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358304 tn?1409709492

Anxiety over rectal issue. Anyone Help?

26 male. Anxiety sufferer. Over the past few months, I have been getting my anxiety under control. Not freaking myself out over things that normally would. etc. I am no longer on medications either.

At the moment, my anxiety isnt too bad, but its lingering... This is very embarrassing, but here it goes....

A couple of days ago (Saturday Night) I crawled into bed, and noticed I was having a discomfort in my rectum area. At first I thought it was my tailbone aching or something... realized it was my rectum. It just felt like pressure or something. I was so tired, and fell asleep...

The next day (Sunday) was fine! I totally forgot about it. Well, Sunday night after my shower, I crawled into bed, and started having the discomfort again. I didnt sleep at all that night...

Monday I woke up and went to work, and was still having this feeling... it was hard for me to sit still in my seat... the longer I sat... the more uncomfortable I got... I started to panic a little bit thinking "what the heck is wrong with me?"

I called my mother, and she said it sounds like an internal hemorroid. But I have no itching or burning... just this PRESSURE feeling if you will... like my anal muscle is pushing but its not!? It's hard to describe...

Another way to describe it is as if I have been sitting on a hard bicycle seat all day, and my rectum is sore on the inside. Or it feels like I've been sitting on a golf ball all day, or it feels as if there could be a golf ball up in there. lol.

I have not been constipated... although some of my stools have been a little on the dry side, which do sometimes requiring more pushing...

I checked myself out in a mirror, and couldnt see anything on the outside...

I called nurses hotline, and the nurse said to 1st try peperation H. And so I bought the bottle that you insert... and that didnt seem to help too much...

I did sleep good lastnight... and the pressure has been a LITTLE more bearable today than yesterday/last night.

I called my Dr. today and he's supposed to call me back to talk to me about it...

As an anxiety sufferer, I worry THE WORST!

I automatically think "oh man! its gonna be anal cancer! or prostate cancer! etc."

The nurse on the phone last night said "rest assure, if it was cancer, you would be bleeding." And I'm not bleeding.

Any thoughts guys!? Thanks so much.
27 Responses
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I was also thinking it was an internal hemorrhoid, and they won't itch or bleed unless they are irritated.  If you have had hard stool, it will not only irritate the hemorrhoids but cause them from straining to go. Try a stool softener because stool can become impacted and this will help it pass. Impacted stool remains in the colon and other stool just goes around it. Sometimes an enema will give quick relief.  Miralax is very good, and most recommended by the docs.  I'm sure once you take this for several days, the pressure will subside.  
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358304 tn?1409709492
thanks so much for responding!!!

Yeah, im not sure what it is... my dr. called me today, and he was so glad to hear that i was working out, and not having anxiety... he said for me to continue to call him 1st before making an appt. He said he wont charge me to tell me not to worry over the phone. lol. what a good guy.

He did say that it sounds like a possible internal hemorrhoid... he said sometime they dont bleed or itch... he also said it could be a muscle spasm causing this discomfort/pressure.

He just said to not worry about it, and if its still bothering me by monday of next week to see him.


taking hot baths seems to help some for a while! then when im standing up a lot or sitting a lot... then the pressure feeling comes back.

and about the stools... yes some are harder to pass... but wouldnt the "lodged" stuff come out with the rest? lol.

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370181 tn?1716862802
Hi cnote! Haven't seen you around for awhile. Sounds like you're doing great, but now you have some concern regarding your rectal area.
I think you have done everything right so far. Trying the Prep H was a good idea, but if you got no relief, then it's likely not hemorrhoids, especially if you don't experience a little bleeding with a BM or itching. This does not mean it absolutely cannot be hemorrhoids, it's just pretty normal to have itching, pain upon having a BM and possibly some blood on your stool if  'roids are the culprits.
Speaking of bowel movements, you said you had some "dry stools that required some pushing." It's possible that even tho you are passing SOME stool, you could have a bit of a "log jam" higher up in your colon that just isn't moving along as it should. That would and could cause the type of discomfort you're feeling.
There are some things you could try but I think it best to discuss this with your doctor and let him make any suggestions. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about and like the nurse you spoke to said, if you had colon cancer, you would be bleeding and not just the tiny spot a hemorrhoid would cause. And besides, colon cancer in someone your age is extremely rare, almost unheard of. Please don't let your mind go there!
Talk to your doctor and I'm sure he will put your mind totally to rest.
Let us know what you find out, OK?
(Stop by more often! We miss you!)

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