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prescription fraud, HELP

My OB has been giving percocets ever since October, well last time I was there the nurse accidently(or maybe she did it to catch me) gave me an extra prescription slip with the drs signature already on it.  The nurse writes all my scripts for percs cuz the dr has already signed the slips and the nurse carries it with her.  Anyways 2 weeks after this appointment, I filled out the script with my name and percs!  I am since so scared, i cant eat or sleep and I'm a nervous wreck!  needless to say I'm clean  now.  I filled this script on April 5, when do you think I would be caught by?  Do controlled substance slips go back to the dr ?  help please
95 Responses
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1331115 tn?1536362140
Yes the scripts go back to the DR for conformation. That is the least of your problems, you need to stop taking opites or you will eventually die.
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No the scripts do not go back to the Dr, that’s absolute ********. As for your “stop taking opiates or you will eventually die” comment, how is that in anyway constructive??
Do you really think trying to scare someone straight works???  Come on !!
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Eventually I think a copy goes back to the Dr., But I would just let sleeping dogs lie!! She could have already written the script for, say 30 tabs, then you and her got in a conversation on your way out by the desk about your pain and the healing etc... so she gave you a second one to be sure you had enough. Maybe she was going on vacation or didn't want to be bothered on a weekend if she didn't write for more after thinking about it! There. Don't even draw that negative energy and canry it around. Worry more if something comes of it.....and that is your defense. SHE WROTE TWO, and sounds like if she's too busy to have her PA writing them and she just signs them, is not a good o(or I don't think 'legal" practice.)_  Even if it's legal, there's too many players here.  Deny Deny till you die....That's wht my former Ex husbands fanther told me and he WAS a Judge!
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Every time your doctor writes you a script for a controlled substance they check a data base which contains a list of all controlled meds you’ve been prescribed including the prescribing physician, med name, dose, quantity, pharmacy and dates filled. This practice started to deter dr shopping and hinder drug abuse/addiction.
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1827057 tn?1397520277
Hi Barbara
  This is a very old thread. I will tell you how to make a new thread and get your question noticed.   Go to the top of this page and hit the orange "post a question" button. (top middle rightish ) .Then you will have your own dedicated thread and many (including Vicki595-she is still here) will come on and answer and support you in whatever it is you are trying to find out.
Hope this Helps. I will also send this to your message box in case you don't see it here.
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480448 tn?1426948538
You're right, this is a very old post....you'll have much better luck starting your own thread.

That being said...you're risking an AWFUL lot doing what you're doing.  If you continue down this path, you're going to lose your medical license before you even GET it.  Certainly that isn't worth all of that hard work?  Please, get yourself some help!!

Good luck to you!
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1416133 tn?1351123217
My goodness, FocusST, please go back and reread this post.  You are all over the place.  I don't think your problem is whether or not your father is going to see that fake prescription.  Please get help.  This is a MESS.
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It's an old post, BUT:
I1) In the "health profession",
2) Faked Rxs,
3) I guess I'm addicted (although due have chronic pain and damaged discs due to a car accident!, not that what I did makes it ok!)

Laws vary state to state, but forging a prescription (ie. Rx) is a felony (you're breaking the federal law) and as far as I'm aware sort of up to the Dr to press charges, UNLESS the pharmacy called the cops...which they WOULD NOT DO, unless a Dr said he/she did not write the script!  Which basically puts the responsibility on the Dr to get someone in trouble or not!

IF a pharmacist/pharmacy suspects a fake script they will either:
1) tell you it's out of stock to "get rid of you."
2) call the Dr, fax over a copy and ask if they wrote it!

The state i'm in has "triplicates" for controlled substances, BUT like others have pointed out, nothing happens with them, they are sent to the state  "capital" somewhere, entered in to a computer somewhere? and the paper Rx is probably burned.

MOST of the time, from what my sister and other Drs have told me, the people who tend to get in trouble/cough are the ones who go "dr shopping."

My sis told me of a story where she got a letter saying how a patient of hers was seeing 9, NINE different Drs fir the same script (percocet).  BUT, the issue was, she was filling it with medicaid!  I think she was getting away with it for a while (years?) before the "feds" finally caught on!

Hd she paid in cash, there would have been minimal or NO record and she would have gotten away with it.

If anything, the insurance/medicaid/medicare probably look closed than the gov because they want to cut costs!  a person filling too many prescriptions (of anything, valid or not) would prob raise a red flag!

HALF OF MY FAMILY are DRs and I'm in my last year of med-school, where do you think I get the blank scripts from?

I was "caught" once.  The Rx was actually written out for a friend and we were going to split it.  We would switch off whos name was on the Rx and switch off pharmacies.  Did it too many times, I had a gut feeling that I would get caught that time!  Something felt strange...new pharmacy, I was there, but my friend was NOT in the "computer" system there.

Basically, the pharmacist suspected it was fake/forged, called my father (the Dr on the Rx pad) told him we're still there "what does he want him to do? should he call the cops?"...asked him if he wrote it & faxed over a copy for him to look at.  My father, realizing it was my handwriting but written to my friend, said: "he didn't remember, it, "its been a busy day, why don't you rip it up, I'm too busy today to deal with %^&*m like this today!"

Pharmacist: "Good, I'm busy as well and really don't want to nor have the time to deal with %^&* like this of deal with the cops or the paperwork involved."

My father called me while I was in the store asking me if I wrote a Rx for "XXXXXXX" I said no,  RAN out of there (with my friend) and drove, what felt like 1000mph home, ripping up EVERY blank Rx I had in the process.

That cured me of writing fakes for a while, I started going to a Dr and getting proper (ie. "real" prescriptions.

That said, it's been a while since I've been to the/a Dr (I have an appointment after the new year) but due to a back injury I still fake prescriptions for Percocet and paranoid/afraid what might happen tomorrow.

Maybe I'd be considered addicted, but I do have several "messed up" discs in my back, which press of the nerve roots (neuropathy).

It's Christmas, so I know my father is not in the office (so couldn't call him, but it's possible the faxed a copy of the Rx over). Then again, didn't hear the fax machine "go off" and make it's typical dialing noise when I was there, waiting

Then again, if they suspected a fake, I don't think they would have filled it!

Also, I had to go to a different CVS location, because the one they know me at was closed, but they still had access to my records (been given & forging the same script for over two years!!).  ANd always go to CVS.

I was VERY calm and relaxed and joked with the guy at the counter and pharmacist, wished the a happy holiday, new year and good evening. I was dressed well too and "clean."

As I said earlier, if it's a typical day, they would notify your Dr or if they suspect something & can't speak to him/her & ask if they wrote it, THEY JUST WON'T FILL IT, tell you they're out (so you just leave).

They WILL NOT call the cops without checking with the Dr 1st, because what if the Dr wrote it?

I'm paranoid because, is there a fax of the script, sitting on a pile waiting for my father to see?  Then again, if they suspected anything, they wouldn't have filled it!

I live in a state where you can check the computer to see if I'm using multiple Drs, etc (I'm not).

I'm probably OK, just paranoid.  In 99.999% of cases, if its not taken care of immediately (they call you're Dr & then the cops), "you're in the clear!"

Which is why I always filled my Rx Friday afternoon/early eve (like 5pm on Fri).  I knew they wouldnt be able to get a hold of my father, unless it's an emergency, until Mon.  But I guess maybe I was giving myself false confidence, as they could have filled it but sent a fax over to father, waiting for him to see it on Mon?

Lastly, when I read the STATE GUIDELINES for pharmacists, it says, if you suspect a forgery, DON'T FILL IT.



At the end of the week, the Pharmacist sends all the prescriptions to the state, where it probably sits in a "banker box" for ages until they just burn/shred them.

I guess I'll see what happens tomorrow, I PRAY I'LL BE FINE & IN THE CLEAR.

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I am bottom of the totem pole here, that was my own personal opinion.  I think a psych, would be a great place to start, it looked to me as if you should talk to a professional about all the turmoil you've been through.
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4204073 tn?1361831476
Sounds to me like your source gave up on you when it could come back and bite her in the behind too. (Nurse Practioner)  Doesn't matter if she is using too much or not.  This is about you.   If your roommate was using illegal drugs, why wouldn't you give them their name?   And now you are suing your roommate because it has put a red flag on your medical record.  So it was ok for them to use illegally as long as it didn't effect you?  Hard lesson to learn, but addicts are in it for themselves. (Roommate and NP)  And to answer your question, no, they do not have to keep in supplied if they cut you off.  
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You never said what you are on.  Start a new thread, on top of this page, orange 'post a question' button.

You can go to an ER for immediate attention, or a specialist for a cure.
You have a family health history.
You have a roommate on drugs.
You buy drugs off the street.
You basically have Dr shopped to keep a sorce.
You have been dismissed by a medical professional.

Look in the mirror.  I (we) will try to continue communication with you, IMO you should seek a psychiatrist instead of therapist so if a script is needed, they will be able to give one.
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I have been seeing my doctor for 6 yrs now and she had mentioned before she needed to get rid of some if not all of her repetitive clients due to she is now a urgent care office not pain management like I am on. She continued to see me. But I had a Roommate who did illigal drugs well they came in my house found these drugs and I wld not tell the officer his name so of coarse im being Charged not Convicted yet. I am taking my Roommate to court in the new few months so these charges wil be dropped. But this nurse practionar has moved 4 times and I followed her ea time we got along wonderfully.  But this info came across her desk and instead of asking me or talking to me she sent me a dismissal letter and prior to all this she would write scripts from her home because she was between offices and DRs which im sure is not legal.and I seen several times that she was high on her meds because her would go back n forth uncontrollablely I know this is from to much medicine. Im also a state certified drug counselor. But she never tested me or anything like that. I took less than prescribed only when needed the nurse pract. Stated it was cus I missed two appointments which I didnt then the clerk said it was for the charges and now I find a doctor but as soon as they get her notes they said no sry. Does anyone know if my nurse pract is supposed to keep my meds filled until I get a DR at least for the the first month after they kicked me out. 30 days. They are telling me to go to the ER. My family has heart issues and im getting illigal drugs from the st now because if run out I will detox and withdrawl and I live alone im 41 and my sister died at 36 from a mastive heart attack.  Please give me any info on what to do this is making me crazy. ***@****
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Wow this is old. I wonder what happened to her.
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Its a felony to have a script pad if you are not a prescriber, Its a felony for the Dr. to presign his scripts, Its a felony for the Nurse Practitioner to hand it off to you.   Yes these scripts are scaned and can be looked at, at later dates especially if the Pharm Board or DEA launch an investigation or already are in an investigation.
Sometimes it can take up to 5 yrs to complete an investigation, it can be happening and you do not even know it, My friends boyfriend stole a script pad from his PCP office and 2 yrs later the Marshalls were knocking on his door. Ohio is very strict with their laws.
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Some of what you just described happened to me. When my mother was dying they put her on morphine and some other medicines. The practitioner kept sending me to some country pharmacy that I really didn't want to go to but said they had a relationship and it would be no problems. Well my instinct about this place was dead on. They screwed up the order the first time (no morphine just some kind of water pill) , but I caught it when I got back in my car. They fixed it but it sure took their sweet time doing it and didn't care one bit that they screwed up. But the part related to your story was a few days later when they sent me again to get the morphine . This time the doc's office had faxed over the prescription so there would be no waiting or hassle as my mother was almost out and needed refilled asap. The practitioner even phoned them later to make sure they got it ok and told me to get it and there would be no more problems. Well there was and they would not tell me what was wrong but just kept me waiting. After I waited slightly over  2 hours they finally filled it. Even with all the above they thought I was up to something-they didn't come out and say it but alluded to it and it took them that long to get the md on the phone. They tried to blame it on the md of course and  I was told later the md let them have it for playing doctor. They handed me the stuff and all they said was "We are sorry" to which I replied, "I know" .
My mother finally got her meds but died a few hours later. I will never forget this sorry place and they way they made my mother wait while she was dying.

My point is if you are going to have trouble, it will most likely be from one of these doctor playing pharmacies. Even if it's legit ,they don't care and will make you wait while they try to phone it in. I have never had any of these kind of issues with large legit pharmacies like Walgreens fwiw.

And if the OP is still around- Just remember you got lucky once. Don't push your luck again! I will say you have more guts than me- I would have been way too scared to try what you did. Temporary artificial happiness is not worth the risk you are putting yourself in.  Stop while you still can! good luck!!!
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This post is SOOOOO old but SOOOOO true! I had just gotten out of the hospital, it was before I was on daily pain meds, so maybe 1994 or 1995. On my way home, with a script for percocet and antibiotics in hand, I stopped at a pharmacy called The RX place (no longer around). I gave them my script and dummy me makes a comment about the doctor's handwriting. It was bubbly handwriting like a high school girl and it was SO legible, unlike a doctor's writing, lol. So I said, "Wow, she has nice writing. You can actually read it!" Well, I waited and waited and waited. Asking what was taking so long, they kept giving me this BS story about how the prescription wouldn't go through the processing. He kept faking something on his computer and saying, "nope, it won't go through." I said, "Well give it to me, I will take it somewhere else then. This is getting ridiculous. I just got out of the hospital (still had my wrist band on) I am in pain, it's after 9pm and I want to go home." He said, "you will have the same problem at any pharmacy." Come to find out, they were waiting for the doctor to call them back but they couldn't reach her. When he finally told me that I told him, "Call the hospital! The nurse who discharged me is still there. I gave him my discharge paperwork with all the info on it." He called and spoke with her, verified everything and apologized to me. After that, I told him, "NOW you can give me my script back. I will have it filled somewhere else and will NEVER fill another prescription here!!" While I understand the need to verify a prescription, it's pretty obvious when someone is wearing a hospital wrist band with hospital prescriptions. I was so mad!
1202033 tn?1273771354
I am a mother of three young children. 8, 4 and 14 months. I have had migraines. But, there came a point when healing from this disease of addiction became more important than fixing any of the physical pains i was feeling.

Migraines are very aweful, i know. But, when you really come to the point i did you will do whatever you have to do to live a sober life for yourself and your children. That may mean not always having the best pain releif for whatever pain you may have at any given time. It means a willingness to use whatever medications are available to you that will not interfere with your sobriety. They may give a bit less pain releif but are better than nothing. And i am sure there are options out there that you and your doctor can explore that you haven't yet tried.

I truly hope things can work out in your favor and that you are able to get into recovery with minimal suffering. We are here for you....

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1238606 tn?1304201621
In my case I saw a psychiatrist, which turned out good for me cause I was diagnois with bipolor. So that kinda helped me in court. But who you see if basically how you feel.  In my case they were trying to find the route of my problem. But that is just me. I never really saw a counselor so I really don't know what and how they help. maybe other people can give you some advice
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199177 tn?1490498534
honestly opiates are not very effective for migraines there are a whole realm  of meds these days that can help .So I think they will be able to find something that works probably more effectively then the opiates .
I am gald he has been more supportive...
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I have been trying all sorts of different headache and migraine meds, I've tried Imitrex, Inderal, and currently trying topamax.  Sometimes the Imitrex works and sometimes it don't so whatta do, but if you've never had one, it hurts and you want to do nothing and hear nothing, you just want to turn off all the lights and sleep, which is not an option for a mother of a 9 yo, 7 yo, and 3 month twin babies.
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1202033 tn?1273771354
There are tons of specific migraine medications out there. You do not have to use an opiate based medication. Ask your doctor about them. Have you ever tried anything like Imitrex?

You do not need a psychiatrist, just a counselor. If you are having a hard time finding one you could call your local hospital like i said before. When i started my recovery that is what i did and they were very helpful in pointing me in the right direction. Often times hospitals have social workers that have all this info.

You will do fine so long as you stay away from the narcotic meds and commit yourself to recovery. It sounds like you have some support. You actions at this point will speak a lot louder than your words. Follow through.

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I'm looking for an addiction counselor right now.  I copied the way the nurse had wrote the script before.  I remember it had terms like PRN, T q 4-6, and spelled sixty and wrote it numeric.  Anyways I can't thank you all enough for taking time to help me.  My mom said maybe this happened because someday I maybe able to help someone.  I just feel so embarrassed and ashamed.  I have never broken the law and would have never thought twice.  I'm ashamed of the person I have become.  But I do feel a huge sense of relief since I have told my husband and mom.  And my husband called and is being much more supportive and telling me he's gonna help me and that he loves me.  I do have one questoin and its something I probably shouldn't even be thinking about but, what do I do now when I get a migraine, they are horrible and can last 2-3 days, and I can't afford to go to the ER everytime I get one, and even if my dr doesn't know any of this, I cant ask for another script(in which I told my husband I would give the bottle to him and he would only be able to give me them if I really needed them) if I ask for more it'll show on my report.  Oh well, I guess I'll just have to suffer with them.  It's hard to do when you have a family.  Thanks again for all who have helped.  You are all so kind and you dont even know me.  Well I'm off to surf the net to find a counselor.  It's just hard because there are so many listed, so I'm not sure how to choose one, do I just need a counselor or do I need a psychiatrist?  I'm not sure what all the abbreviations after their name mean.  
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1238606 tn?1304201621
Hi again, look listen to the people on here, the definitly know what they are talking about, they are the ones who got me through all  my stresses and panic feelings of going to court and trial. I think what helped in my situation was the fact when they did catch me I had already looked for help and became clean. Question: Did  you know how to write out the script, like using the medical terms? Just wondering cause if it written right they probley will just over look it. Well I wish the best for you, I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I have been through these past few months. take care
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Telling your husband and mother took some major balls.  That must have been really hard.  Good for you.  That's a giant first step.  Right now things probably seem pretty bad but you've done the right thing and things will get better now that you're headed in the right direction.  Your husband will have a hard time understanding because he's not the one who's addicted.  It's very hard for others to understand the mental aspects of addiction and the fact that addiction leads us to do things we'd never otherwise do.

You're doing the right things now and things will be better for it.  People here understand because we've all gone through it or are going through it.  Many of us have done things far worse than writing a fake prescription.  
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