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33 Responses
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1122748 tn?1306239764
just a note: offending someone is not always a bad thing. I offended many people that I loved when i called them on their addiction, or harmful behaviors..

in fact, i am a pastor. Most find the Gospel of Jesus Christ offensive. But, it is also life changing..

be blessed
Brother Frankie
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1283286 tn?1312911966
No medical miracle..He is and was in the early stages of getting acquainted with pain meds during the course of the past 10 months. You weren't here when his concerns first came to light or are familar with the conversations and facts that form the basis of what your reading now..He has a chance to avoid all that most of us got caught up in as he found this site at the first signs of a problem, not after the fact, like me, when the pills had already gotten their grip on me along with most others in here. His tolerance is low and he has a chance to save himself what all of us others have to fight with on a daily basis..

The only thing special about him is the fact he has a chance to save himself from the long term consequences if he acts now..
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Hey Jed we are trying to help you. My God of you only knew what it's like you would be thanking Dave for calling you out on your preoccupation with wds. Because it's something I wouldn't wish on anyone. No one deserves to suffer like that but it's the price most pay when we get too close to the flame.

I'm not intending to make you feel bad. Just trying to get across just how bad it is and that u have been given a gift by not having wds. A HUGE gift. Priceless really. I wish you well and keep a strong support system going so that if ever you feel weak you can turn to that and not the pills. Peace!
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One of my best friends died from a Methadone overdose this past July, I had my procedure and now I want off of them , which I am, and will stay. If that doesnt make you not want to take pain meds nothing will!
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Yeah..your a little too obsessed with wds or rather, the apparent absence of them. Not a "medical miracle" but an addict who's addiction is  in early enough stages that the wds have not set in. If you do not heed the advice given you will not be so lucky next time. By the time you figure you've once again had enough your addiction will have reached full raging bloom and you will no longer walk away. Rather you will endure physical and emotional pain you didn't even know could exist. And even once the onslaught of physical symptoms finally leaves. After those days come even more hell. The mental part is even worse. Because there is nothing like feeling so depressed you wanna die. So anxious that you could jump out of your skin? Does this sound like something you wanna mess with? It ain't worth rolling the dice Jed. Take your good fortune and run with it. Playing the game of "how much can I do before I hurt bad" is a game you'll lose. Because by the time you think you wanna be done again it's too late and you'll cry when you think that you had a chance to put it all behind you-but didn't.

If you need any convincing just pop by my place the first week of Jan and observe the shaking, shivering, sweating, writhing in pain puddle of mess I'll be. That is if I'm not in the nut ward once the deep dark depression sets in. Lotsa fun huh? No. It's bad. Very very bad and you want no part of it. So put this behind you and move on!! Don't give your addiction any more room to grow.
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1283286 tn?1312911966
Jed, I really wasn't trying to offend you in anyway, but you really have this focus on wd's that has me stumped..You over think it for some reason and that "some reason" is what got me thinking. Because the issue with being on the oxycodone for the past year was totally new to me as there was no discussion at all back in May about that type of useage.

I do understand the medical need you had here recently and am not being judgemental in any way about your need to medicate for that.

But ,if you could take a minute,,what is driving this obsession you have concerning the wd's ? If you go back thru your posts, you will see that you repeat that question over and over even though back in May and here in the past couple of days, I thought I had answered that for you with the best that my experiences taught me about what or what not might happen.

Please don't take my questions or perceptions as a negative directed toward you as trying to pick your story apart..I do care about the struggle your having and want to see you get clear of all this..Your constant question about "do you think its over?, Do you think this or that? which you virtually ask again in all your posts is what I don't understand..Its got me confused and thats where I'm coming from...But please do take notice though that the addiction process is working its way into your mind. Just by having this intense focus on the wd's ought to make you aware of that..Its a fixture in your mind right now..As Gnarly states over and over, which I totally agree with is " the battle is 1/3rd physical and 2/3rd's mental...

Again Jeff, I was not trying to offend you in anyway so please put that aside..I'm trying to figure out what I might be able to suggest to help you shake these constant thoughts of the pills and wd's, but I can't quite grasp why these thoughts keep hounding you..

Got to run. Refrigerator died on me. Had an attack of the gremlins yesterday:)..At least they didn't interfere with my quick fix greenhouse cold frame I put up yesterday. I have 24 beautiful brocolli plants still growing but had I not gotten them covered, these mid teen overnight temps would have killed them for sure..They can take a day or two of freezing temps, but 4 days worth they can't handle. If I get a chance, I'll post a photo of my latest in the profile..:)  Make it a good day Jeff. Catch you later..David
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That's not it at all. Dont worry about it. Just want to be off them and I'm sorry I do worry about getting sick, but It's 40hrs into it and I'm not sick, so just forget about it. Just was looking for a little encouragement. That's what this forum is supposed to be about , right? I had a medical procedure done after I tapered the first time and was taking them for the right reason, just thought I could get a little better response.

Good day
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you must be some medical miracle.

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1283286 tn?1312911966
Jed,,your a worry wart,,have been, but now I have to speak freely on why I think this is becoming an issue :).

.If you were going to experience any of the normal physical stomach,diarrhea, migrain, RLS,,insomnia stuff that hits during the early stages of wd's (the first 3 or 4 days, especially day 2), you would have no doubt's in your mind as to what was taking place and what was causing it which, knock on wood you have dodged for a second time, with last May being the first time.

But in comparing what is taking place this round verses our conversations last May,, it seems to me (and I'm only speculating), that your evaluating this wd issue over and over for some objective I believe is underlying in your thinking...

Which, and again I may be wrong, this repeat of constant concern questions leads me to believe that your trying to get a gauge on how far you can go in the usage dept before you reach that line where wd's will hammer you.

I'm not trying to be picky or talk down at you here at all, but in this latest post you spoke of a battle you have been having with the oxycodone over the past year whereas in the May conversations you were speaking of hydrocodones specifically being the only issue you had in your life at the time.

Jed, let go of the pills, I really get the impression your trying to determine how far you can go before they will make stopping a bad experience for you.

I also get the feeling you enjoy the pills more than your leading anyone to believe..

You have to make a choice..Your playing russian roulette with what I think I see taking place. I get this feeling from the constant repeat question of "do you all think I am clear of any bad wd's?"..

You kept asking that back in May and your doing the same again now...Too me,, I really do get the impression that deep down in that mind of yours you are trying to figure out how much fire you can play with before you get burned...

Please correct me if my perceptions are not correct, but in thinking this thru over and over, it seems like the only logical explaination I can come up with in my mind that has you keeping a concentrated focus on  the wd isuue and the lack thereof of the symptoms..

Let them go Jed.. You've been lucky so far. But h*ll week is just a hair's breath away waiting for you to push the envelope one stage up from where your recent useage was...Physically your fine at this stage. Mentally?, and I said this before, those wd's are about to pounce on you and when that gets its strong hold, you will be dealing with months trying to free yourself of the repercussions that come from that aspect..With depressive thoughts being a large part of that battle...


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Thanks for the comments and good luck at the first of the year. I really do think I dodged one here , because I think I would surely be feeling rotten by now, after 36 hours now. What do think? I weaned myself down to 20 mgs a day for four days, then only 10 for 1 day , then jumped off Sunday night at 6:00 and that was it. had some irritabilility while the few days I tapered, but nothing I couldn't stand. You think I'm done?????? W/D's in the past I hope.

Thanks again
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I think you can be proud that you put a stop to your addiction before it got right out of control. I also think you should thank your lucky stars that you didn't end up experiencing the kind of indescribable pain of withdrawal lots of us here deal with when we stop pills.

I'm really glad to hear you have a strong support system. Make sure you are open and honest so if for whatever reason you are tempted to pick up you have someone to talk through it. Plus there's always this board.

Jed I envy you, kinda jealous really. ;) you see I'm one of those ppl who didn't listen when warned. I didn't walk away when I could have and now I endure MaSSIVE wds when I try to quit. I'm up to about 160-200 mgs when I do oxy.  I "supplement" with sub. I'm a mess and come the first week of January I'm jumping. I will be paying the piper for the year long relapse and hopefully it will be my last.

You have avoided the worst pain imaginable. You can go and never look back. There's just destruction and the means to a bitter end in these pills Jed. You don't want or deserve that. No one does but some of us end up badly hooked. The mental part is creeping in. Dave nailed it when he wrote about that little voice saying you can't live without me" that voice is real. It's the voice of addiction. And it's a voice that hasn't YET gotten to loud in your mind. But still it's THERE so by doing this you've essentially cut the head off your addiction and can move on and please Jed, never go back. You have the chance to avoid hell on earth-take it and run with it!

All the best and God bless you!!
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Got up this morning, slept all night. I'm at the 36 hr point with a little Clonidine just in case, but I tapered down to 10 mg a day total. I didn't jump off at 80 like eye said, I still don't have any withdrawals. I think I 've beat it. No runs anymore,headaches,chills, or aches,pains etc. What do you guys think this morning. End of workday today will 2 days with nothing.

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1525404 tn?1291914516
Jed, when I quit oxy's (80mg)  I went cold turkey and for me it was about 36 to 48 hours after my last that the withdrawals started in. Leading up to that it was uncomfortable but managable. I was just waiting for the real deal to start. And it did.

Just because you don't feel too bad now doesn't mean you won't. But when and if it does get worse don't panic and don't take more pills to make it go away. Get it done now. Make your mind up now that you are stronger than these pills. It's hard, but the more you talk and share about what's going on the easier it will be. You just have to take you mind to a better place while it's happening.

Good look Jed, you can do this!
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I must confess I didn't jump cold at 20 mgs. I had 10 mgs total yesterday, and they were broken into three little pieces. So I've come from 90 on the 8th to 10 on the 12th, and none today. So today is my first clean day. I haven't had anything but 3.5 mgs at 6:00 last night, so I'm 23 hours into it and don't feel any worse than I did yesterday. Still got the runs, but if I can just make it past the 72 hour mark with nothing major, I'll be the happiest person on earth. Does anybody think I'll have any w/d's other than whats happening right now. I've got a very good doctor too. I'm the one who told her I didn't want them anymore, and she was proud. She also scripted me some Clonidine. I haven't picked it up yet, but she said it works great. Just wanted to share.

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1283286 tn?1312911966
I meant to say that 90% of the people in here "wish" they could back up to the position you find yourself in right now. My bad...Mind moving faster than fingers ;)
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1283286 tn?1312911966
Keep counting the days Jed, your clear other than the thoughts of the pills popping up in your mind being they are so recent in your lifestyle for the past couple of months..Got to drill that thought in your head that your done. Within a couple of weeks, those thoughts will get farther and farther apart until they are a thought that exists in the archives of your mind of life past...Hey, if you get a thought,,go take a vitamin..Thats a pill too,,and a good one for you :)..You'll be ok..You've got to get away this time for good though. They really are ingraining themselve's in your mind...I'd bet 90% of the people in here could back up to the days when they weren't totally overwelmed with the thoughts of them. You have an advantage right now. Most of us had surpassed the moment your in now before we woke up and realized what the true nature of those beasts are..You really have a super strong chance at ending this in a short time frame verses all the rest of us in here that have to fight this battle at every waking moment..Just do it. Find a girlfriend or something :). That would have to feel better than anything the pills can do for you in the stimulation dept! (big smile)..Thats a buzz I believe would be worthwhile :):)  David
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just wanted to post that i"m getting a little anxiety right now. I think my mind is playing tricks on me. my nerves are getting the best of me right now, just hoping that I won't feel that bad. any thoughts?
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The good thing about all this is I have no friends or relatives that have any medical problems that require pain meds, also I'm in a good church with people who love me and pray for me. I think this is good because if I'm not around it I think the temptation won't be there.
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still feel ok. Am I past the worst you think?
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Glad you guys are here. I'm very able to do this. i figured i stopped some of the really bad withdrawals by steeping down 70 mg a day for the last three days. Something tells me it won't be as bad as I think. Thanks Guys
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271792 tn?1334979657
Good for you JED...I know you can do this and we will be here to help with any questions you have or just coach you and support you  along the way!!! Hang in there!!

And the good news is you will be clean for the holidays!! Now that is cool!!
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1283286 tn?1312911966
Good thoughts to have..Get rid of whatever is left and get back to living without them being "any " paqrt of "any" thoughts you have during the day..Ridding yourself will give you your freedom and mental sanity back:)
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You're right half a pill is nothing and i'm afraid of withdrawal. I just want to be done with them so from now on i"m stopping coming off of 20 mg can;'t be as bad as the first time. All I'm having right now is the runs and I feel fine otherwise. I really think I can be done with these with minimal side effects. I really think I've been through the worst. I am tortiuring my self. I'm fixed now, so I just want them out of my life, to lead a productive live. i"m very optimistic, don't get me wrong. I've never wanted them gone so bad in my life. I'm done.
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271792 tn?1334979657
AMEN Dav.....

Jed, if you just stopped torturing yourself this could be over with in a few short days. You are dragging this out and causing unnecessary discomfort and stress. The pills are a crutch for you now and I hope you come to a point where you realize you can walk without them....
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