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withdrawling for the first time

Hey ya'll,
I'm extremely new to this website but already I can tell you that all the posting on here are really encouraging.  I guess I want to know if anyone has been through my same starting point or near it.  I've wanted to quit tons of times and the only thing holding me back is the utter fear of withdrawling. I do believe in God and I know he's there... but everytime I get the courage, I get that little voice inside my head that says ....Yeah chief good luck with that. Then I'm back to the fear again,  Any advice will help.  I am completely on my own, no family support, no doctor support.  Ok so heres my situation:  
I have been taking at least 10 percocet 10mg a day.  For at least since I was 21 and I'm offically almost 27.  So yeah thats a long time.  I know I have a problem.  My whole life has changed.  I dont' want to do anything anymore.  That is unless I have the required amount of my meds to function.  My work has suffured and so has my family life.  I know I need to quit.  I get scripts once a month. but after 2 weeks when theyre gone, I'm on the hunt.  Its pretty bad when you have to schedule your life around whether you'll have something in your system and feeling ok.  I stopped today.  Cold Turkey as I believe its called.  Yeah I'm freakin out.  I would really like some advice on what to do to stick this out at home.  I really need to work through this.  Like I said my job has really suffered,  " If I don't have anything I really don't feel like working."   One thing I think might help is that I get promethizine from my doct.  which is a anti-nausia which I have like 25 of left.  But the leg cramps are the worst for me.  I know I might sound like a baby.  And trust me now more than ever after reading all the posts, I know If headed for war.  I just would like to know if someone close to my position in amount or length of use has made it out of the battle alive and well enough to talk about it.
anything can help.   Sorry about the spelling and grammor  lol/
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Just bumping this up in hopes that you'll read it soon!!
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Hi. I don't post much anymore but I've been clean for a year and a half. My best friend just finished a taper off of exactly the drug/amount you are on. She was taking ten 10mg percocets a day, buying them off the streets.
She started a taper and had her husband hold the pills. You will need to find someone to hold the pills for you...someone who truly cares about you and WONT give in and give you "just that one extra today". This is how she did her taper:
She started on a Sunday. That Saturday, she took her usual ten. Sunday, she went down by a half in the morning. ( she decided to start cutting her doses in the morning, to start getting used to being without pills during the daytime). Every three days she went down by half a pill. (You have to be patient, because it's a SLOW taper, but it worked wonders for her with MINIMAL withdrawals!!) So her schedule went like this:
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday: 7am 1 1/2pills, 11am 2pills, 3pm 2pills, 7pm 2pills, 11pm 2pills.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 7am 1pill, 11am 2pills, 3pm 2pills, 7pm 2pills, 11pm 2pills.
Saturday, Sunday and Monday: 7am 1/2 pil, 11am, 2pills, 3pm 2pills, 7pm 2pills, 11pm 2pills.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: NO MORE 7am DOSE. 11am 2pills, 3pm 2pills, 7pm 2pills, 11pm 2pills.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 11am 1 1/2 pills, 3pm 2pills, 7pm 2pills, 11pm 2pills.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: 11am 1pill, 3pm 2pills, 7pm 2pills, 11pm 2pills.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 11am 1/2 pill, 3pm 2 pills, 7pm 2pills, 11pm 2pills.
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday: NO MORE 11am DOSE. 3pm 2pills, 7pm 2pills, 11pm 2pills.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 3pm 1 1/2 pills, 7pm 2pills, 11pm, 2pills.
Saturday, Sunday and Monday: 3pm 1pill, 7pm 2pills, 11pm 2pills.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 3pm 1/2pill, 7pm 2pills, 11pm 2pills.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: NO MORE 3pm dose. 7pm 2pills, 11pm 2pills.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: 7pm 1 1/2 pills, 11pm 2pills.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 7pm 1pill, 11pm 2pills.
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday: 7pm 1/2pill, 11pm 2pills.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: NO MORE 7pm DOSE. 11pm 2pills.
Saturday, Sunday and Monday: 11pm 1 1/2 pills
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 11pm 1pill
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 11pm 1/2 pill
After trying to quit cold turkey so many times, and also trying faster ween schedules, she was scared to death to try again. She said that if she had known how much it lessened the withdrawal symptoms by doing a slow ween, she'd have done it years ago. She was, of course, a little uncomfortable during the weening process, but was able to work her full-time job as a paralegal and still take care of husband and kids. She said the worst part was a lack of energy, but nothing compared to cold turkey or a fast ween.
The problem with this particular ween schedule is that you have to have access to alot of pills to make it work, and you MUST stick to the timetable, and take EXACTLY the recommended dose at EXACTLY the recommended times. You also MUST have someone hold your pills, as it is way too easy to "have a bad day, and just take that one extra pill". If you can, please try this!! I watched her do it and the effects really were SO minimal!!
Post to me with any questions! Sincerely, Emily
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Well it's day 2.  I'm a little achy and restless but okay.  I stayed home from work today in case it gets worse.  How are you doing?  Still hanging in there?
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THANK GOD you don't have that problem.  I'm glad you were afraid of the overdose lable, now THAT DOES cause seizures!  It blows my mind too, what people do, but I don't judge because I can't walk in their shoes.  I only wish for them to get the help they need. And I hope your friends do.  I was very fortunate because I was terrified of the label "addict", so I took my meds as prescribed but still had withdrawals due to physical addiction.  You're on the right path, I can tell.  Just stay the course, and no matter what advice you get here, take what you can that benefits you and leave the rest alone.  it's a hard road, no doubt about it, but well worth the effort. And nothing in life worth having and working toward is easy but he rewards are oh so sweet.
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i technically wasn't asking for me but out of shear curiosity because the people i was around thats what they did.  It blew my mind.  Acctually too embarrased to admit it but I was afraid of the overdose factor on the label. lol  I am a chicken.  I'm sorry about your friend that seams like a horrible of cycle to get into.  
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side note- my friend who was crushing and snorting, lost everything before he finally got help. His job, his wife, kids, house.  If it was easy, then he would have stopped before his life crumbled before him. Now that he has been receiving professional help, I have heard that he's doing better. this is not everyone, but simply an example of what can happen when people are in denial (not saying you are)
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can't speak for heroin, but I had a friend that would steal my timed release oxy's and snort them. He had a hell of a time quitting and they put him on a medication to help. "from what I have read, and through others that I know"- if you're crushing, I believe that you not only have a physical, but also a psychological addiction, and you're looking for the high.  Making quitting more difficult. I would not try to do this alone, seek help where you can or you chances of relapse are high. Some may disagree, but it's my 2 cents.
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I'll be sure and check in on you.  I'm going to need someone to listen to my whining!  We'll get through this.  We have to.
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this is my first day off percocets too... will you be on tommorrow so i can see how your doing.
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SORRY! not trying to scare you! Just know that it does pass!  I thought I was going through early menopause!!!!!!!!!!!  I was HOT, COLD, HOT, COLD, cold sweats at night. A lot of what I went through I didn't know were withdrawals.  The least tolerable was the depression and anxiety, but you find ways to cope!
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Thanks for the detailed listing of things to expect during WD.  The last dose I took of Ultram was at 1:45 p.m. yesterday (Sunday), and except for the headache I've had all day, so far so good.  But I have noticed an increase in yawning over the last couple of hours.  I never would have considered it a WD symptom.  I have to admit I'm a bit scared of what's in store for me though.
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Have you been through withdrawals before at all? If so, did you have a seizure? There are many people on here that have went cold turkey without problems, but a simple check up from a doctor wouldn't hurt. You'll get more advice and recommendations once the forum gets a little busier later on this evening.
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no one here can tell you what you should or shouldn't do. We don't know you or your situation in detail, your medical history, your ability to take off work, ect. You have to gather as much information as possible and make the most educated decision you can for yourself.  What works for one does not work for another.  Seizures are not common during w/d's but can happen to a select few.- but here are a list of well documented withdrawal symptoms. You have got to decide what is best for you based on your own personal circumstances.

The withdrawal symptoms experienced from opioid addiction are usually first felt shortly before the time of the next scheduled dose. Early symptoms include watery eyes, runny nose, yawning and sweating. Restlessness, irritability, loss of appetite, tremors and severe sneezing appear as the syndrome progresses. Severe depression and vomiting are not uncommon. The heart rate and blood pressure are elevated. Chills alternating with flushing and excessive sweating are also characteristic symptoms. Pains in the bones and muscles of the back and extremities occur as do muscle spasms and kicking movements, which may be the source of the expression "kicking the habit." At any point during this process, a suitable dose of any opioid can be administered that will dramatically reverse the withdrawal symptoms. Without intervention, the syndrome will run its course and most of the overt physical symptoms will disappear within 5 to 15 days, depending on the opioid used.

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It really depends on the person.  I didn't know either until I started to have them. Some people have a predisposition to them without even knowing.
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I didn't realize withdrawals could cause seizures. I have heard stopping cold turkey from some pain meds such as tramadol could but didn't realize this with percoset, hydrocodone, or others. After reading that I agree it would be wise to see your doctor first! I guess I should have also! It's better to be safe than sorry.
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that's a tough question.  If they are truly your friends, they will understand that it's CRITICAL for you to see your MD. You have your health, or paying your friends back.  They should surely understand that your health and safety comes first.  There are some people that can quit cold turkey on that high of a dosage and be ok, in terms of not putting their life in danger, but hun, it's a gamble! Some people are prone to seizures during w/d's, me being one of them, and I have had 4 during the time I was taking narcotics.  When I would try to wean or quit, I almost always had a seizure. This time, when I quit, I made sure that I was in bed, and not holding my daughter, and yes, had a seizure, not having any help, I ended up taking something else to help with the w/d's  and now I don't take anything at all. What I did was not smart, at least not for me. Don't gamble with your health, and life, please communicate with your MD, and talk to your friends and tell them you will pay them back when you can. If they don't understand, as long as they don't put a hit out on you, then find new friends!
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I think you should tell your friends that you are done taking them. It will be too tempting knowing that they have some pills while you're detoxing. Most people recommend cutting off all ties with people that still use. I'm sure that would be very difficult though. If you go to your doctor just tell him that you are done taking them and you don't want more. You could just go cold turkey also. I went cold turkey and was taking over 20 10-500 lortabs a day. It can be done. Just decide which route you want to go and get a plan together. We will be here to help no matter which route you take!
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thats a hard thing to break.  We all go to the same dr  and all get the same thing.  But if I go to the dr which i'm next I will not be able to pay them back.  So i have that on my mind too.
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ok heres the tough question,  Did anyone have a circle of friends that ya'll would front each other and stuff
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401095 tn?1351391770
You need to make a plan...talking to your doc would be a good start... He should understand and help you...u r young and this is very do-able...25 phenergan/promethiazine should last a while and does help with nausea and also helps with sleep...make a goal and stick with it...whether it be CT or a taper...you would need more than 2 pills to do a real taper tho
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434785 tn?1213633255
You CAN do this.  I was taking 20-25 pills a day of vic ES and the 1st day of my taper I cut down to 14 that day.  I couldn't sleep at night, was anxious during the day, irritable, tired like a zombie, had the runs, rls, sweating constantly...etc.
I was staying home with two VERY active 2 year old twin boys.  Being around other people at work would be hard but you can say you have the flu through the worst of it.  No one knew i was doing this.  my husband came home at night & i just said at 7pm that i was ehausted & went to bed.  I didn't sleep but didn't have to deal with interacting with him.
You'll feel pretty bizarre but u will make it.  It DOES get better.
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340590 tn?1290952141
hey. they the thomas recipe is in the health pages on the top right of this page.  there is tons of good info in there so read it all.  yes the promethezine will help you i took it too.  tapering is very hard.  you have to have a lot of will power for that.  i didnt have any.  lol  on day 3 i thought i was gonna die..1 and 2 werent that bad.  let me know if you need anything.
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