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394991 tn?1214255907

Weird Driving Anxiety?

Please help I am so desperate! I am a 28 year old female, in good health other than this problem I am having.

I have not driven since January. In Jan. I was driving home and a warm sensation came over me and I felt like I was going to faint. I pulled over on the side of the highway, and my husband drove the rest of the way.

Ever since then, I have had the weirdest sensations which make me unable to drive. To sum it up when driving, or in a car, I feel
-like my brain is shutting down; like my light is dimming
-can't comprehend what's going on
-my eyes see everything funny; like I can sense an exaggeration of motion
-dizzy in the lightheaded sense, like I am going to faint
-my brain can't take in everything that my eyes are seeing
-like the feeling right before you nod off
-like I am frozen; body and mind.

As you can see, it is impossible to drive when you have those feelings-- like you're about to faint or nod off.

This happens every single time I am in the car, without fail. It also happens as a passenger, but I can pretty much ignore it because I'm not trying to drive a vehicle.

I have
-had my eyes checked
-ears checked (Vertigo)
-chest x-ray, blood sugar, blood pressure
-CT scan
All normal.

For anxiety I have tried
-desentization (baby steps)
-low dose of zoloft
-beta blockers.
None worked.

I don't know what else to try or where to turn. None of my doctors have ever heard of anxiety manifesting itself in this way, without any of the other symptoms. For example, I don't have anxious thoughts, I don't fear having a panic attack, I don't dread going in the car, no racing heartbeat, no sweating, completely normal breathing.....

Has anyone ever heard of anxiety doing this to someone? I don't know what to do about it, but I am getting depressed being completely dependent on my husband to drive me everywhere. If anyone can help I would be SO grateful. It is such a mystery that no one, not even doctors seem to understand.
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I completely understand and have exactly the same problem. It has gone away once and then come back. I also have an inner ear disorder, and I'm 95% sure the two are connected although I haven't had a doctor yet explain this or connect the two. When I'm driving, I feel like I can't tell if I am moving or not which causes me to have all of these weird symptoms like faintness and overload. I get to the point where I literally can't drive (as a passenger, it also happens). I have zero nervousness ABOUT driving. But I can get faint or feel like suddenly pulling off due to how totally unsteady I feel, and all of the accompanying mental symptoms with this. I've tried dramamine, but that didn't work. I've tried desensitization which worsens the issue, and I've tried benzodiazepines, which don't work. Basically, nothing has worked BUT I've noticed it is worse when I'm more off-balance in general, and that when this clears up, so does my ability to drive.

I consider it a vestibular intolerance. I don't have many inner-ear symptoms compared to many people, BTW, although I have been diagnosed with meniere's disease due to repeat vertigo attacks over the years. However, I don't have hearing loss or tinnitus. It makes me feel faint and strange when I drive when it's acting up though, and it's better to not drive when in this state. I don't care if anyone mistakes it for anxiety because while I can have a panic attack from this, it's obviously a chicken-and-egg situation, and I believe the vestibular problem precedes the feeling of strangeness (sort of out of body, like I'm in free fall or am floating).

I know this is an old post, but I was trying to see if anyone else had this problem. I have fainted while driving several times during these episodes. I take side roads with good shoulders and avoid any traffic. Also, I wear sunglasses while driving and don't drive at night, and I take breaks as much as possible on the road.

I used to be a 100% perfect, fine driver who enjoyed road trips.
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Have you heard of a condition called Chiari Malformation. I have this along with Meniere's. What consider rare when I was DX seems not so rare. If you get a chance google it. See what you think.  
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I have been suffering almost 2 years now after experiencing dehydration driving g and it scared me so bad I didn't even know what was going on but evrrytime I get behind the wheel I think I feel the same way or hope not to have a panic attack which leads to one i think im going to pass out and my head  tight heart races but I tell myself its anxiety And we can learn to control it easier said than done though right
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I stumbled on this thread whilst looking for my symptoms which are very similar. It started a few months ago when I was driving to the airport and it frightened the hell out of me i felt like i was frozen and i wasn't in charge of my own body like i was looking out and i was trapped inside. It has continued to occur in the car on and off and now its almost a daily event. As a biker it never occurred on the bike until yesterday and it really really shook me up. I thought I was gonna die. All I can thing is i had a car accident about 2 years ago where i was hit by an oncoming driver, I seem to be live that moment over and over again especially the bang just before they hit me. Is this some sort of ptsd?
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480448 tn?1426948538
Hello and welcome!

You've tacked your reply onto a very old thread.  If you want to get more input, I would recommend starting a new thread.

"Driving anxiety" is a very common occurrence among anxiety sufferers, especially those with panic.  It's more or less a symptom of the thought process, the "what iffing" and "fearing the fear".  It's very similar to a PTSD reaction.

Anxiety sufferers don't like to be in situations were they feel they have no control, or cannot "escape" easily, which can make driving a nightmare.  Traffic jams, bridges, tunnels, ALL create that anxious feeling because of that fear of being "trapped" in an inescapable situation.  Even though we rationally KNOW we wouldn't be stuck in traffic forever, it doesn't matter, we're wired to react, especially if we've had multiple panic incidents in a car.  Anxiety sufferers also very often fear "losing control" of themselves which makes the idea of being in control of a 2 ton block of steel a scary idea.

There IS no magic pill of course.  The answer lies in retraining the brain NOT to fear driving, just like you would retrain it not to fear a grocery store where you've had a panic attack, or not to fear a certain food that you ate right before a panic attack.  It's really basic conditioning.  

The best way to tackle these fears is to face them, preferably with the help of a professional, like a therapist.  We need to learn how to send a message to our brains that there isn't anything to fear.  This conditioning takes time, and it isn't easy for sure.  You have to accept that you WILL be uncomfortable at times.  Pushing yourself is necessary.  A good therapist will work with you in setting realistic goals and then helping you achieve them.  Then your goals will grow.  If possible, find a therapist who is well versed in CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy.  If possible, find a therapist who will do HANDS ON work with their patients in real life scenarios.  A therapist who would actually accompany you on your missions to face your fears.  That really is the way to go.

Hang in there....if you need anymore help or support, please start your own thread.  Update us on how you're doing!
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When I read everyones posts...We all have the same symptoms...Horrible sensations when feeling anxious...And with so many of us having phobias and anxiety...asking why?? I have read sooo many sites..books...ect... and its funny that there hasnt been anyones stradetgy that has worked...I don't know maybe Im looking for that magic pill...I have suffered with driving phobia for 15 years...I live in a small town...not close to any interstate driving for practicing...I feel completely fustrated..unless I move to bigger town...I don't know how I would ever be able to get help with this??? There just dosent seem to be any answeres...Maybe a Driving Phobia specialists????Anyone out there that has the answere to help soo many without trying to make a buck!!!!
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Hello!! I am having the same problem as you;( have you found a cute yet??? I thought I was going crazy and did not know how to explain my symptoms to anyone! But you listed everything I am going through ! Please write to me
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Hello!! I am having the same problem as you;( have you found a cute yet??? I thought I was going crazy and did not know how to explain my symptoms to anyone! But you listed everything I am going through ! Please write to me
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I feel for u.. I have the sane symptoms.. hints why I saw million Dr.s and had MRI thought I was going crazy.. I still deal with it..starting therapy and acupuncture this week to help I pray!!
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I feel for u.. I have the sane symptoms.. hints why I saw million Dr.s and had MRI thought I was going crazy.. I still deal with it..starting therapy and acupuncture this week to help I pray!!
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To everyone who is suffering from driving problem , weird feeling while driving.
I am on the same boat. I had my frist panic attack on the motorway, when i felt like i will die, some how managed to get to the work and see doctor from there. It didn't improve, but made things worse and even worse for me. i tried yoga breathing techniques and from there on more panic attacks started. more fobias. but the important part on how i overcame my phobias.
It happened to me when life became very busy for us and stressful, use to drop my wife to her new job, about 50 mins drive to her work, and then backwards to my work, and then night time pick her up again, and had filed my permanent residency at the same time, was really stressfull time for me.  and panic attack happened.
I had no choice but to continue work otherwise my residency was in danger. and to do that i started using public transport train. next thing i did was, sent my wife for driving lessons, and got her to get license, i would sit with her and direct and instruct her.
Over the time developed all different types of phobias, don't wanna mention them in case you guys get more scared.
now because of the need of hour i had to continue work, i continued my work at all the costs , even though i was feeling worst then hell.
found people over the time who had these experiences before, kept discusing with them , which relieved me over the time.
now i stopped doing all the activities i use to do for leisure  all together because of panic attacks and anxiety. but i never gave up on my work.
after a 5 months i decided to start going out, as my wife was not feeling happy at all i could see, because we use to do lot of fun.
We went to the mall and then we went some more places and then we went to see friends we haven't spoken to in months. I tried driving, first day was bad, second day slightly better, third time slightly more better. and 1 day wife got sick at work , went to pick her up in the car, and she was so sick that she asked me to drive back, now this time when i was having awfull feelings behind the wheel, it started turning into more confidence, and no anxiety any more,
Anxiety came back again, then agin 1 another day, started driving wife asked me to drive, i did driving for morning till afternoon, with her sitting beside me. and i never felt as good before, when i could drive like before after 1 hour of driving.
So the key to driving and all other fobias is to be active. and have support like how i did, having my wife sitting beside me gives me security , if anything goes wrong she is there to drive from there for me, but trust me it only gets after after you drive for 30 an hour and continue from there, it gives you inner happiness, and keep meeting all the friends you know, keep going out,
And for your guys security , i would say purchase a full car insurance for yourself it will sort of give you security for your ride as well.
Keep doing things with the annoying feeling, and one day sun will rise for you guys, do take counselling , it really helps, always remember it is very slow recovery process, and definately you will all get there, just a matter of patience.

Another trick for any negative feelings is, acknowledge the thoughts, and then thinking your upper head is the chimney, let it out from there, definately will help you get out the clutches of negative thoughts as well. i m more over 95 percent better. still working on it, untill i kick this mofo
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I'm glad I found this forum. I'm a 28 year old female. I use to love driving everywhere. After my weird incidents that started last year, however, driving scares me so much! I've noticed this strange feeling also happens when I'm not driving. Its happens at work, at the store, out with friends. It makes me want to just stay home. I've experienced it at home too, but I'm not as anxious. Driving is by far the worse time to have this happen.

The first time I experienced the weird symptoms I was driving on the freeway. I started to feel extremely tired and weak, especially my arms and legs. I was having such a hard time holding the steering wheel and pressing on gas pedal. I was afraid I was going to fall asleep going 70 mph. It felt like my brain was shutting down. It couldn't process what I was doing fast enough. I relate it to my body having a low battery and its about to die. I felt like everything was shadowed, not fully colored. I felt very hot, but my skin was cold. My ear started ringing and got really hot. The music on the radio started to get very distant and quiet. Everything seemed like it was tilting and not real, very dream-like. I felt very out of my body, but at the same time in my body not connected somehow, like maybe my body and spirit were apart (Hard to explain) My heart was pounding, I felt like I wasn't breathing right. I kept wondering if my lungs were even working. I luckily was able to get off the freeway right away.

I was almost to work, I had to wait at a red light, (which now every red light makes me anxious) and I was on the verge of fainting. I kept wondering if I should put the car in park, just in case I fainted. I was talking to my sister on the phone when all of this first happened. I told her I didn't know what was wrong, that I felt very weird, and I had to go because I was going to pass out. When I got to work, I tried to breath and relax to get rid of that feeling. I asked my supervisor if I could have the day off. While asking her, I had to sit down because I couldn't see right- I had vertigo. She asked if I was having a panic attack. I told her no, I just felt strange. I didn't think I was having a panic atack. I've seen people having panic attacks and I wasn't hyperventilating.

By the time I got to the ER, most of my symptoms passed. In a way, I wanted to still have the symptoms so the doctors could see what I was going through and diagnose me with something. I'd rather have a diagnosis than have them say nothing's wrong. They did an EKG and a chest xray. The only thing that was slightly abnormal was elevated oxygen levels. (Due to breathing a lot of deep breaths.)  I told the doctor that I thought it was anxiety related, he told me not to jump to that conclusion. That it could be because I had a head cold. Come on, I've had many head colds and they never made me feel like this. The doctor taught me how to breathe out of my nose and then he sent me home. I thought, what a waste of a visit! That's when I decided to research this. It's nice to find similar experiences as mine.

Check out articles on depersonalization/derealization. I'm pretty sure this might be what some of us have experienced.

Thank you for sharing everyone and take care!
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I have the same sort of problems going on with some of you.

about 10 months ago i was driving in rush hour traffic, in December(so it was dark)--- as I was switching lanes I got really bad vertigo. I had to pull over. I continued to feel "off" for a week or so. Every month, this weird light headed, "out of it" feeling would occur. I would notice it at all times of day- but mostly while driving. IT happened just before or during my monthly cycle. Then, I would be fine 3 weeks of the month.

I went to the Dr. where they told me it was anxiety or pmdd. They put me on zoloft.  I was on zoloft for 5 days (i know therapeutic effects take weeks) but I felt immediate negative side effects. I could not eat, sleep, I was jittery, heart racing. I was driving to work one day and I had a panic attack driving down the highway. That is when my phobia started. I started takign Buspar--not sure if it is helping or not...
I am in therapy. I start to make progress then once my pms cycle comes around my anxiety is high- i feel depressed (mainly because I get those weird feelings)
I feel like i cannot focus, like i'm in a dream, dizzy, etc. When i drive during this time I regress immensely and then the cycle starts again. ITs very frustrating.

I am wondering if it is only anxiety or if maybe i have some inner ear issues also since its so much exacerbated during my pms time...
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I'm another person glad to find im not alone but sypothetic to this condition.  I am a 27yr old male and used to love driving.  I used to be so comfortable in any condition driving for any period of time.  But about two years ago had this "feeling" that scared me so much.  A lot of the symptoms other commenters have mentioned is what I'm feeling,  with slight variations.  It's really hard to explain the feeling,  but here goes.

The feeling can be mild or severe almost every time I drive for more than 10 mins (highways at night are the worst) slower streets with traffic lights don't bother me.   I'm fine for about 10 mins but any longer and the feeling sets in.  These are the words I would use to describe it: trancelike, dizzyish, foggy (but I can see clearly), abit vertigo ish,

When the feeling happens I notice I tap my foot rapidly and comb my hand though my hair,  everytime without me choosing to do it. I immediately open the window when this happens thinking it'll help.  Also I just wanna close my eyes but obviously cant because I'm driving.

Highways  when there is a lane each side of me with lots of traffic seems the worst.  I find that when I do shoulder checks and look in mirrors this leaves me with a dizzy sensation. So when lots of traffic is around that's probably why it effects me most,  with all the head turning.  When I get to my destination I have that feeling, how did I get here I don't remember all of the journey.  And have to decompress for 30 secs or so.

I've also noticed that days after alcohol is consumed it happens a lot more frequent with heavier symptoms.  

This is ruining my life and need it solved like a lot of people here.  I have had my eyes checked with no issues.  

Lets work together people,

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Similar to me. Was on a road I always travel on, nd had someone come up behind me very quickly. I panicked but managed. Week later i thought of the incident and had anxiety again when driving. Tol dmy mom about it and she understood. I kept driving to beat it and i'm getting better. still get a bit anxiety in heavy traffic but its getting better
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3239871 tn?1346700462
Hi mcsnick,

The one thing you don't mention is whether you've tried therapy.

Actually, I think the symptoms you describe here are fairly typical of someone who has somatic-based panic attacks. There's not much psychological anxiety about driving - you don't dread it or obsess about doing it - but your body exhibits all the symptoms of panic disorder when you drive.

I've lost most of my faith in doctors being able to do anything beyond vague statements about stress and then waving the prescription pad, even psychiatrists. Doctors and medications are actually fairly useless for most anxiety disorders because all they can do is treat symptoms, not causes.

The cause of your driving anxiety is some sort of malfunctioning linkage between your brain and body sensations, but only when you drive. Here's my recommendations for the best way(s) to deal with this problem:

* A good anxiety treatment therapist who specializes in phobias. A good hypnotherapist could help you re-train your brain / body connections and also how you respond to feelings of driving anxiety.

* A self-help program specifically for driving anxiety sufferers like Driving Peace (drivingpeace.com) or Driving Fear (drivingfear.com). The Panic Away program also has a pretty good section on driving anxiety (panicaway.com).

* Relaxation techniques you can use in the car.

* EMT and / or EMDR. You can learn EFT yourself (tapping.com) or get a therapist for it. EMDR is generally best practiced with an experienced therapist.

Hope this helps. Thanks for being brave enough to share about this. You're not alone!

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1438750 tn?1302819443
Anyone thought about a convergency disorder.... where your eyes do not see properly at the same time.... even the slightest bit off (one eye is stronger than the other).

I have all of these same problems, but was checked by a low vision specialist who said my eyes were not bad with tracking. However, there are people who claim there are better tests to do and they fix it with prism lenses. It can cause all of these symptoms... just google it. I think the place is in Michigan that specializes in it.
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I had my first “driving anxiety” attack in April of 2009; I was 27 going on 28 at the time.

It was at night, on a familiar stretch of road. It was a quiet, single lane road and I was alone on this road until I noticed in the rear view mirror, a car was quickly approaching from behind. I remember thinking I dont want to accelerate because the road is winding and didnt want to end up in a ditch. I became nervous that this was an aggressive driver and so I felt pressured that I had to maintain the speed limit, although my mind wanted to impulsively stop the car. This sensation came over me that I wanted to just slam on the brakes but couldnt, I could only lightly pulse to avoid the other car from crashing into me. My body clenched up and my heart was racing and I felt liking I was falling....same feeling as you get just before the big drop on a roller coaster ride. Stomach is just flipping.
It wasnt until a week later that I had another (less intense) episode on my way to work. I just kept thinking, what was that, whats going on with me? Over the summer, it intensified. I started arriving to work really early to avoid rush hour. Taking side roads home, where there were lower speed limits and more stop lights. Finally I broke down and told my parents what was happening to me. Up until that point it was my secret because of embarrassment. I knew I needed to see my doctor and therefore needed the support of my Mother.
The doctor put me on an anxiety medication that was "deemed" a highly addictive sedative (novo-clonazepam, not sure on spelling) He prescribed only two months worth. It helped instantly... i felt great. Driving at normal speeds and even going back on the highway. Then after the meds ran out he changed it up. He wanted to try Paxil. Tried that for 3 months...nothing, I didnt like it. I went back to my Doctor and asked to go back on the anxiety meds. He gave me a one month prescription. This time however, they did not work. Out of desperation I started upping the dosage, despite what the bottle advised. That worked but I had to ration them. I started feeling like a drug addict. I wanted to just brake down and cry. I also tried hypnotherapy, had blood tests taken for thyroid, as well as a cat scan but those tests came back normal and hypnotherapy was just a waste of money. Ive always wondered if it was related to the ears (equilibrium and balance).  I had bad ears as a child so Im wondering if there is fluid build up. I havent checked into this, I dont know why, but people around me keep saying "Its all mental" and "mind over matter" ...is it??? There seems to be people out there with the exact same issue so this leaves me wondering if there is an ailment out there not yet discovered.

To this day, I still cope with this issue of driving. Although I have support from my close friends and family, with whom Ive shared this secret with, no one truly understands the physical and emotional state that I live with everyday. I wish everyday I could go back in time to before this happened, as I too, loved to drive. That love has now turned to fear.

Ps: I have been driving since 1999.
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I to get those feelings when I am driving.  I havent stopped driving though because I have kids.  But I start to feel dizzy, My eyes see everything weird,  I get very hot and I feel as though nothing around me is real.  Its scary but I try to distract myself with music or I start to sing or talk with my kids.  Sometimes it doesn't happen but when it does I try to just let it pass and not panic.  I think these are the symptoms of an anxiety attack or a panic attack.  I have been told that it could also be low blood sugar.  Sometimes when I drink a soda when I get those feelings it seems to help.
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682845 tn?1228665660
I have the exact same problem, however I am a truck driver, and I need to pay off the debt I am drowning in..everyday I get those attax
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Hi everyone.  New to this forum.  I have not been a passenger in a car for about the last fiive or so years.  Very sad.  I, like alot of people here, used to love to drive!  I would drive down to t he Cape to see my Mom who lives there, radio blasting, not minding traffic, etc.  Then one day, me, my husband and my two children were on our way to visit my Mom, when the most strangest sensations came over me.  I literally curled up my legs, felt hot starting from my neck up and yelled  "Pull over!!!"  Of course, my husband thought I was nuts and replied " I can't! We're on the highway!"  The feelings that I got were so hard to explain that no one in my family can really understand, because they do not experience anxiety on any level.  Now, only I drive and my poor husband has been my passenger for the last five years.  He sometimes gets frustrated with me, as he would like to drive instead of  me, but I just can't do it.   I am so  afraid of having another panic attack and so embaressed, that I just simply can't be a passenger.  I have even started having some panic attacks when I have to drive far from home or when it is raining very hard.  It sounds crazy, but I just wish I could find someone out there who might be feeling the same way.  I am a productive memeber of society, as I teach preschoolers five days a week.  I have two beautiful older children and would love to go   visit my Mom without frearing the drive down.  Does anyone have any advice?  Thanks for reading my post.  
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460185 tn?1326077772
I get really anxious in the subway and in planes.   A lot of it was because I have no control  - the drivers and pilots do.

"Sometimes a sick car, is just a sick car." lol

And as Marx said .... I can't tell you that - I don't speak German  = (

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366811 tn?1217422672

Get to therapy, and get the ziety outta here!
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O yeah...  Turning up the radio - Talking on the phone.. Singing etc etc really helps make it go away for me..  I also have a stress tomato I squeeze (makes my mind focus on squeezing).. Yeah.. all the things you shouldnt do while driving...
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Car anxiety thing.. Yep.. Im a recent anxiety attack sufferer for an "unknown reason" (most likely personal - work/ quarter life crisis related). It is unclear why 2 months ago I went on panic mode... The car for me is the worst. I am usually a busy busy go go go person. I need constant stimulation or my mind gets bored and I begin to focus on "strange" things... Illnesses... etc that aren't even worth thinking about... Silly me I say!  Driving has been very difficult for me. I get very paranoid I will have an attack. Being stopped in traffic is the worst! Especially red lights... If I am moving.. I am fine.. If I am stopped I feel like "eeerrrrr  why am I stopped... I must go. go go now!) Its not "sick" vehicle related for me. I drive 4-5 different vehicles a week and its the same regardless of what vehicle I am in.. But! I feel that when we drive, our minds go on "cruise control" driving is such a task ingrained into our life styles these days that this is a place where "bad habits" form. Bad habits that are difficult to pull out of.. The mind is a POWERFUL tool... Sometimes no matter what you say to yourself it doesnt go away and anxiety sneaks in without knocking... Anxiety for me is funny that way since once you realize some "different" sensation or "theres that damn sensation again" you dwell then get paranoid then before you know it you have generalized anxiety disorder and people tell you that your depressed and need to go on Paxil etc! I wish I knew how to get over it, but I seem to push through it... For me, my head has picked up a bad habit of going someplace else while driving (zoning out ***** too)...  I must have let myself slip into this out of due daily habit...  Any suggestions?
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