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774736 tn?1311331385

Anxiety Advice (Plz respond)

I dont know how much longer I can deal with GAD its driving me nuts...I keep getting new symptoms and I can barely get any sleep at night cuz im afraid something bad is gonna happen...Instead of heart palpitations, shortness of breath, paresthesias, and dizzyness its now hot flashes, fluctuation in body temp, muscle spasms, chest discomfort, the list goes on...Ive only had this for 3 months and its driving me insane...I dont feel "normal" anymore, sometimes I dont even leave the house...Ive been to the ER twice and both EKGs checked out fine along with my chest Xrays...I had a blood test done as well and it was fine...Could anxiety honestly cause all this madness?  Just wondering if there is any way to overcome this nightmare?  I Would appreciate any advice regarding coping methods, treatment etc
5 Responses
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807951 tn?1295417988
Hello, I absolutely knowww what your going through!
Ive also had anxiety/panic attacks for about 4 monthes now
and im still not all that great with it.
I have had my days where I just wanna give up and die.
because at the moment it seems like it would be easier than going through anxiety.
buht you know what has kept me strong and kept me going?
the positive support from friends and my partner, who also has anxiety problems.
talking to somebody who knows what your dealing with helps tremendously.
because you know that your not alone.
also try going for walks every night even if its just 30 mins
it helps wear off the extra adrenaline in your body which causes the panic attacks in the first place, so just by walking a bit everyday can help reduce the amounts of attacks that your having if not the start of one.
also eat better, try to limit your caffeine intake
aswell as refined sugars, salts, fats etc. eat more greens drink more water.
i have my days where i eat cookies or eat ice cream buht i make sure that i work it off at night lol
so it is fine if you cheat every now and then.
try your best to expand your comfort zone everyday
go farther and farther little by little
im currently working on that myself.
my recent accomplishment was last week when i was able to get on the freeway drive all the way to santa ana
spend the day at the mall with my partner
and make it back home successfully without a panic attack
i was really proud of myself =)
belive me i also have my days where my symptoms are outta wack
de-realization is bad, anxiety is bad
those days i just tryy my very best to keep calm and just tell myself that its a simple symptom nuthing more.
then eventually it passes.
trust me, ive hed every symptom in the book aswell.
im obviously still here so i know the symptoms arent harmful in anyway.
basically we feel the way we feel (people with anxiety) because our brain has put itself
along with the rest of our body in safemode.
its put us in safemode because its trying to repair itself
from all the stresses that its been through.
i call this our brain bucket.
i believe that we have anxiety and panic attacks because our brain bucket has overflowed
and its trying to fix its self by putting all the memorys, experiences, basically all the data in our brain back to where they belong.
for example when we get panic attacks even in the most calming situations its cuz our brain sent an error message to our bodys which in turn panic.
that is one theory that i have along with others.
I am only 18 years old
but i might aswell be 30 because i know alot about anxiety/panic attacks/depression.
ive only had it for 3-4 monthes but ive always been around friends who have had it for many years.
so if you would like any more of my advice
feel free to message me.
im always here to listen.

p.s try taking b-12 complex vitamins, omega fish oil vitamins, a multivitamin, vitamin c, cal-mag-zinc, it has calcium, magnesium, and zinc
which is all great for the brain, nervous system and immune system.
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190673 tn?1259203266
If you decide to go with medication, ask your doctor about klonopin, as that drug works for many GAD patients. But keep in mind that is addictive.

Also, there is a good book called "Anxiety, Phobias, and Panic" by Reneau Z. Peurifoy. This book was written (updated) for a period over 20 years and since your symptoms are a lot physical, I think this book would help you faster that it helped me.
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765775 tn?1366024691
You have to learn to talk yourself through them. Now that you know that you don't have a physical problem you have to learn to tell yourself  "This is just another one of those damn anxiety attacks!" "There is nothing physically wrong with me!"

It sounds stupid but it does work. It takes some time and you still may need some type of medication or therapy to get to the root of what is causing your attacks.

Also try getting up and walking around when you feel one coming and even open a window and get some air.

Good Luck.
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774736 tn?1311331385
Im trying to get government assistance to get an evaluation so I can possibly get on medication or cognitive therapy...Ive already had $3000 in medical bills from two other panic related incidents and I can't afford to continue this...

No meds at the moment I actually just finished ruling out the physical...Its only been three months since my first encounter with anxiety
Helpful - 0
800453 tn?1297890565
Hi mate,
i no anxiety is ****. my symptoms change from day to day.
i find once i am busy and my mind is positive i have hardly any symptoms but when i am down and have time on my hands i feel awful.
the thing to remember is anxiety loves fear so try not to fead it more fear.
like last nite i was so close to phone for an ambulance as felt so bad but had to tell myself to calm down i will not die. eventually i did calm down and was able to enjoy my nite out. but it is hard.
i wont take medication as i dont want to have to rely on a pill to make myself feel better, as i believe the mind is a powerful thing so i can train my mind to recovery (if that makes sense?)
but everyone is individual and some people may need help with medication to get on that track.
r u on medication?
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