ambien addict,  but it really is all the same. A drug is a drug, you know? I will pray for you. You will be OK. You will. You are doing great! Keep going because you are making the right choice for your kids.
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Hi Mike:

I believe you.   Weed these days is TOTALLY different than in was when I started smoking in high school (late 1970s.)  Back then an ounce costs $20 and was like tobacco compared to the stuff that is being cranked out these days.

Louis CK, the comedian, even does about this; about how scary and strong the drug now is.    THC is tricky stuff; cannibinoids can be comprised of over 400 different chemicals, only varying every so slightly in molecular structure, but having WHOPPING physical effects on the body.

You sound like you have a tendency towards addiction; i know I do.   Almost every, and I am NOT exaggerating, EVERY member of my family, is addicted to something (mostly alcohol, but definitely a few heavy pot users, and a few hard-core drug addicts.)  I'm personally convinced this is genetic.

If ever I heard of someone who would do fantastic in AA or NA it is you.  NA members, in my opinion, might tell you that they've never heard of anyone having withdrawals from marijuana.  AA is much gentler..and truly, you DO have an alcohol problem.....you substituted the pot for the alcohol, and it quickly took over your life, the way the booze did.  

But I recognize that for now, you are having a hard time with the physical symptoms. Don't give up.  Just grind through every day and know that you WILL turn a corner.  Post here constantly about each symptom...the folks here are wonderful.

THC is fat-soluble, and has a long half-life.  You will feel better each week but may not get good sleep for 3-4 weeks.  Marijuana suppresses dreaming, so when you quit after heavy, daily usage, you can get what is called "REM Rebound Sleep."  This is very, VERY vivid dreaming, sometimes so much so that it can be scary.

The pot being grown for dispensaries these days is so strong, I think it should have a different name.    You are very smart for choosing to quit.  

See a doctor...I beg you.  They will not judge you; they hear stories like this all the time.  Take the research you've done WITH you and show them.  Younger docs may be a bit more knowledgeable.

You have children who need you to stay alive.   If you truly feel like you might hurt yourself, go immediately to ANY hospital and walk into the ER...tell them exactly those feelings.    Just do it...trust me, I'm your parent's age, and I want to see you LIVE your life.    

The best and most valuable things in your life will come with a struggle.  And the strongest souls are covered in scars.   One day, your children will see you for the brave, amazing man you are.  

You got this.  You can do this.   Never call your dealer again.  NEVER.   Stick to your wife, kids, any sober friends, and do NOT be afraid to get medical help.    This is a very REAL illness...if you had cancer or diabetes, or pneumonia, you'd see a doctor, right?   No different.

Please keep posting.  WE care!  #TeamMichael!!!
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495284 tn?1333894042
You need some serious help with this so please reach out and check into some form of treatment, your life depends on it~
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hey Michael.  I am 22 days off weed, and I have suffered every one of those detox symptoms in your link.  The sweats was/is the worst.  I am only just now feeling better.  This weed from the dispensaries is serious stuff.  It made me so confused, I could never of posted to you just 3wks ago.  

My husband is actually the chronic smoker in the house (although not my doc, I smoked because I am an addict).  He has quit exactly twice in 40yrs.  Like you, he smokes all day, every day.  You wrote his story.  He suffered greatly with his first quit 7yrs ago.  He would never admit it, but I am his wife, I live with him, and got to live with his insomnia, depression, Anger, bathroom issues, all of it.  It took about 2 months for him to really even out.  Sober he became a totally different person and I mean that in the most positive way.  He has not been able to stay quit.  He returned to smoking in 08 after only a year off.  I can say with utmost certainty, weed has not been a positive influence in either of our lives.  Recreational use is one thing.  All day every day is quite another imo.    

You are very young and I congratulate you for getting a grip, and having such great insight.  Like others, I encourage you to seek addiction counseling to help you Stay quit.

Keep posting for support.  It's going to take a while, but you WILL feel better.  All the suggestions in that link to help with withdrawal are very good.  I think purrfectlyKrazy is sending you something in a pm that is similar.
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Great post Vicki...I agree 100%
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9880688 tn?1414115647
Okay, it looks like you've done your research for sure.  Please know that we all care here and that's why we say everything we say.  IF you are comfortable with your source and you do not believe you have any underlying medical issues then do what you can to ease your withdrawal symptoms.  I'm going to PM a sheet to you that may give you some insight.

I hope that you do consider addiction counseling for a little while...because I still believe there is an underlying issue...My father was like you...a sweet guy when sober (not often) and a very violent alcoholic.  In his case he never dealt with the poor upbringing he had (one time my grandmother literally put my dad and my two uncles while they were under the age of 10 and tried to drown them in a river).  I truly believe he never dealt with the pain of that so he drowned out his pain with alcohol and let his anger out on anyone around him.  My two uncles had some counseling and have been leading very happy lives.

Prayers and Luck and Happiness to you
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Michael- I believe you and have known of these untoward withdrawals and know they're severe and scary. Please be sure you're getting some fluids; small sips at a time.

If anyone needs in-patient detox and rehab it's you. I'm serious. You're young and have a family and you're ending your life. I doubt you'll ever be able to drag yourself out of this hole without a lot of support and care.. For you, stepping into hell would be a step up...I'm afraid for you.

Start checking into places TODAY.  You need to save your life.
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You guys should read this. Very, very few people experience what I'm experiencing, but I'm not unique in this. Everything I'm experiencing is in here. https://www.marijuana-anonymous.org/literature/pamphlets/detoxing-from-marijuana

Please, trust me, I know exactly where my weed came from and that it was safe. I know weed and I know spice. A friend of mine uses spice. It's quite different.
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Hey, Mike. Glad you posted. Many of us are opiate addicts on here: but addiction is addiction. And you got it bad, honey. But you know that, that's a great start.

You history sounds like the hundreds I've heard in the rooms of AA. Nothing unique there.

People on here, are focusing on your bad stomach etc and yes, it wouldn't hurt to go to the doc. Most importantly, you are an addict, and your life will get even worse (yep, it's possible) if you don't act...now.

Can you go to rehab? Can you find a way? If not, get thee to a meeting ASAP. You belong in the rooms honey. People in there have had it worse than you and they are doing great now. If you are too sick, go as soon as you feel a bit better. Please!

It's great that you are not making excuses, so many do at your age. You write w/ a lot of insight and no denial: that is so so great. So now take action, kay?

Keep posting, let us know which avenue you choose:)
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4522800 tn?1470325834
I too am so sorry to hear this..How are you right now?? I too started to smoke pot back in the 60s..Those days you just got a bag and it could of been any kind of pot but it sold for the same cheap price. Now days even with the Crank-Meth they are making things way different. I too think you are getting something that might be grown or laced with something stronger. I myself have done many, many drugs since I was 14..I am NOT PROUD TO SAY, but I never had any w/ds from anything until I messed around with the opiates in the 90s. There is Spice out here that can cause some serious issues. Unfortunately we just do not know what we are Eating or Taking unless we grow it our self. I would go to the DR or ER if this continues..Please seek some out side support for Addiction. You might think you are OK as I did for over 40 years. All of a sudden it sneaks up on you and off you go to venture further out. The BIG Question for most of us that have used recreational would be "WHY". I can look back and see that I never used for any mental reason other then just to party and try something here and there...BUT now after a lil over 2 years I still fight this battle. "WHY"..why do we think we need this pill or drink or smoke for this or that reason..Environment played a big role at first and then it all turned on me as each year your BRAIN Chems/Hormones & Transmitters get all messed up and out of whack..This is why the depression is so so so hard after you stop using. I was told by a professional Dr it would take a couple of years to balance out my brain chems/hormones and transmitters..I do not think I will ever be 100% normal because normal to me was using or drinking. Maybe not even every single day but it ended up that way after the first taste of opiates..PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE get some help before you loose everything including your brain, body, soul or life..Try some NA/AA or even go talk to a therapist. YOU are still so young..I will pray that you feel better in time and I mean it might take some time..So hang on tight and try to stop the insanity before it is to late.
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9880688 tn?1414115647
Michael.  I just had a good chat with my hubby about your marijuana usage and your symptoms.  He has never, ever heard of anyone addicted to marijuana that has your symptoms in his entire lifetime.  The worst he's ever had, seen or heard of is more of the irritable, cranky sort of thing...tiredness and some depression.
  He said point blank...tell the guy to go to either urgent care or the ER because something else is going on....whether it is that you have an underlying medical issue OR somehow or someway something got cut into what you were smoking.  He also agrees with the above poster that IF a supplier even cut just a little bit of the synthetic marijuana into what he was selling to spread it out a bit, make a little bit more money that could cause many of your symptoms.
  Don't risk your life okay?  Go see a doc asap!
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9880688 tn?1414115647
LOL I don't think anyone ever heard of the NPS syndrome....came up with that one on my own years ago when hubby complained about my PMS.  I told him well, I gotta deal with your NPS....and told him you are cranky, irritable, etc etc.  He laughed and started using that NPS syndrome with all his friends...

I agree with you that I have never heard of these types of symptoms for pot...no matter how much someone smoked or how high in THC.  Something else is going on....whether it is an additive, a certain strain for a certain type of illness or some other type of medical issue compounding the problem.
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First let me tell you I am so sorry for what you are going thru. I have suffered withdrawal too only from opiates, not pot. I agree with the lady above in that I really think your stuff may have been "laced" with something as I too have known life long pot smokers who have had lapses in supply but did NOT suffer anything like what you are describing. Now they did get a little irritable and anxious, but not really any physical withdrawal symptoms like you are describing. My brother was a life long smoker, and an ex of mine was as well, along with numerous friends. I never liked the feeling pot gave me it made me extremely paranoid and so I couldn't enjoy any aspect of it. After being prescribed opiates for pain however, and running out and suffering withdrawals from it, I suffered EVERY SINGLE symptom physical and emotional that you are going thru. I'm no expert on the subject, but js man, the withdrawal you are having is not the norm. Nor does the progression from beginning to end of your having lost your job, your home, etc that you've experienced from smoking pot alone! UNLESS someone put something else in it? Sounds totally like an opiate/heroin withdrawal/addiction to me. Have you pretty much always stuck with the same source for your supply? I guess it's possible someone could have a totally different withdrawal from a substance than another person but from what I've heard withdrawals pretty much follow the same pattern depending on the substance being abused. I have NEVER in my life heard of anyone withdrawing from pot no matter what potency or high THC it happened to be..... Let me know your thoughts on this and whether any of my assumptions are true, I definitely would like to help. Sending positive thoughts and blessing your way, MLD61095
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9880688 tn?1414115647
I still think you need to see a doctor...maybe there weren't additives...maybe there were...unless you were there when it was cut, packaged and prepped for sale you can't say 100% that there wasn't a chance.  Yes, addiction is very, very possible with pot....but my hubby was a chronic and very high user.  He would start his morning off with his pipe and end the night with his pipe.  I only tolerated it because the only danger he was in was eating too much versus drinking which has a whole other set of complications.
  I still have never heard of symptoms such as yours but then you are younger than I am and I do know that dispensaries do strange things with marijuana depending on what kind of illness it is used for so it is highly possible that the strain you were smoking was used for pain...in which case that would explain why it seems like you are having opiate withdrawals.
  Try the things I suggested....especially some kind of tummy pill so you can tolerate liquids...dehydration really, really makes withdrawals much, much worse.
  If you can try to find out exactly what strain your friend was giving you....then you can at least look up what it was created for...that may give you some answers...in the meantime...it really won't last forever.
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