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Made a mess of thing. Heroin addict, dont know whats next

this is the first day i havent taken heroin and can barely type right now my body is in paain i cant even describe. i just need to hear some peoples experiences. ive f'd up so bad in my life w/ rehabds, detoxes, sober living etc. Ive been on a heroin realpse the past 3 months, i had been sober for a year. only i know i relapsed. i have things in my life right now and cant just disappear. I am prescribed suboxone. i was hoping someone could tell me their experience of using subs for a 5 day detox. like what dosages. i know nobody can tell me what to do, im just curious about what others have done that are heroin addicts trying to get free. i am in so much pain right now everything in me just wants to get high. sorry, my post would be ebtter if i wasnt in such bad wd right now...ive also been taking xanax the past 2.5 wks...am i in danger of wd from that too? I wasnt taking much. 1-2mg a day (for 2 weeks) and 2 g's of heroin a day for 3 months or so maybe longer. please help ive screwed up so bad.
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7808984 tn?1406680965
i doubt you will wd from the zanys i myself was into the zanys 2 , took them for years just not everyday i would use them for months at a time....im not sure u wont feel some of that but im doubtin itll be horrible...yes 2gs a day and quitting is going 2 be hell , i myself jumped off a high amount of the boy as well......my last day i was banging enough 2 kill 5 non opiate users at once pry.....its not guna be fun......but it does get better!!!!  i think the 5 day detox would be much help in this case.....some ppl are guna tell u it wont do n e thing and others are guna say this and that ...but bein a heroin user or X heroin user i have known plenty of ppl to do a  short term sub use and it worked......personally think its the only way sub should be used actually 10 days or less !!!!  ive sent u a message if u want message me back and we will talk in more detail!!!
21 Responses
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3433054 tn?1397115108
How did u stop
I am a meth user needles :*(
I just found out that I was pregnant yesterday
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thank you atthebeach and everyone 4 ur comments. sorry i hadnt posted anything, i am still trudging along at day 4 i just get SO depressed when i detox that i can barely do anything.its like my brain is completely zapped and no longer can produce any serotonin on its own and everything just sounds miserable. but i did go to a meeting tonight, and im still working on a plan of getting honest with those in my life but im just scared. i havent said the words out loud yet, not even to myself, and i guess that just solidifies how real this is, all over again. I find the night times r the worst, when im alone and with nothing to do I get the worst ccravings. Does this happen to anyone else? anyone have any good tricks to help with it? I wish i could just fall asleep but i have majjor sleep problems and i just lay in bed awake all night, especially now that im detoxing off heroin and xanx
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1235186 tn?1656987798
You have to find a new "rush" in your life. Something else to fill the void
Of getting high.
Please try to get to a meeting today. Pushing yourself to get up, showered, dressed and out of the house will help with your overall well being.

Please, please be very careful with the xanax up to 3 mgs is certainly going to present a bigger problem .
Are you getting them off the streets as well?
Your mindset of self medicating needs to be changed.

Please find a counselor. Start taking walks, establish an exercise regiment,
Attend support groups, church, new or old hobby.
Clean friends, people, places and things.
These will help you stay clean.
Give you a new sense of well bring.

Congrats on your clean time.
Push the demons out of your head.
Don't believe the lies of the enemy of your soul.
There is a life free from the chains and bondage of addiction.
Sending prayers,
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1269044 tn?1393189903
Stay strong!!  I've been reading your post and though I've never done H my story is similar regarding pills. The adrenaline rush of finding a score then going to get them. I enjoyed that almost as much!  Almost. Lol

You've stayed clean before you can and will again.
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i had a few hours tonight of not feeling like complete death. I want to get back on track but i have such bad cravings. even more so than just the drug is the whole process. getting in the car, driving to the dealer, getting home, putting it on the tin foil, etc. its like i get an anticipation high just from that, before i even get actually high. BUT i know i cant keep doing this, it just leaves me lonely and miserable and hating myself and if the people in my life that have helped and supported me knew how badly i have f'd up, it would destroy them. i know from experience that i cant do this alone, but i cant rly explain on here but there are things that are causing me from being able to be outright forthcoming about my using and im trying to figure out who i can tell or wat i can do because i know that if i try and do this allone, ill just keep using and relapsing.

im also starting to worry i may have wd's from xanax too. its been about 3 weeks now of taking it every day. at first, .25 or .5 had me completely wasted now i can take up to 2.5 to 3mg...im scared i may have another detox coming with that too. i dunno im to sick to even think about that. everything feels so overwhelming but i do have some hope. if i feel a litttle better tomorrow im gonna try and get out of the house for 1 hr and go to a meeting. everyones support has been so helpful on here. thank u guys ur helping me get thru
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7808984 tn?1406680965
keep fighting heroin 4 life soon this will all be over
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Yes, if u cannot find the strength to attend a meeting, then just stay on here and post as much as you feel you need to.
This forum is my meeting.
Stay in a bath with epsom salts if you are hurting so much.
If you can get panadol and nurofen, it does help a little.
Sweating it out will help a lot too.
I took super green food smoothies in a pk from the pharmacy and lots of green and white tea and hydralyte.
Also walnuts and almonds and dried figs.
Anything with antioxidants.
I stayed away from coffee because it can make w/d worse.
Also if your not taking an anti-depressant, saint johns wort from pharmacy is really good. It stops the feeling of sadness and depression and has a seratonin  stimulant in it, so its great for coming off drugs.
Your doing really well : )
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keep on fighting, this is temporary, the hardest part is the mental pain that follows.  For now, take baths/showers listen to music, continue to post reach out for help.  You sound like you really want to stop this vicious cycle, yes the high is great, but look at what it does to you, its so destructive in all aspects. Don't be so hard on yourself and focus all your energy on racking up your clean time again, you did it before you will do it again!!!!  BEst of luck to you...
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thank you thats good to know. i am on day 2 now of wd and feel so sick. i wanna go to an na meeting but i just cant get up to do it i am too sick. it is so crazy what this drug does to us and our bodies when we try to stop it
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Hey, it was only the subutex that got me clean. Nothing else worked. I had a great time on it, clear thinking, daily routine, felt so normal. When i tapered to 4mg, then i felt w/d but nothing like coming off heroin.
When it was time to detox, i had no w/d's whatsoever. I was so lucky. But i had clonidine and valium to help me. I slept everynight. I stopped the pills and didnt need them after day 8.  
But subs take a long slow road to feel better energy wise. I have had 3 days of energy in a row now and finally i know for certain i have my energy back. But it took 4 1/2 months.
If all avenues have failed at trying to quit, i myself would certainly then try subs to quit.
Im glad and grateful i worked the sub program, because i surely would not be here today 2 years off heroin without them.
I had no side effect while on subs but do know people who have.
Like i said, it does take a few months once quitting subs to feel ok again, with most people, not all : )
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also, if u dont mind me asking...what was your experience like getting off subutex?
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well i made it a day without using but i am so sick. I know this feeling though, its just a lot worse this time. prob because i was doing a lot more heroin than usual. its crzy how amazing heroin makes u feel and then how indescribably horrible it is the second u dont have it. I have been on the couch all day tryin to get thru it and trying to think what i am gonna do next after this physical wd ends. how did u finally stop after the 16 years of the addiction cycle? thnks for responding btw
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You deserve nothing but kind words and compassion. Dont beat yourself up. Drugs are addictive and if we could see the future knowing we would have issues later in life with them, we probably wouldnt of taken that path.
Being sick, is a disgusting and painful experience to go through. The only thing that fixes it strait away, is more h.
So its no wonder its so difficult to quit.
Your worth much more than the way your feeling right now. The guilt and shame is such a terrible thing too.
But you really deserve to be happy and content with yourself and your life.
It took me 16 years to finally get off heroin.
So i know how you feel with the struggle and hopelessness feeling.
I lost everything so many times and am only getting it all back now.
You can do it and we will always be here for you no matter what.
Keep posting and let us know whats going on. Please take care : )

Thanks Debbie.
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wow thanks for that comment i feel like i couldve written it exactly. all the failed attempts at stpping make me hate myself and feel like nothing. all the shame and guilt and hate and isolation. its such a love hate relationship and im so mad at myself i dont even no how i got bak in this position. im trying to fix it. i havent used since last night at 8pm so im just super sick on the couch right now.

also to atthebeach,
i dont even no how i caused my relapse again. i was doing the best id ever done in my life with sobriety. everything coming together in my life plus i had some real time. things were finally good but i scewwed them up.

I feel like there should be no kind words, compassion, or anything like that for me. i had my chance at that. so many times people have helped me and given me another chance but i continue to go back to the drug. ii know everything there is about addiction i feel like, and yet i still do the things i know will get me in trouble. yet the addict voice in my head sometimes just gets so loud. but i am trying to chagne that and fix things.
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1235186 tn?1656987798
Sending hope, encouragment, prayers, faith and strength.
What caused your relapse?  What will you do different this time
To stay clean? Recovery is a marathon not a sprint.
You have to walk the recovery each each and everyday.
You can't slack.
There is freedom from the chains and bondage of addiction.
Keep the faith.

Beautiful post Amanda.
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Hello there. Yes heroin is a terrible terrible drug. We love it and hate it at the same time. The euphoria it brings us, is enough to stay addicted. In the end, we have to use everyday so we dont get sick. Such a vicious circle.  
I tried for so long to quit heroin, i hated myself, i wanted to die everyday from my shame and chase of the drug.
I found subutex ( prescribed ) and automatically stopped using. I am clean from the needle and h for over 2 years now and never looked back.
I was on subs for almost 2 years and now clean from them for almost 4 1/2 months. Lacking in energy still, but im clean.
Its a very tough road but i thought i would be hooked for life and i hated that idea. So many attempts at failing, so i hated me, my life and i was the biggest waste of space. I was so greedy for the drug. Withdrawaling cold turkey was excruciating, i would scream and yell in pain like i was seriously dying.
But when i detoxed subs my doc gave me clonidine and vals to help with pain. I barely had any withdrawal.
If i can do it, you can too. I was gutter material on heroin. Now i respect myself and i know im a good person.
I was at the bottom and came up number 1. I believe you can beat this with strength and persaverance. Dont ever give up on yourself. And please, if you fall again, just get back up and try again. It doesnt matter how many times you fail, but how many times you pick yourself back up. Sooner or later the strength from within will take over. Greatest of luck on your road to recovery
              : )  all the best
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im so upset with myself i caved last night. late at night the wd's were so bad and i relapsed on h. im starting over again tomrrow, no matter how bad the wd's are i wont give in. I just want desperately to get my life back to where it was. I just dont no how i let things get to where they are now. i have relapsed so so so many times i dont get what is wrong with me. even with a long period of sobriety when everything was so good i still relapsed and destroyed everything. i just dont get it. i feel so beat by this addiction.
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4113881 tn?1415850276
Ive detoxed from Heroin many times. Just keep telling yourself its only temporary and treat it like you have the flu. Check out the Thomas Recipe...it may be helpful. Heres the link.

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oops sorry guys i didnt mean to "click bes answert selection" i appreciate both of your responses so much.
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just keep pushing through you can do this.  the first days are the hardest. but listen to your body and u can make it.im praying for you. i really am just keep fighting.
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