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Oxycodone withdrawls coming up & so scared HELP

My first post..I've been lurking on these boards for about 6 months to prepare to quit.I thought I had noboby.I finally confessed to a friend b/c I needed her help(i'll explain that in a min)she was totally shocked!I've been trying to find the right time.I know that sounds like an excuse but let me explain.a few years ago my husband was blown up in a mortar attack in Iraq.almost a year in the hospital all over the US with me by his side, he survived and is truly a miracle!he came home and I had to teach him to talk,swallow,eat, give him IV meds and like 2 different meds a day b/c he has a brain injury on top of many other issues. I have to shower,dress him,take 100% care of him.he can't be left alone to me to even go to the store.I'm his only full time caregiver(besides a CNA that comes in a few hours a week to help me) needless to say I must of did it all on adredline only b/c I was exhausted.well about a year ago a friend turned me on to a few oxycodones.AKA EVILS(that's what I call them)they were great, I had a ton on energy, was able to get everything done for my hubby, my house ect. To make a long story short I take as many as 10 a day sometimes now. they don't give me energy anymore and when I've tried to quit the withdrawls are so bad after a day i take them again just to function so I cantake care of my hubby.No, I don't take my hubby's meds he's on other stronger stuff. I usually buy them and have a script from a shady doctor. I hate to say it but if my hubby had them I'd probably "borrow" some if I couldn't find them on my own. well like I stated at the beginning I finally told a friend b/c I need her to take care of him while I detox. we have it planned for next week b/c of many factors.I'm so scared! I hate these fricking pills!!I haven't been able to do it b/c my hubby relies on me to basically live. I even have to transfer him to his wheelchair so there was no way I could do this before.my hubby's very supportive as he can be. he feels bad he can't take care of himself for me to do this..I need advice and support PLEASE! I have my friend to take care of him and she's the only one who knows. what do I tell the CNA that comes in to help?just tell her I have the flu?I got things from the "thomas recipe" plus a few other things people have suggested.I'm going to use xanax for the sleep and anxiety and I have neurotin from a friend for the RLS. I know everyones different but how long b4 I can fuction?I also have a company I run that I haven't worked out the details how to "dodge" people for a week.I'm also so scared about the mental stuff everyones talking about.what kind of mental stuff??I already have some depression and seconadary PTSD from my situation that I think I was also self medicating with the "evils" I feel like such a loser to let myself get like this.I'm also scared I can't do this.I'm told i'm a strong person for what I've been thru already but I feel this is going to be harder than anything I've ever done.please, any extra advice would be great. can you please tell me a play by play what to expect each day even though eveyone is different.I told my "dealer" that i quit and I cancelled my shady doc appointment.my friend is gonna write everything down so maybe I can help someone else if I make it thru this.Her and I are have been doing alot of research and need any help anyone wants to share. I'm also scared I'm putting alot on my friend to take care of my hubby & possibly my company for a whole week.everyone says they don't know how I do it and they don't even know I'm on drugs too..do you think I'll need my friends help for a whole week?I'm freaking out and I haven't even started the detox...my other worry is my hubby..I still have to prepare so much for her to take care of him like his med list,showering him,what he likes to eat, stuff he can have and not have...I'm trying to find someone to run the company for a week so she doesn't have to do that too..ok i've rambled enough..I'm open for suggestions..one more concern like i said I started taking them for energy..how long b4 my natural energy returns? I'm going to take the supplements from the thomas recipe..Please pray for me that I can do this, not relapse and no one finds out what a piece of crap I am...
28 Responses
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1131217 tn?1260291231
amy said in another post that tapering was actually harder and she is not taking pills anymore and she said it's easier mentally than still messing with them.

i am glad you are doing it.

please stick with it.  

time heals all wounds.

the mental stuff will take time.

be patient and persistent.

you can do this!

and don't ever think we would judge you.

we are here for support and support only.

stay strong!
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Stupidnamedude1~First let me say THANK YOU for your service. As far as getting help from our OIF/OEF, she is hooking me up with some counsler b/c I haven't really dealt emotionally what has happen to my husband. I have seen a couple in the past but they wanted to basically just drug me or wanted to "pick at scabs" that I started to heal. But obviously I started taking pills to kill the pain inside..Like you said they gave me energy in the beginning b/c I wasn't sleeping, eating right, or taking care of myself..now they make me lazier..My husband is the most amazing man in the world and I'm so thankful he's alive even though it hasn't been easy...Thank you for your comments..

AMARYLLIS & KMB22 I'm struggling very badly! I'm on day 2 and actually the physical isn't as bad as the mental..I'm a wreck! My friend is here helping with my husband but I don't think she knew how much was involved. If she leaves I don't know what I'll do.She doesn't realize how easy it is to take care of him now but maybe b/c I love him and have already been thru the worse with him..I'm so trying not to focus on the mental part but I think it's b/c I'm dealing with feelings I buried for so long..thank you so much for caring and please continue to pray for me! I should of tapered b/c if my friend leaves I'll have no choice but to taper and be more prepared as far as a counsler,aftercare ect..please don't be disappointed in me or think i'm full of excuses but I'm my husbands lifeline and WE have fought too hard for him to survive...
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1131217 tn?1260291231
i am worried about this women, i hope she is doing well....my prayers are with her.
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710423 tn?1271161074
How are you today?
Are you hanging in there?
Please post so that we know you are doing ok- or not ok.
Either way, we are here for support. Today I need YOU.
Need to know how you feel, where you are with your decision, etc.
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first off, you CAN do it. I did it, i tapered (not very well), it was very hard as an addict to stick to the taper, so i just ran out, i went through 5 days of withdrawal, and on that 6th day, it was like a light switch was turned on in my head. something else though, what kind of support are you getting for dealing with your husband's injuries? the VA has support programs and all kinds of things that can help you and your husband. the only problem is they don't advertise them very well. please try to get in touch with a OIF/OEF Rep at your local VA. they are there for one reason, to take care of veterans and their families dealing with the OIF/OEF repercussions. I feel that if you get some needed support to lessen your load with the care of you husband, you will feel more empowered to realize that the pills actually hurt more than help. I too was hooked on oxycodone, given to me by the VA of all people. And I sounded just like you, "they give me more energy" when you stop taking them, you will realize how in fact it is quite the opposite, since coming off the pills, I have more energy now than I have in a long time. I hope I at least helped a little bit and I wish you the best of luck, and please, tell your husband THANK YOU, from one veteran to another.
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1047946 tn?1332608029
Some more wonderful advice from Kim. Most, if not all, have to delete all contacts associated with pills in order to be successful. Sure, you might not think anything of it the first day or two in to withdrawals but our brain will try every trick in the book in order to feel the addiction. Just knowing a pill is just a phone call away is usually too overwhelming. You  really have to get all your ducks in a row in order to give you every possible chance to be successful. Such a small little task in order to up your chances!
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1131217 tn?1260291231
how are you doing????

oh can i suggest, you should delete any contacts that you have relating to pills, i think that would really really help you.

keep posting about how you're doing.

my name is kim by the way.
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1047946 tn?1332608029
You have a great plan in place and that is a good start. Kmb gave some great advice as well as the others. Even though something came up with your business don't let that veer off your plan. Many have worked through withdrawals and so can you. I once went through withdrawals working 12 hour days 7 days a week. Granted, it wasn't easy, but it actually helped keep my mind off of how bad I was feeling. Many of us will say and I'm sure you will agree that there is never a good time to quit. If it's not one thing, it's another. Just stick to you quit date and push through. You will make it. No one here has given up on you. No one here will judge and we have no right to. We have all been or still are in your shoes. We are one big happy family here that will be here for you no matter what the outcome.
You are a very strong person for all that you have endured in the past and present. I also served in Iraq and have some close friends that were seriously injured. I've been around them and their loved ones who are caring for them. Even though I've seen and been around it I can't imagine what you're dealing with. Just use the strength that you have and turn it in to a positive. For every negative there are always some positives. Sometimes you just have to look for them. But you will eventually find them.
I'm pulling for you and I know that you will beat this. Just hang in there and keep a great mental attitude. I feel that 90% of it is mental. Stay positive and stay motivated and it will make this journey much easier.
Best of luck to you!!! If you need anything, please let me know!

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YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!! You ABSOLUTELY can do this!!!!
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Thanks. Yes I want it more than ANYTHING!! 2 days and it's crunch time!! I think it was just habit of getting low on the pills that I had to get some more...I'm going tomorrow to get the stuff I'm missing for the Thomas recipe..I'm excited to be "free" Everyone in the beginning posted alot to me and I feel like some have already given up on me..I hope not..I need support more now than ever but I understand..
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710423 tn?1271161074
Listen (or read and absorb) every single thing Kmb22 says.
1st and foremost, you have to want to quit for yourself. No one else. Not your husband, not your friend, not even God. Only YOU.
I am tapering. I have gone from 30-40 per day, to today- 2.
I will have 2 more by nights end, if I want them. I have allowed myself time to heal. Slowly. I wanted to get more today because the thought of not having any- well it scared the he*l out of me. Fear controls most of my actions these past few days.
I have to stop or I will die. Period.
I have also gone through withdrawals on many occasions.
It is quick, compared to a life of waking each day counting pills, panicking about when and where to get the next bunch, freaking out about ODing, etc.
Please think about your body, your LIFE. You messed up. That's what we do as addicts. BUT, you can get right back on the path-
No one would stop talking to you on here. But we will kick your arse into reality.

KMB22 said it.
So listen.
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1131217 tn?1260291231
you have to really want to quit...or else you won't.

you have to want it above everything else.

and you have to be willing to put the work in and feel a little scummy for a while.
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Well I ended up getting some more "evils" last night..yeah I'm ashamed..I only took a few extra than I was suppose to on my taper..I didn't even get anything out of the extras I took.I have extras left but I still want to do my detox as planned...as I was driving to the ATM yesterday i kept saying this is crazy this is real crazy..I did so much lying and plotting yesterday just to get them..The worst ever...you guys will probably quit talking to me..I told my husband the "guy" was here applying for a job for our company just to have him come into my office..WTF?? My hubby knew it was BS but he played along..he was like that was a quick interview.. I don't know if it was mental b/c I was getting low on them..I have a decent life that I'm throwing away..Please someone yell at me or say something so I don't feel like such a piece of crap...3 days b4 detox..I don't want to let myself down or my friend that is coming to take care of husband just so I can detox...
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Just b/c you will feel like crap doesn't mean your brain wont work, is there a way you can work from bed? i know it sounds hard but stay strong and if u still havnt gotten a hold of anyone STOP TRYING. You will b so proud when you get this job done WITHOUT the "evils" STAY STRONG
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I'm doing my taper and low and behold, I just called the "guy" for some extra evils..WTF??Luckily he's out and I didn't call anyone else(yet) wait till you hear my reasoning..I got a call for my company of a pretty big job I have been working on for months..well starting the job is the same time I'm detoxing..I don't have to be on the job but I have to work it all out...Crap I have to stay strong...
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1131217 tn?1260291231
yes, keep posting, we are all here, i will check this thread every single night.  

you will be shocked at the money that you save.  

keep posting i'm here.
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401095 tn?1351391770
agree with KIMB...take a long deep breath..and remember ur fear is probably intensified according to what the wd u will have will be

I imaginged myself writhing around on the floor//throwing up/shaking all over the place etc...it was not like that at all.....i was a 100 mg a day hydro user for 4 years...and physical wd was like i had a flu..not even a bad flu with the runs being my main issue//imodium stopped that dead in its tracks..fatigue was another and I slept when i needed to//no insomnia for me...but went to the gym and a meeting each day whether i felt like it or not..only made 20 minutes on the treadmill day one...day 4 i was back at an hour and felt good day 4...and back to work day 5

We r all different but being afraid is normal...just know that ur mind controls how u feel...if u expect the worst then it is possible u will receive the worst..a positive attitude helps alot//being excited about being free!  Excited about how strong u r to let these monsters go!  U will survive and be better for it
I am not sure how much care ur hubby needs....may be nice to have someone on call to help if u need to nap etc...a real good reason to have someone sit with him would be to go walk/exercise or to a meeting or counseling//some type of aftercare..I really think u will feel batter thru this than u r expecting..I did the same thing  (:

Congrats on ur decisoon to get off this merry go round and join the land of the  living again
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Your right, I DO NOT want to use methadone..From my research, that is not for me..My friend came by today and went over everything for my hubby. I feel better about that part and that was really stressing me out. With her schedule and her stopping her whole life for week to take care of my hubby, my quit date is DEC.31st. Well actually Dec.31st will be my last day using(ABUSING)so Jan 1st will be day 1.

I have been tapering so it won't be a total shock to my body. I was doing 10-12 30mg evils a day..I had 27 left..(I'm not strong enough to just flush them) 7 yesterday ,so I did 6 today, 5 tomorrow,4 Tues, 3 wed, 2 on the last day...Pretty CrAzY I know...I'm already feeling alittle leg pain/satacia(sp) shooting nerve pain just dropping one a day..

I'm going to try and post everyday b/c so many of you have been so great and I need all the support I can get..It's like a countdown to get my life back..I soooo want to get over this..I hate obsessing over pills..after this then I have to deal with the consequences of the money I spent that was suppose to be for my company..but one thing at a time...baby steps..I just pray the stress of my consequences doesn't play mind games on me to start using again but guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it..Thank you so much for being there for me!
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I loved the lows and highs comment.  Very nice, I totally agree.

Well put,

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1131217 tn?1260291231
i don't know about the medication that deals with restless leg syndrome but i would highly recommend trying to take as few unnatural vitamin type substances as possible.  i really really would.  and i would NOT recommend taking methadone.  i have a friend who started with pain pills and moved quickly to heroin, he has been on methadone for years, it is so depressing.  he has to get up at like 6 in the morning to be at the clinic every single day and by 530 he is losing is mind pacing around his room and i was around when he missed a dose one time because he over slept, it was the worst thing i have ever seen.  

as human beings we obviously don't want to be in pain, we want to be happy all the time and not anxious, but that's just not possible.  at some point in our lives we are bound to break a bone, or go through a sad spot or be very very anxious about upcoming stressful events but this is a part of life, this is a part of what makes us who we are.  every day that passes that i am sober i start thinking more and more about why everyone tries so hard to numb out feelings and emotions that we are supposed to feel and experience that are a part of what makes us human beings.  and why we abuse our bodies when life is an amazing adventure.  you simply cannot feel the highs without feeling the lows, so embrace the lows as you would the highs.  i am trying to embrace this and walk through every day believing this.  since i was 18 i have been using drugs...some recreationally (acid, mushrooms), some i used for a long time and then quit (ecstasy <~~~~what this one does to you after long time use is awful, it took me years and years to no longer be severely depressed), some i really didn't like (cocaine) and then pills....pills out of all the drugs scared me the most and pill cocktails kill the most.  there is pretty much a pill for everything and they are all synthetic forms of cocaine or heroin, it's scary really.  and i am sick of supporting our government, they make a boat load of money off of pills.

anyway, no i had no support. in fact my boyfriend after i begged him to keep me out of all the pill talk and pill stuff put me in the worst position ever only 4 days in to me being clean.  and my roomate was using right in front of me and bragging about how many pills in a day he was doing.  i EVEN found an old scrip for percs in my basemant while i was looking for my christmas decorations and there were two pills left in it, i wanted to take them so bad but i flushed them.  

cravings, ya of course i have them, any long time pill user will.  

but you know what i was very addicted to ecstasy at the age of 18-21  and i mean i was a heavy user...doing it at least 4 nights a week sometimes 6 pills at a time and i quit and i never ever though i would ever not think about doing e pills again...but at 29 it rarely ever even crosses my mind.

so whoever said time heals all wounds was a very very smart person.  because it does.

keep everything in perspective, you are not going to die quitting these pills.

and about tapering how many pills are you taking right now a day?
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495284 tn?1333894042
You have a lot on your plate girl but you can and will get better.  WD's are no fun but you do make it thru.  I would not take the nuerontin that you got from a friend.  That needs to be taken under a doctors supervision.  There are supplements out there for RLS and such.  Drink plenty of fluids, take your supplements and get up and move as much as you can during this.  Exercise of any sort really does help.  Having a good positive attitude is a must during this.  You are going to feel rotten but it doesnt last.  I am glad you have told a friend and she is willing to help.  Reach out to us on the forum and we will be here to support you too.  I would also check into some sort of aftercare.  You are just dealing with alot dealing with this and your husband.  What a true fighter he is~~~~~~~sara
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Hello,my name is Krystal and I was addicted to pain pills for a very long time, i don't know how you feel about alternative methods of detoxing,but I am on the methadone clinic and it saved my life. There is a methadone clinic all over the place and I have been on it for 3 years and it has really helped me so much... i know people will probably say just detox on your own etc..etc... but some people have really addictive persinalitys and it is not as easy for them as others, trust me i know this because I tried to detox by myself lots of times and just ended up sicker and in more pain than ever,there was even a few times i almost died from the convulsions and stomach pains etc... anyway I thought I would just give you some advice,the day you get on methadone you will feel so much better and have more energy than ever to help you take care of your husband,and when you decide to get off methadone they detox you slowly to where you dont even have withdrawls, just a suggestion,it had done wonders for me and my husband was on the clinic for a while and now he is off wit more energy then ever and he didint have any withdrawls at all... Thanks and Good luck to you!!!
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Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about your ex doing that to you. You def. are a very strong women to endure all that as well. My so called friend that got me started is off the deep end like your roomate. He's shooting them and can't carry on a conversation or even function. He's been in car wrecks, beat up, robbed ect all over the "evils" I have seen so many people I know that have lost everything and 3 people( not really friends but people I knew)in the last few months have died from ODing..Then people I know will be telling me about other people we know how bad they are into pills and talking crap about them being drug addicts..Little do these people know, I'm one of "them" they are talking ABOUT.They have no idea about me and I'm thankful for that since I already feel bad enough about myself.
Your right I need to quit for myself, which I REALLY do, but my hubby is a strong motivation for me. Here's another thing I'm severely embarrassed about.. I've spent roughly 7k of loan I had for our company on pills...I'm running that right into the ground.Which is something I haven't even told my hubby.Probably gonna get rid of company in a few months but that's a whole another story..
Should I taper or just go cold turkey? that's really amazing you went to work and dealt with people all while detoxing..Your right about the xanax and trading one drug for another but I have a legal script for them and I rarely take them now so hopefully I'll be able to just take while detoxing and be done. The neurotin I was given from a friend is a non-narcotic nerve pain medicine I want to take for the RLS and pain.have you heard on that?I'm gonna have my friend dispense those and the xanax to me so I don't over due it. I want to get clean more than anything!! Do you crave them still? Is oxycodone the same as oxycotin? I thought oxycodone was the generic for Roxy's..Even though your clean now, if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you and I know I'm going to need your help if you don't mind..?My friend is coming by tomorrow to go over everything and show her some stuff for my hubby like how to use the overheard lift, shower chair ect. I had a typo earlier..he takes 27 different medicines not 2..I wish I could fast forward and be where you are. Did you have any support?
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1131217 tn?1260291231
i was taking roxicotten it's the same as oxicotten but without the time release.  

my ex boyfriend (who i now have a restraining order against) broke my nose, crushed my cheek bone and split open my lip, in june of 2008. i had to have 2 surgeries and was prescribed pain pills. conveniently enough but also complete coincidence i broke my collar bone one week after my pain pill script ran out...this led to more scripts when that ran out my roomate moved in who has a serious problem with roxy's.  so i started taking those everyday for almost a year.

i decided to quit because i value my body mind and health way too much to commit to a lifetime of addiction, i'd rather commit to a lifetime of sobriety even though it may seem to be the harder path to take.  it is harder to be sober than just pop a pill and feel all warm and fuzzy and radiant.  when you are sober you have to deal with real life, and real life is hard.

another major factor in my quitting was watching my roomate simply deteriorate because of pills.  he is officially kicked out of my house as of jan 1st.  he now shoots them up which is so scary.  the people he hangs out with are low lives. so seeing where the addiction leads was enough for me to say i don't want to go down that path.  and that's where it leads, always searching for that high, which eventually fades and you can never get back so you just take more and more and more until what?  you die? you steal from loved ones? you hurt someone else?  i don't know....

i quit cold turkey.  it was horrible, i am still struggling, but i go to work every single night and i snowboard almost every single day, so i am proof that you can go through withdraws and survive and lead a normal life.  i am a little more anti social now and i have actually lost friends and things with my boyfriend are falling apart because i am a little bit more isolated and to myself than i was when i was on the wonder drugs but i am accepting every emotion every pain every feeling i have and understanding this is what i am going through because i abused my body and mind for so long.  so whatever happens happens at least i am clean.

and yes what happened to your husband is terrible yet amazing.  he was injured defending our country, defending us, defending me, but he is alive.  

you have to want to quit for yourself and yourself only.. . . even though i know you have a huge responsibility resting on your shoulders this is about you.  

it is wonderful that you have a friend there for you, use her as a crutch, if she is willing to help she obviously loves and cares about you.  you will need this kind of support.  

you are not going to be completely out of commission you will still be able to function even though you are withdrawing.  i went to work every single night i was withdrawing.  i mostly felt fluish and pooped A LOT.  but i could still function.  sleep was the hardest part for me.

can i suggest getting yourself some sleepy time extra tea and having a cup 20 min before bed.  funny story: while i was withdrawing my boss at work asked me what was wrong with me?  i told him i was just very tired cause i could not sleep at all.  the table i was waiting on over heard this and left me a box of this tea as my tip.  at first i was super mad cause i wanted money not tea, but that night i drank a cup and slept like a baby.  

i know you said you would be taking xanex....be careful of these, i forgot to mention i was also prescribed xanex and i quit taking them as well.  the withdraws from those were worse than the roxy's.  and xanex can be just as addictive.  the idea is to not trade one pill for another.  a natural route to sleeping is that tea, some valuriun root and some melatonin.  if you need to take xanex the first couple of nights to sleep that is understandable, but try to make it only a couple of nights.

i know you can do this...don't say just another month. no no no no start right now!

keep posting
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