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Fioricet and online pharmacy, plese help me

I am new to this forum, and am hoping and praying someone can help me.  I have had four TMJ surgeries, and have suffered with horrible headaches and pain.  I have been through physical therapy, accupuncture, tried meditation, etc.  Finally, my doctor finally gave me a referral to a neurologist.  This was four years ago.  The doctor gave me two medications - one when the headaches weren't so bad (fioricet), and one when they were (fioricet with codeine).  I have never been a medication person, so I didn't like the feeling either gave me in the beginning.  I felt foggy, but the headaches and pain went away, so it was worth the tradeoff to me.

Flashfoward to present, and I am up to 8 or more a day, taking a combination of the fioricet and fioricet with codeine.  I had gone from someone who never took aspirin to being afraid to ever leave the house without my medication.   I became anxious when it was time for a refill.  I asked the doctor a while back about taking so much, and he kept assuring me it was "fine".  I knew in my own mind it was not fine, I hated being a slave to these stupid pill bottles, and I was disgusted with myself that I ever got into a situation like this.  However, the headaches wouldn't go anyway any longer if I didn't keep taking more and more.  Any "pleasant" feeling from the codeine was long gone  -  I just had to have it, period, to even feel semi normal.

My neurologist would encourage me to use different pharmacies when filling the two medications, which made me very suspicious.   At my last appointment, I finally got up the courage and asked him if he could help me cut down, as I was getting more and more worried about the dosage.  His irritation became quite apparent, and it was clear he thought I was questioning him.  He again said the dosage was fine.  The next day, I got a call from his secretary informing me that since I couldn't follow his treatment protocol, I was being notified that I was being dropped within 30 days as his patient.  I got a certified letter the following day stating the same thing.  I could not believe it - I just asked him to help me cut down, and instead he dropped me, and refused to see me again, or even speak to me on the phone.  That was three weeks ago, and I am in an utter panic and beside myself with fear.  I have read of the high risk of seizures just stopping, and I don't have enough to taper down.  I didn't know what else to do, so I found a pharmacy online that ships fioricet, and ordered some.  I have never felt lower in my life - I spent over $100 on one bottle, money I can't afford to spend, but I don't want a seizure.  And that's just fioricet, not anything with codeine.
Can anyone help me - is cutting down by a pill a week a slow enough taper?  Has anyone else used one of these supposed US based pharmacies?  I am scared to even take the medication, and am afraid I will have the police on my doorstep (I think these operate under someone of a gray area, but I am afraid nonethless).  I don't want to place a second order, and want off this stuff.  At the same time, I am afraid of being wtihout the safety net of the medication, and the thought of daily pain distresses me as well.  Please, anyone who can help me, I would be eternally grateful!

17 Responses
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495284 tn?1333894042
The longer you are clean the less cravings you have but they will surface so you always have to keep your guard up.  That is why we talk of recovery care so much on here.  It will feel strange for awhile, almost like losing your security blanket.  I love being clean and life has taken on a new meaning now.  You will find that too......sara
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It will be close, but I think I will be ok.  I almost hate getting up in the morning, because I don't feel "normal" without taking a pill right away, but I am doing my best to spread them out throughout the day.
I am worried, too, about the long term - I am trying to go one day at a time, but I just don't want to go through all of this, and in six months still be craving the medication.  What do most people find - does that feeling ever go away, or is it there nagging from time to time?

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1135275 tn?1586565652
do you have enough till monday?
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Hello - thanks for the info regarding the online pharmacies.   I understand what other people are saying about them, and believe me, I will not order again.  In a panic, I tried to weigh which was worse - not having enough to try to taper off this, or having seizures.  That said, I understand the medication may not be as is represented, either.  I would like to see the day that a doctor that prescribes like mine did, and then dumps me for questioning him, is held to some sort of legal standard as well.  I am going to file a complaint with the state after I am feeling better.  I don't want anyone else to go through this. I don't know if it will do any good, but I will try.
I did call my PCP, and she is on vacation until after the holidays.  I told the receptionist I had to speak with her as soon as possible Monday, so I will have to wait to see what happens. Thanks again so much to everyone on here!

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1135275 tn?1586565652
i'll also add that in an ideal situation, you COULD use your remaining supply sparringly....however you should take into consideration that altering your dose TOO much could also trigger withdrawal complications. it really depends on how much you've been taking though. its just something to consider. to ration your supply would be better than to go cold turkey, but don't make alterations lightly. if you can at least speak with your current PCP over the phone first, i would do that.
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1135275 tn?1586565652
if you ordered fioricet online, keep in mind that it is NOT a controlled substance, even though drugs similar (amytal and butisol) are highly controlled. the truth is that in most states, ordering meds from an online pharmacy is legal...so is consulting a doctor via a questionnaire. i'm assuming this is the process you used? fill out a form, a doc 'reviews' it and they send the RX to an online pharmacy...USUALLY its completely legal with non controlled medications depending on where you live. in general, when someone gets in trouble, its usually the 'pharmacy' that runs the site.

laws are different in different places...but one thing is for sure....since this drug isn't a controlled substance, i hardly think they'll be breaking down your door. should it be controlled? ABSOLUTELY...but so far it isn't. what i would be more concerned with is getting the right medication. on many sites, they don't even spell barbiturate correctly, or they will send you fioricet (non controlled) instead of fiorinal (controlled)....something a reputable pharmacy would never do.

in any event, whats done is done. IF you were to get in trouble....and its not likely...it would be no harsher than if you were to have order something like a cholesterol or blood pressure medicine. now if you started ordering controlled medications online...that area is far more gray.

i agree with vicki...you should contact your PCP. most of the time, they have NO clue which doctors are idiots. i really think if you print this out and tell her exactly what you've told us...she will help you. i'm sure of it. suggest you want a fairly long taper. go over how LONG you've been taking this and how much. this is very important...

most often, we think if we take 6 of these in 1 day, we will have 300mg floating through our bloodstream....but we often forget that if we've been taking this every day, the half life is very very long for this drug and so it builds up to much higher levels. for this reason, a taper is VERY important.

good luck!
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185545 tn?1331074866
I dont know about not worrying about the online order. Just saying, if the State is determined to prosecute, there will undoubtedly be a trail leading straight to your door. Whether it be credit card records, your name and address on a parcel, confirmation emails on your email account etc,etc,etc. Whilst this is undoubtedly on the lower end of the criminal spectrum, a succesful delivery is still very speculative and reliant on numerous variables beyond your control working in your favour. Definately not worth repeating.

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Call your PCP tomorrow and get in to see her. She probably has no idea what the neurologist is doing. You need her right now. The ER is okay but I'll tell you...a lot of doctors have no idea what to do with butalbital addiction. It's just up to you. Whatever makes you feel safer at this point!

Don't worry about the online order. If it arrived unopened and without a letter from the DEA in the mail...it's all good. They would have seized it and sent a letter asking you to come pick it up.  Uh...Kate who???  Let that go...just don't do it again...
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Also, when the DOCTOR tells you to use two different pharmacies to fill two separate rx's, that's a red flag!!  He's a nut job!  As my_mayberry said,you need to go after his a$$ when you feel a bit better. In the meantime,do call there and voice your disatisfaction!  That's just horrid!!  I hope you have a family doctor,too. Mine was very understanding and helped me tremendously...
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Wow, thank you all so much for the quick replies - it's wonderful to know there are such caring people out there, willing to offer advice and support.  I have thought about going back to my PCP regarding this, but since she was the one who sent me to the neurologist in the first place, I was hesitant to even go back to her.  
I can see, though, that this is something I won't be able to do on my own (most likely), or with the limited supply I have.  And I wish I could say I exaggerated how this doctor acted toward me, but sadly it's true.  In retrospect, I should have run screaming long ago.  He often told me how many of his patients called him by his first name and brought him Christmas gifts.  I think he is on a power trip of having all of these people groveling before him.  I blame myself for not trying to get off this faster, but I think by the time I realized how far into it I was, it was easier to just take his assurances that it was fine and leave it at that.
I will try to find another doctor, but if the risk of seizure is that high, I am wondering if an ER is better.   I just hope, on top of everything else, I don't have legal issues for the online order.  I will keep you all posted, thank you again so much.

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Oh...and I have to stress this: Seizure risk is very high if you stop abruptly so don't do that,okay?  
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1135275 tn?1586565652
if everything you tell me is true, then you need to call the office and say that if your doctor does NOT give you enough medicine to hold you over until you find a new doctor, then you will sue him for malpractice as this drug requires a LONG and thorough taper.......THEN find another doctor. this doctor should abosolutely NOT be your doctor if they don't know the danger of this drug.

you need to excercise every LEGAL means of NOT going cold turkey on this drug....even if its checking yourself into rehab. the butalbital is the high risk drug here...the length of time you've been on it and the dose all are very major factors in exactly how much of the drug is in your system and potential withdrawal effects. if you can't get your CURRENT doctor to give you enough refills to find a new doc, then i WOULD sue them for malpractice should you have any complications. i would go to any family doctor or urgent care (if you have to) to try and get something....some sort of taper....the longer the better. once you have a taper, stick with it.

this is not an ideal situation for going off this drug. make sure you look out for YOUR best interest. by this i mean to be as nasty as you have to be to make your current doctor see reason, then get you a new one ASAP.
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185545 tn?1331074866
Hi Kate. I wish i could offer some happy news but i am afraid there is no silver lining when shopping online for narcotics. There is a high probablity that IF you recieve any drugs that they will be sub par(dubious/unknown origins) and perilous to consume. In many ways this is far preferable to the small possibility that they are genuine. An unfettered,unsupervised supply of genuine illicit narcotics may seem, at first, to be a godsend but at $100.00 a pop, no accountability, no medical expertise,not to mention the legal ramifications if caught all conspire to create a serious situation.

I empathise with your predicament but a barbiturate dependancy needs to be monitered closely by an experienced physician rather than managed( or mismanaged) by a medical novice with little or no experience in this highly specialised detox treatment.

I would encourage you to try and mend the rift between yourself and your doctor and if irreconcilable i would then scout for another physician to help supervise a safe detox. If you have any pills left i suggest you ration them in a way that will ensure you have something every day until you are able to find a tenable solution.

All the best Regards Jeremy.
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Hi Kate!  I can help you Sweetie. You'll be fine but I hear the panic in your voice...First of all,I do believe what you're saying and that neurologist is an a$$hole!! He never should have done that to you!!

I took Fioricet for a billion years at maybe 20 per day. I lost track. I was hugely addicted for the same reason: headaches!  Then headaches if I didn't take them. It was a nightmare. I also bought them online. My monthly Dr's rx lasted about 3 days...I was in hell a lot of the time.  Anyway,I tapered from 20 pills to zero and it took 9 months. I guess you can do the math... It worked well for me. My life was in the toilet,no one knew,I'm a nurse,I wanted to dig a hole and jump in!!

I highly recommend seeing your PCP. You'll need refills for your taper and his or her thoughts.  I'm glad you got the plain Fioricet at least so you should be getting past the codeine withdrawal. Ask me anything else...I'll try to help...but do get in with a doctor soon!

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1542812 tn?1293382373
When you feel better and are way on the other side of this, I think your doctor should be reported to the medical board in your state.

While you are figuring this out start taking care of yourself in as many ways as you can - eat right, bank some sleep if you can, take your vitamins, etc.  

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1531526 tn?1330736076
Hey Kate,
Wow..I've heard of doctors pushing pills, but this story is nuts...!! I'm wondering if the doc isn't an addict himself...? But enough about him, you're moving on from that mess.
So you're up to about 8 a day you said? How about now? I actually take fioricet (without codeine) for my migraines. I try to avoid them as they have caffeine and they make me a little jittery, and I do not need added jitters and anxiety right now!!

As far as using the online pharmacy..I have never done that personally, but I've read all over that doing so is going to cost quite a bit and that you never really know what you're getting. There are a lot of counterfeit pills being sold online, even if they look like the real ones. I'd really discourage you from taking those, that scares me that you don't know what you could be taking. Don't get me wrong - I've been driven to illegal activity to obtain vicodin in the past. And the whole safety net thing, etc...I know what you mean. And I also know the pain of headaches and migraines..nearly unbearable when they get bad.

So my suggestions for you would be: try your very very hardest to not take the pills you got online. I say try and 'do not' as I know what it's like to have some in possession and be too tempted to do anything but take pills. For headache control, excedrin migraine works for me at the onset of a headache, and try to see a primary doc to prescribe something for you. I've taken immetrex and relpac before. They both are non narcotic and worked for me. If fioricet is all that works for your headaches, tell your new doc to give you a small amount, as you thought you were given too many. As far as tapering, a doctor would have to give you the proper regimen as everyone is different. I really hope though that you can beat this addiction and dependency and get on something alltogether different. I wish you luck and keep posting and let us know how you're doing.
...and maybe you not being 'allowed' to see that jerk doc anymore is a blessing in the long run...
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271792 tn?1334979657
Hi & Welcome,

We cannot help you with a taper here, it is a violation of our guidelines either in the forum or in private. In addition, I am concerned about you buying this medication online. You never know where you are buying from and these places go out of business overnight. What they are doing is illegal and they know it. I would be very careful if I were you.

Have you considered a new doctor? Maybe one that has been referred by someone? You really need a doctor to set you up with a safe taper plan. If not, you can go to the ER and explain the situation. they may give you  prescription and a referral to a doctor. Be honest about what has happened with your other doctor.

I hope this all works out for you and you get off the pills. Stick around, it is quiet right now.

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