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955456 tn?1316227179

Please help me with my Percocet Addiction!


I come here today because I know I need a support group if I am ever going to be able to kick this habit.  I am a single mother to a 3 year old boy.  My life is nothing but stress, and his father gives me no type of child support, neither physical, emotional, or physical.  I have a wonderful mother, and wonderful siblings.  I was not a great teenager, always getting into trouble.  I got pregnant with my son at 22.  I was married to his father, and it turned out he was using me for his green card.  When I had my son, the performed a C-section.  I was given Percocet for this procedure.   Long story short, when I took these percs, the pain was GONE and I didn't dwell on my son's father day and night.  After my prescription ran out (it lasted about 2 days), and the dr wouldn't refill, I stopped taking them.  Then 7 weeks later, when I got a job, someone was selling them at the job. I was really going through it with my husband and I started buying them everyday to deal with my emotional problems that I was having.  They made me feel great, and not so emotional about the fact that this man was treating me SO BAD.  Ever since then, I'm addicted.  Now I finally go rid of the loser, and I have another loser to deal with.  This addiction.  I decided last night that I was going to quit today.  Unfortunately, the withdrawal was unbearable.  I have to work and take care of my son.  I can not tell my mom about this, as she is not understanding about addictions. She told me when I had my son that he was MY son.  I carry that with me, and know she has 2 jobs and is not able to stop her life to take my son while I go to a rehab or even just while I detox.  I had so many things I had to do today,  I just couldn't do them with those symptoms so I bought 10 end 10.  I want to stop!  Please, someone describe how I can taper off of them, starting the first day (tomorrow) with 5 perc 10.  Please I want my life back!  I can't afford a week off of work or a week away from my son.  I will be forever grateful if someone can give me a way to do this that doesn't interrupt my entire life.  Thank you!
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Hi nd74. I'm in the same boat at 4:30pm today I finally told my wife. I don't know why I just did. I got yelled at bec I promised her that I will stop when our son got born 2years ago. I did stopped but got back on about 2 months. I never got prescription  so I've. Been getting them off the streets. Financially there are really hurting me and my family. I took one yesterday 30mg and today I took some sub's abt 5mg. But I know where your coming from. I'm not saying tell your family but me telling my wife was the best move I did. Yes I got hell for it but she loves me and that's why her support is helping me.
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Wow. I didn't know people were feeling exactly how I am. I just admitted to myself that I am addicted to perps. I've been on and off thinking that if I get back on it, I can control the usage. Was I dead wrong. I got worst I am on my second day now and I somehow got the courage to tell
My wife. My mind is all over the place. Cold sweats anxiety attacks. I haven't gotten the restlessness in the legs but I have them on my arms. At night sleep is a battle. I have 2 kids and my wife currently doesn't work. I'm in the car business and these blues help me be more social and confident. I can't afford to take time off. Is there any over the counter medicine I can take for the restlessness and for the anxiety attacks? Please help
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Honestly if you want to kick the habit for good, i honestly suggest you sign yourself into a in house rehabilitation center that is covered by your insurance or by the state.  In my experience from my fiances father who was severely addicted to perks which lead to a full blown heroin addiction that is the easiest way to kick the habit for good.  Let a trusted family member take care of your son for at least 3 months with visitation and get yourself cleaned up.  You will not regret it in the end I promise you that bc perks are one of the most dangerously addicting pills you can take and you will one day hurt those you love including your son on them.  
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same here.  I am a married mother of 2 and was up to 100 mg of percocet a day . I spent only 2 days tapering . I went to my family doc and told him everything. he gave me ativan to help . I have been so scared . and yes today is day 4 and still ***** but slightly better than yesterday . the scary part for me is that not one single person knows or has known about my addiction , not even my husband . drink lots of water , go talk to ur family doc , and take the l-tyrosine . good luck  we can do it !
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I dont have a pill problem but my daughters father does.. Me and him are not together but i care for him a lot and he finally has admited he has a prob and he going away (thank god) i dont understand why he even started cuz he used to use drugs b4 we had our daughter and he stoped for 7 years but besides all that i want to know what is the chance he will start again and should i trust him to b around my daughter cuz the 2 years he has been using percs he really hasnt seen her which im glad cuz i guess he loved her enough not to in danger her i hope he loves him self and her to stop... Good luck to u all
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Hello everyone,

I am a perc addict and have been for about 2 yrs. my addiction began a couple yrs ago when my brother got stabbed and was prescribed Tylenol 3 for the pain. I took 2 one day when I had a bad headache and it's been downhill ever since. I had surgery on my knee about a yr and a half ago and was prescribed percs for the pain.  I was getting 60 tabs from my doctor that should last me about 20 days but would only last me about a week so ive been buying them just to get me through till my next refill. Well 2 days ago I called my doctor up for my refill and he said he's cutting me off of them because I been taking too many for too long. Wtf!  So Ive had none since Monday. This addiction has completely taken over my life, financially, mentally and physically. I'm day 3 without any percs and the withdrawals are pure hell. No sleep, sweating, chills, depression, severe mood swings. I got some Tylenol 1's from the pharmacy just to help with the withdrawals and so I can get some sleep. My family doesn't know about my addiction (my fiancé knows I take them once in a while for pain but has no clue about the severity of the situation) so I have to act like I'm ok when really I just want to jump through a window. Reading these posts is helping me get through this. I know I can easily get my hands on some but I really don't want to go through this anymore. I want my life back : (
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I have a different story for u guys. I'd had 2 children and my wisdom teeth cut out and kidney stones and never filled pain meds prescriptions! Never even considered it. I took the ibuprofen n that's it. Up until I had my 3rd child I never felt the need. My body and chemistry was changed with the 3rd or I was depressed. Whatever the reason my husband offered me a loritab to get housework done/have some energy. It was a few yrs b4 I had a real addiction but now it's his weapon! 2-4 percocet 10's a day 5 yrs!
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Honestly a short term taper method won't due you much good seeing as with drawals can last up to twelve days if not more. believe me I know. Pills weren't my thing. Heroine was. And those wd's are much worse I promise you. Best bet is to throw all the pills down the drain. Or try your slow taper method to make them more tolerable.. Either way the wd's will be hell and there is no easy way to beat it. Burn your bridges. Toss the pills. Delete your dealers number. No retreat. I know it's not comforting and i apologize for that but cold turkey is the best option not supplementing one addiction for another. Best of luck
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1831920 tn?1320857757
These pills are not worth killing yourself.  Do you have children?  If you seriously think you will kill yourself please check into the hospital.  Beleive me I have been there.  I tried to buy a gun in January and the gun shop owner called the police because he thought I was acting funny.
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I quit methadone cold turkey on July 24th.  I recently relapsed. I have been taking Percs. I am so stupid. I was hooked on oxy and methadone for years and finally decided to quit. My withdrawals from methadone were hell and now that I relapsed I'm in for it again. I know methadone is harder to kick than Percs but wtf. I just wanna kill myself for relapsing
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This is hell took vicodin for 2 1/2 mths following knee surgery . Was down to taking 1 at night for last week..now haven't taken any for 48 hrs n feel like crap. I am determined to quit n will survive this!!!
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Oh my god I feel all your pain I m married my husband has no clue and I need his help and I text him and than can't send it I have to work everyday and my heart and legs and the sick feeling is getting to me Help!!!!!
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BTW I have also just been recently diagnosed with type2 diabetes. I am hypoglycemic which mean that if I don't eat when I'm supposed to, my blood sugar will drop so low that I start trembling and feel light headed to the point of passing out. I could end up in a coma if I don't eat exactly what I'm supposed to. I feel extreme nervouseness and heart races. My muscles feel as if they were fatigued thats why they shake. I feel disoriented, confused and need to eat sugar when this happens. There is no cure for this. Its something I will have to live with the rest of my life. You can do it, your life could be worse. If this is all you need to get rid off to better your life with your kids, then DO IT.
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First of all, I just want to say that I am not in your situation and I can't even imagine what your pain and frustrations are, but I need to help my son's father get over this. I am usually very understanding, but when it comes to things like this, I can't. WHY can't he be stronger and deal with the stress like the rest of US, who have had (BTW, I had the same marriage prob, had baby with husb, got divorced, left alone with two kids and had to pay all bills and take care of kids and work on my own) it tough as well, and haven't turned to pills or drugs? On top of going through that I have THIS to deal with now. Its not easy for anyone now days. I've been sick as a dog. I've had kidney infections, I gave birth with no pain med's twice. I've been in a car accident, had my liver lacerated, been intubated, no ******* pain meds. 'cause liver might need to be operated and can't process meds. Just making the pharmaceutical giants rich and giving them a reason to keep making this ****. There is no reasoning with him. I don't know what to do. Help! would be much appreciated. Thanks
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I am in similar situation with no one to turn to for help except these kind of forom blogs and one friend. I have 2 kids and a nonsensitive husband. I am on day 2 with no percs however I have found a small amount of methodone to get me threw although I am just scared ******** that I'll get addicited to these. However there's no high with these it only curbs the withdraws a little. Good luck to u. Our children are our best motivation!
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Do u think it's possible to taper down from 10-15 pills a day to just 2-3 and stay lik e that? I don't like abusing them but I use to enjoy it when I was only taking 1-2 a day
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moI have been taking nurofen + for about 6 years. I started to get really scared about the side effects when i got a pain in my kidney region. My three boys have already lost their dad from 3 frontal brain tumours. Funny thing is i only started taking it for a sore hip and back but depresssion set in and taking more relaxed me. How bad is that that i can buy a drug over the counter that can kill me. I am trying to wean myself of but am going through horrible side effects
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Well I'm laying here all ****** up its my firstday iv gone through this and I'm a dumb **** for doing it again
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I am on 10/325 8 aday for herniated disc but I also get percocet 30s occasionally as well maybe 2 times a week.  I have not taken them in about 24 hours and I somehow am really not feeling to bad, body just feeling aches a little.  Everyone remember within a week you should feel somewhat normal thats something to look forward to.  I have been through this over a hundred times im sure of it and it is a viscious cycle if you really need them.

high doses of b vitamins help with energy
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Where Are you mo? I'm someone in a similer situation that has gotten inseration from these posts. How about an update? Even if it's not a good one! If we have to start all over we will! I know after reading this I am.
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Hey,  i am on my 4th day and i feel alot better.  I still have the ***** and some chills,  but so much better.  I was on about 15 to 20 percs a day.  I wean down my doses until i got to four a day,  then finally i took  my last 2 pills on monday dec 13th at 3 am. I used the thomas recipe and am still currently. The time is 5:47 pm Thursday Dec 17th. I haven't taken any percs whatsoever. It was one of the hardest things i have ever been through in my life. But i knew it had to be done.  All the things around me were beginning to fall and the only choice i could make was to succeed, failing wasn't an option.  I have failed  not only me,  but put everyone elses lives on hold cause of my opiate abuse. If you suffer from this,  you can change it.  Most of us abusing these pills are abusing them just to feel normal or they're to scared of the withdrawals. The withdrawals last days,  your happiness and everyone else that loves you is worth a lifetime. So please if you need help,  then go to your doctors.  I am doing it cold turkey ,  and it has been terrible,  but i am pulling through. Please I would love to hear from someone that is struggling. Feel free,  there is no judging here. Merry Christmas.. This time around i will think 10 times before swallowing a percocet again,  cause i would fall flat on my face if i re-lapse this time around. The withdrawals are very important to remember when your clean,  cause they are what keeps you from relapsing again!
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All I can say at this point is WOW. I know that it's been a long time since you've posted (or at least as far as I've been able to read) and I have to say that your story has inspired me. On the way home from work tonight after making another deal to get more from my supplier I realized how screwed up my life has become. I am currently on 12 10/325 Percocets a day. And even though I get 120 pills a month from my doctor I still have to buy alot from outside sources. I hit my rock bottom and decided after reading your posts that i can do this, I can be successful with this.  So thank you so much.
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guess what i'm on 15 percs a day too, and don't know where to start myself. what miligram are they, and how long.? we can help eachother. please reply, brookely
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