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401095 tn?1351391770

Narcotic use for energy

The side effect mentioned on hydrocodone is sleepiness/drowsiness...yet almost every addict i have seen post got the oppsite effect of energy from the narcotics they took be it oxys or hydros....the majority of the population gets drowsy....so there is something i think that affects our brains differently that makes us prone to abuse them....if I fell asleep after using, i am sure i would not have abused them...is there anyone who took them/abused them for sedation?   How about how many abused them for the energy and good feeling they gave you?  just wondering
44 Responses
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401095 tn?1351391770
Is it as hard as it was the last go around on the withdrawals?  I hope not..I hope u r not having to start all over
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For that week or so my wife just told me today I did not eat just used and drank it to me is very hard to remember specifics
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Now I am withdrawing again. search me? why so hard for just a week and a half...
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Before I went on a """"weak"""" and a half using I had actually made it 30 some odd days..
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401095 tn?1351391770
Enemy...no he did not know...we are broken up long ago...1 1/2 years ago
A friend..the one who stayed at my house post op and had the pills hers...he knows about my problem....he did not like the lortabs as he felt too wored and we flushed thenm and got him tylox...anyway..he is out working in VA and had a root canal...he emailed me thismorning saying how much he was getting done..said it lasts like 2 hours and it feels great...RUH ROW...i told him be careful...the people who are affected this way are prone to get addicted to them...but i think now he understand why it could be so easy.....almost everyone i know, hydro makes them sleep...cept my friends who abuse them that is
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372416 tn?1242665752
You went for days?  How many?

I remember this Christmas, I stayed up all night cleaning house, then did ALL of my Christmas Shopping the next morning, came home, sat on floor, wrapped ALL presents, the woke up in a sitting position with presents all around me.  

I must have looked really pretty!
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I was just reading this thread again since it was bumped up to the top and it still amazes me of how many responses you received regarding the energy received and I would have to agree with the original post when you said it has those adverse reactions because I have seen many people use pain meds including my wife and it puts them to sleep. I can remember going for days not sleeping like it was amphetamines or the like not that I don't have insomnia now but it was always awake and wanting to be. I think possibly I was just scared to waste the effects of the drugs. Funnmy how it feels when we can relate so so well to each other.
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I use the fact that I have to clean the house or get something that takes energy done as an excuse to do more pills...when I'm sober, I have zero energy and don't want to do anything. When I'm on pills I feel energized and can do anything. Unless if I take a LOT like way too much I nod out and get drowsy...depends on how much you do I think and what you're doing. Methadone makes me more drowsy than things such as oxys and percs...
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372416 tn?1242665752
Gosh.......did your boyfriend not know too?  You know mine didn't and still doesn't!

When he was gone away w/job and he'd call and ask what I had done that day, I can recall saying:

I woke up early and cleaned the whole house, did the grocery shopping, went to mom's to pay her bills, helped my sister work in her garden, picked up the dry cleaning, cooked, hand washed my car, did 3 loads of laundry and now I'm sewing a dress to wear for you when you get home.

He'd be like.............WTF?
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401095 tn?1351391770
My boyfriend..at the time...used to marvel at how much i got done...i would be like waxing my car and **** on saturdays and he was so impressed!  LOL...He said he like me so much because i was so much "fun"  Little did he know...geez...i can not say i dont miss all that energy and i have been working hard on getting it back...but i will never have that kind of energy again and this i have accepted...it was ABNORMAL!  I think i am at the energy level now that most women have at my age..probably more than most, but it was hard to accept that i can no longer be the "Energizer Bunny" and keep going, and going, and going
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372416 tn?1242665752
I'd challenge you on the cleanest house.  

Isn't it weird how we LOVED housework on pills??????????????
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Like so many of you, when I first started using them, I didn't notice this energized feeling.  However, the longer I was on the codeine, and the more I used, the more I could keep going.  It was the weirdest feeling - I felt relaxed, but I also had so much energy I could stay up till 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning, working away on various things, and never feel tired.  If I was dragging in the morning, I just popped another pill, and the game was on for another day.  I think that's one of the hardest things now - after working all day, I am tired, and not able to sit up like I used to.  Do I miss that?  I would be lying if I said I didn't.  But I also wonder how much longer I could have gone on without destroying my body.  People aren't kidding when they say the mental part is often tougher than the physical.  

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454371 tn?1221297385
Don't know about you, But when I first started, I and the cleanest Hosue in town!!! lol..lol..

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I related to your post about how at the end of your usage, pills made you tired more than giving you energy.That is the point I am at with my perc habit. It has been four days, although I have never been a heavy user, I was very consistent. Daily...one half to as much as two 10 mgs. If I broke off little pieces, which is how I did it, I would get a litte "weeee" feeling for maybe 30 minutes, after that they would make me tired. So, what I am doing today is I am thinking about taking a piece of one, and have been thinking this way for days, but I am reminded of how tired I feel, and look!! This has been stopping me in my tracks, that God. I used to take a pill here and there over the years, smoked pot in the 70's, hash, qualudes (sp?), but never addicted to anything. Very different today with what we have access to and how powerful mind drugs they are. I read you took pills for mental pain rather than physical pain, and so did I. I had a huge family blow-up with my Sister and my Mom jumped on the band-wagon over something silly, but I was devastated by the way they treated me during this time. I dropped a bunch a weight, which was the only good part of all this, and had friends give me a Vicoden here and there. Those actually give me a headache, but the Percocet...now that was an animal of a different color for me! Loved it! So, I went from being given something once and a while, to a friend who gets them on a monthly basis from his doc and does not use them all, so calls me up and ships me a quantity every month or two. He knows how hard it is to get and that I have a herniated disc (big deal) so thinks he is doing me a favor. Once I can tell him I will not be needing these anymore from him when he calls is when I know I am done. Can not promise I will never take "one" down the road if the moment is right, but have to get away from having such easy access to these things. This is what has gotten me in trouble with myself. If I have them, I go to them every single solitary day, whether I need it/want it or not. Funny thing, I think I have at least 10 or 15 in my drawer and I am staying away. Don't want to go count them because not sure how I will react holding them in my hand-yikes. So, for four years since this huge family shake-up, was when I started taking these as much as I could get to them, which was not easy. As I sit here today, and actually the family issue mended over one year ago, I was medicating my emotional pain with non other than pain medicine?! I had to face the emotional pain of that event and understand why it happened as it did and then say, so what? All done-in the past where it belongs-leave it there and stop whining about it and medicating myself over it.  I am a small user it looks like, but I am consistent-or was-which is just as hard on the body I am sure. But forget the boday for a  moment and how about the heavy laden guilt and feelings of no self worth from taking these when you know better? That is the heaviest burden I carry and really can not handle that feeling. So...the percs I have come to realize only make me tired any  more so the fun days of staying up painting my whole house because I was so energized are gone, the guilt is gone when I don't take any...what more can I say to  myself? This should be the end of my Pills for Pleasure part of my life. Oh, how I pray this to be so.
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451343 tn?1256250831
hey worried, and all who posted.............. GREAT QUESTION !!!!!!!

for me........EUPHORIA......... lots of energy and a (false) sence of well being. i agree if they made me sleepy or feel drowsy i would have stayed away from them.  "C"
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Put me in the energy group too.  Intially though, I owned a cleaning svc. and as my business started booming my back started killing me so long story short, called an orthopedic dr., did x-rays and found all the problems so he puts me on lortab and then I became superwoman.  My back didn't hurt and I could clean the day jobs and the businesses at night without a problem.  This went on a few years and then the opposite started happening like most of us have said.  They stopped working and slowly but surely I ended up losing everything because I couldn't work like I used to.

Btw, where is sablezen?  I remember him saying something about lortab and percocets coming from the part of the poppy plant called the thebaine? or something like that.  He was explaining that is why those 2 drugs gave energy whereas some other opiates like morphine didn't.  He could explain it better.
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i spent a **** load of money chasing that high. i had so much energy and no one knew were it came from. its nice to just be high on life now. i don't need to be superwoman. if it gets done it gets done.
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I definitely got energy from them, and I loved that feeling! I could get so much housework done, but then they turned on me, just like alcohol did.

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When I was taking oxycodone I noticed a burst of energy but could not do much with a damaged knee
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511409 tn?1373395178
Well, when I first started taking them as prescribed, I wouldn't say it made me "Drowsy" but it was a nice relaxed feeling. And, the race was on. Probably 3-4 months in, when I started over-using, is when the whole Energy thing started. By then, no more relaxed feeling without double popping. God I hate those stupid things. I used them for every trigger imaginable. "OH, its gonna rain, better take a couple more!"  Stupid. Can you all tell I am still pretty pissed at myself for this. lol.
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401095 tn?1351391770
repeat of my use history...started isolating
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Yes, I got energy... The first time I took them I was on work comp and going to one of those clinics where they have the cabinet of them and just stick your name on the label. I honestly had NO idea what I was messing with. What I did know is that when I took them I was AWESOME at my job .... loved everyone... took care of EVERYTHING....but that was so early into it I could do that on like 3-6 5/500's per day then when the whole injury deal was over I quit no big deal didn't know I could have wds etc... Then I got them again for my endometriosis and really liked them too much and increaded my amount a little I was on 7.5's and taking about 6 or so a day....when I got pregnant I quit..no biggie. The dr did rx me some 5's for my extreme back pain but I didn't abuse them then. But after I had the baby I just felt like I couldn't do anything....then I had to go back to work full time and I had major major guilt for that....so I guess I was numbing myself and using them to get all my stuff done at work and home. Naturally the amount went up and up and up.....then they quit giving me energy and happiness..I was like a crazy depressed lady who couldn't leave the house. Know that I am off of them and feeling somewhat normal it scares me to death that when I have surgery again or another baby that I could get close to that initial high....my hubby will have to hold them for sure!
(i kinda went off track there sorry)
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230262 tn?1316645934
i wouldnt say they gave me energy exactly, but back when they gave me the extreme euphoria, it made me clean the house and such like a madwoman, and also because it took my back pain away so i could do it faster and easier. but then of course as with all addicts, you get to the point where you dont get any or much of a high anymore and only take them to keep from getting dopesick.
anyhow, initially yes i got a lot more done around the house but once the high was gone, Id feel sleepy.  
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