230262 tn?1316645934

Your Addiction/Recovery Status?

I know alot of us get confused on who is who or who did what and where everyone is in their recovery/addiction. I see alot of posts of people mixing things up (myself definitely included) so i thought I would start a thread to see if we can straighten things out better.

WHere are you currently in your addiction/recovery?
What is/was your drug of choice?
Did you taper or CT?
How many days clean are you?

Im on day 21 off Vicodin, cold turkey. I was using 10 Vics a day for a long time. Ive been addicted to any and all opiate pain pills for about 2 years, though dabbled in them prior to that before becoming fully addicted.  
33 Responses
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232561 tn?1206384750
I recovered on my own.... off NORCO. 10+ habit a day for a good 6 months or so.....that was about 8 months ago.

All I can say is that I am now just starting to feel my old self again. I think I may have an addictive personality but feel lucky that I got away as unscathed as I did.....if you look at my old posts....you will see I was a mess! Some....many were/are not as lucky.

I just want to give back and hopefully help some see it thru....I know I felt like I was gonna die and there was no end in sight.....there is.

I am a newbie to all this addiction stuff: Doc gave me meds because of severe migraines. I just started taking for pain and then it led to just taking it to feel good.....my point is that I quit CT at first.......that caused alot of anxiety issues......and later I tried a taper. Ultimately the taper worked but I was prolly to aggressive and it felt like CT to me. My point is, everyone's experience is a bit different.

I have grown alot from the whole thing. I know what some of my limits are and how I deal with situations in extremism. I have a WHOLE NEW perspective on drugs and addiction.

Hope this helps.....

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374690 tn?1224552589
CONGRATULATIONS TO EACH & EVERY ONE OF YOU! My DOC is Lorcet, Vicodin, Norco (all the same) about 15-18 a day for 3+ years. I'm not even sure how long I've been taking them on a daily basis. Sad huh? Anyway, I wan't to join you sooo badly & when I wake up Wed. morning, my c/t will start. I'm excited but also SCARED OUTTA MY MIND!!!! Thanks for listening! I love you all. You are what made me decide to quit now! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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DOC- OxyContin  400mg snorted a day...$300/day habit.... Suboxone worked for me........good luck to all!!!!!
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364605 tn?1200704975
I first became acquainted w/ oxycodone when I was 21 & had my wisdom teeth out. I was amazed, where did the pain go, not just the physical pain. I felt comfortable, confident, @ peace, it was very lovely. Over the years I was prescribed percs for various medical issues, I liked them, but when they were gone, they were gone. Sometimes I even would throw them out before they were gone because I was afraid of liking them too much. Then 10 years ago working in an Assisted Living which wasn't very strictly regulated, I would be given residents meds when they first came in & if they no longer needed their percs or vics or if they were expired I would take the bottle. Things back then were not strictly monitored in assisted living. So I'd take whatever I could get my hands on. Then 3 years ago it became a real problem & then very hardcore 18 months ago. I could no longer function without the pills, it wasn't about getting high any longer, it was the only way that I felt normal & could function.
2 months ago my partner found out ( Thank you God!) I had been desperately searching the internet for 6 months looking for help, but had no $ to pay for it. She came up w/ the initial $ I needed to begin my detox & recovery. Unfortunately I went w/ the first center that called me back & they were way too expensive, but they got me on my way. Research options, don't do what I did. However they started me on subutex & it was a miracle & a lifesaver. I found a more reasonable MD in my area & I'm now on suboxone & it too is a working miracle. I truly feel as though I have my life back & I'm no longer in prison.

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my DOC was cocaine, my quit date november 11th(rememberance day, how ironic) which makes it 71 days clean and i feel like a million bucks.  

used about 7 grams a week so im saving about $450 a week now, woo hoo.
this forum has helped me stay clean and i thank all you good people for your support. i just wish i found this site 5 years ago.
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my Doc was hydors, norco, up to 15 10mg a day, for almost 3 yrs...i will have 5 months on feb 4th...
without this forum i do't think i would be clean today...
I go to a counsouler, and feel great..
i also wish the best to everyone here!!!
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good for you!!  listen - post ALOT if it helps!!!  you can totally do this, many have before you.  so PLEASE ask for support if you need it.. you can do this!!
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Good Morning,today is my first day I am just sitting here waiting to feel bad.My drug of choice vicodin ,took like an addict for the last eleven years 25-30 aday.I have been thinking about cold turkey for a year and this web site is giving me the courage and support to start.I will be reading all day.
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I'm on day 16.  My DOC was norco/hydro.  I was taking up to 15 10-500s a day for about seven months.  Had taken them before but only once in a while.  I feel much better physically, but still have some lingering depression and anxiety and some cravings.  All in all, I don't spend all day thinking about getting high anymore and how to score my next batch.  I think I'm going to be ok.  Thanks to all of you who are honest and help others through there addictions.  
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Day 21 here as well. CT from 200mg/day of oxy/hydro/methadone. Feeling much better. Back is still a little troublesome, but nothing like it was; plus advil is helping alot.
I think i took too much immodium cause i havent gone to the bathroom in a couple days lol. the advil may be causing too, i dont know.
I cant stand the back pain, but if i take any OTC pain relief meds, it clogs me up. So its damned if you do and damned if you dont. but atleast the hardcore durg cravings are almost completely gone.
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hey.. haven't seen ya much around here, and just wanted to say if you ever feel like yappin please post.. that's a rough road.  also feel free to PM me anytime..

would love to help if ya need it thru this rough patch...  :-)
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387872 tn?1203020951
Today is Day 4 for me.  DOC hydros/vics, about 3-1/2 years daily, dabbled prior to that.   I did a taper, which worked well for me.
My next step is to see a doctor for a full physical.
I feel more awake and real, hard to describe but like the old me.  It's good!  The difference in how I feel now compared to when on the pills is so much better than I expected!!  
Today, I FINALLY told my spouse (a many-years sober alcoholic) about what has been going on. He is very concerned and supportive - I know now that was not giving him enough credit by not confiding sooner.
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380558 tn?1309042387
There's many stages of addiction for me.. go figure! hehe
I have 6 years clean- recovering alcoholic! ya---- I got pretty bad after a while.. didn't do it much, but it's not how often ya do it, it's what ya DO WHEN ya do it!
I have tried a few street drugs, I couldn't stand the taste or the way it made me feel, so I stuck with the alcohol..
My doc prescribed me Tramadol back in '05 or '06 (can't remember- isn't that terrible??) So I took the medication since then, never abused it, but I eventually found that I started having 'Tolerance Withdrawals' which my body started to crave more- I THEN decided 'OH NO YA DON'T!' So, I tapered kind of fast, then flushed the babies down the old toilet and said, "Bye bye, not getting addicted to THIS **** NEXT!"
So, today is day 4 off of Tramadol altogether- not affecting my clean date, but it's a perfect example of how things can come into your life and control you without you even knowing it until you're found stuck in a gutter somewhere! (Not literally, but ya know)
6 years here.. :D
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333612 tn?1302883390
I'm clean. My DOC was Norcos/hydros. I tried a taper and failed so went CT. I've been clean for 34 days.
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used norco's for 1 yr and a couple mo's, started with back issues...
10-12 a day at my worst
am clean 30+ days

could not be happier ...
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186166 tn?1385259382
ok...mine is not the norm...imagine that...hehehehehe

i am addicted to addiction...a full blown addict.

addiction has enveloped my life for the past 12+ years.  for those who have known me for awhile...they know how it has affected me and my family's life.  they also know that i am serious about recovery.  it is my nature, as a mother, to reach out to those in need...those who are hurting...suffering from addiction...or just suffering period.

i dont post very much about opiates...or even withdrawals...except to show love and support.  my main focus is recovery...

i have been here for 11 months...and believe me, i have been "attacked" more times than i can count...lol.  but that is ok...if my honesty about addiction and recovery causes just one person to question their addiction...then i have accomplished something to be proud of.  it is usually the one person who has not found honesty in their own addiction who barks the loudest.  what i try to bring to this board is "my life"...and how addiction has affected me...in hopes that you will see how you have affected the ppl who love you the most.  i hope...through my pain...that each person will take something from my posts that will give them a new strength and committment towards becoming clean AND sober.
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393709 tn?1295964416
I have been taking Tramadol for over 1 1/2 years.
This is day 4 that I am clean
I weened for about 2 weeks
I am thankful for this forum, you have all helped me so much
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i'm not here often but all of you guys have helped me so much.i've read postings, journals back a year or more so far.
i'm day 15 ct trams/hydros. the physical cravings are gone and the mental ones are almost gone.
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352796 tn?1200607746
May 25, 2007 was when I began Suboxone and I have taken morphine once in August, so about 5 months.

DOC was vicodin for a few years and then Methadone hard for a year.  30 to 120 mgs a day, depending on my supply.

Tried rehab, relapsed three months out.  Went to Dilaudid and Fentanyl, exhausted that supply, went to Vicoprofen and then Tramadol, before getting in touch with a Suboxone doctor.

Recovery is going pretty well.  I have a job teaching high school english and I enjoy it.  My wife and I are closer than ever and those people I hurt in my addiction have placed their trust in me once again.  I don't have to go to the doctor all of the time and play the silly games that used to run my life.

There are days where I still crave that "feeling" of AWESOME, but I am able to push it out of my mind.  All in all, though, life is much better today.  For those addicts still suffering, I will tell you that the grass is greener on the other side!!!
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356054 tn?1218552475
ummm,**** I forgot about that. I ended up going to a sushi resteraunt Saturday and a little pub by the house. Needless to say we didn't make the movie. I did get a huge eye opening experience though. My wife was a little tipsy (to much saki) and let it all pour out saturday night when we got home. I just thought I had realized the damage I have done. I wasn't even close,she has alot of wounds right now that are gonna take some time to heal. There is no doubt her heart is with me. I truly am blessed to have her. Ok enough of that you get the picture. Oh by the way we did have a designated driver,my eyes have really opened up on this one. After the resteraunt I told here if we go to the pub someone has to pick us up and she agreed.~John
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my doc vic 5-500, or norco whatever gave the buzz. when they ran out had back up ultram. still weaning down to 2. had a bad 2 day b-4 I gave the pills to my holder. I take xanex to sleep. but will stop that shortly. This game is been going on gor 4 years. Also played with darvoset threw a buddie. mainly to get rid of the vic wd . I think what helps me is the sucess stories. And people like avis and hopsing they never judged, just jumped in and helped. PS JOHN WHY WAS CLOVER FIELD?ps went 14 days clean once hope this helps Thanks Teach
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Oxys were my DOC for 4/5yrs. can't actually remember start date, but really got addicted after my left total shoulder replacement in 01/06, also lost my your sister 10 days after surgery in 01/06, so I think I used to numb the grief. She had battled 25yrs. with alcohol and drugs at one time was sober of alcohol for 13yrs. then lost her best friend to medical problems, got depressed and picked up that gd bottle again and 2 yrs. later @ 49 yrs. of age was dead.

Today is day #9, I tapered down to 30mg every morning for months and just took 8 days approved leave from work and with c/t 1 day before my birthday, Iam now having problems with my right shoulder, but no oxys for me, if more surgery is indicated the doc will have to find something less addicting and I don't have a clue.

Good luck, good work and God bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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356054 tn?1218552475
going on week #3. I know when I quit but i'm trying to dwell on the future.
hyrocodone 10/650's  10-15 a day for 5 years
ct for two days,1 pill a day for 3 days ct since
fighting one battle at a time,one day at a time.
John(taekwondo fighter) your doing awesome, Proud of you man. You to chris,way to
hang there.
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390416 tn?1275185087

vics were my DOC.  Also took xanax .25mg, -.5mg @bedtime for 1 yr.(usually .25mg)
I was using on avg. 4-6 of the 7.5 day for 2+yrs. ( occas. did the yellow 10/325) I am still tapering. Wed. will be my last day.
I am also a recovering alcoholic for 17 yrs. w/ no relapse (on alcohol), BUT I GUESS THIS IS A RELAPSE, HUH, ??? congratulations to all...it works if you work it!
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