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460185 tn?1326077772

Has Anyone Heard About Carole?


I was wondering if anyone has heard anything about Carole (nervous 15).

34 Responses
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212161 tn?1599427282
yeah , so happy to hear the great news, stop coughing up them stiches let them do there thing girl.   so how has your anxiety been after the surgery, since you was so stressed before, has it been ok after or has it hit you . hope its been great and leaves you alone. talk to you soon . Heart
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480448 tn?1426948538
BIG BUG HUGS to you...what great news from the surgeon!  You're just coming right along!  Yay!  Can't wait till you're feeling better and can be around more!

Take Care!
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385668 tn?1301793880
Saw the surgeon today.  He is happy about the healing thus far.  I coughed up a stitch LAST Monday only 5 days out of surgery, however didnt bleed.  Today when he looked in my mouth he stated that he saw how the tissue separated from the loss of the stitch...he asked if I bled and I told him that I hadnt.  He stated that the understissue must have been already healed and didnt seem real concerned, I guess thats good.  He also stated that my right side is still raw, and that it should continue to mend and eventially disolve the sutures.  I do not have to go back to see him because he states I am doing real well.  He did state that when I eat I need to chew the food really well.  

In 3 months I will have another sleep study and see if the surgery helped me there also...GOD wouldnt that be great...Also at the end of 3 months I have to call him and tell him how I am doing.

He stated that the healing should take about 6 weeks.  The swelling is still there so by that time it should be gone, I should be healed and hopefully be sleep apnea free...

PS Wolfie, I truly luv ya please dont feel like I do not appreciate you and all you have given me..


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385668 tn?1301793880
Thank you so much for this post.  I must say I was unbelievably anxious about this entire thing.  My anxiety is heightend concerning medical things affiliated with my health.  The fact of having to undergo the knife, on my throat, having to be "knocked out", almost killed me emtoionally.  If it wasnt for all of my dear friends on this forum, I would have NEVER made it through believe me.  

Thank you for saying how brave I was, but I didnt do it alone, first and formost GOD was there, and ALL of my wonderful friends were there.  How could I loose with that.  My great friends on this forum have extended themselves above and beyond what anyone could have expected.  Wolfie prayed for me during a ceremonial weekend with her friends and family, Nursegirl kept me informed and relaxed making calls to the hospital to let them know they were there with me, JS with his humor and strong support, not to mention his loving thoughts , the lovely begonias.

If you have ANY comcerns about your surgery bend my ear I am here.   I must say that I am happy thus far that I did the surgery.  I breathe better and can sleep better....in 3 months I will see if it helped the sleep apnea.


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I just wanted to say that I am very glad that you came thru w/flying colors.  I hope you continue to heal and recover, and don't let that anxiety beast get you down.
You are so much braver than I am....I need surgery too, but I'm a big baby.
I know you are SO glad it's over...see now you can actually say that "it's over."  Take care!
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385668 tn?1301793880
I am so sorry you got that impression, I NEVER meant to make you feel that  way, I so appologise.  I feel SO sad about this.  I care deeply not only for Nursegirl, JS, and Heart but ALSO YOU MY DEAR.  PLEASE, reply.

I NEVER just say things...many do but I certainly am not one of them...if I say I care I truly DO.


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212161 tn?1599427282
wtg  carole, glad your pain is getting less and less, hang in there girl you have come a long ways baby.
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480448 tn?1426948538
I hope you don't mind me saying....

But I honestly think you're wrong on this one.  I understand that when you feel like you haven't been addressed individually...that you're being slighted...but I can assure you that when I've spoken to Carole...she couldn't sing your praises enough.  EVERYONE'S ACTUALLY.  She is so touched by all of our support, she can hardly put it in words.  She is so touched about the ceremony you so graciously included us both in.  She appreciates that greatly...and has said so MANY many times here..

Also, in her last post...she was specifically responding to a few posts that JS and I had recently made.

I just hate that you feel this way...and I'll let Carole speak for herself...but I honestly and truly think you are misinterpreting things.  

BIG BUG HUGS to you sweetie.....you are truly a wonderful friend and person...please do not think you aren't appreciated.
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460185 tn?1326077772

Am glad you are feeling better  = )

I'm going to be honest here and come across as petty - it is difficult to see others recognized as being supportive and "there" for you but to find that I'm invisible - like what support I tried to offer wasn't good enough.

I'm backing off now but hope you continue to heal and do well and yes,I really do mean that.  I guess I'm just not as good as all the others who were with you through all this.



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385668 tn?1301793880
Just wanted to check in to say "HI".  Still not feeling the best.  Pain seems to  have lessened today so for that I am truly grateful.  No pain meds as of yet today, just braving it.  Not bad though, just feels like a very bad sore throat on the right side; seems like the left is all healed up...YIPPEE  The true test will be tonite.  It seems the pain always gets worse at night, I wonder why....Hmmmm

I hope you all are doing really well.

JS I am on injured reserve but it seems that I should  hopefully get back in the game soonnnnnnnnnnnn.  My follow-up appointment with the surgeon is for Tuesday at 10:15 I think.  I hope to hear good reports from him.  Here's a BIG smootch for you JS....MMMMUUUUUAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Nursegirl, wait sweetie let me get the checkbook out...ok how much did you say?   LOL  Thanks again for your wonderful support, I love you guys soo much.  When I feel better I sure would love to meet each and everyone of you ...really.  I feel as though you are friends for life.  Question:  Are you all located near each other?  Or are you from opposite ends of the world.

Talk soon everyone,

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480448 tn?1426948538
GREAT to hear from you, sweetie!  Remember, this surgery aint the easiest to recover from!  I think I would be crouched in a corner...likely sucking my thumb had someone peeled my palate like a potato and snipped off most of my oral punching bag!  YIKES!  THIS surgery....(as you KNEW, oh google-happy one) is not typical of most...the pain generally gets worse after the initial pain (which is LESS severe).  I promise you...that is just the normal healing process.  You are going to be through the worst of it now...and will start to come down the hill soon.  Right now, you're standing on the hump.

Just be PATIENT with yourself, with the recovery, it WILL take some time...and you won't KNOW the final outcome (which, I'll betcha money will be an AMAZING improvement from what you're used to) until the healing has progressed, the swelling is mostly resolved, and the pain is more under control.  Right now...you also feel PHYSICALLY lousy...you are weak, have no endurance...are having trouble eating...etc.  That isn't easy...but again, it's NORMAL.

Instead of starting to "what if"...rely on your experience (yes, you have one now...wa-hoo!)...and what you KNOW to be absolute facts....and just in case you're too "high" to figure them out right now...I'll help ya along...

1.  You had it done!
2.  You MADE it to OR day and survived the anxiety!
3.  You got thru the operation like a pro.....as per your SURGEON himself.
4.  The operation took FAR less time than normal.
5.  Every doc that saw you for follow up the next day said things couldn't have went more perfectly.
6.  You had NO complications that you were worried about (hate to tell you, "TOLD YA SO!")...and you're FAR beyond the risk period to HAVE any at this point.
7.  You're home, recovering...doing everything you're supposed to be doing at this stage of the game (prolly even a bit more so)
8.  YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!

So, try not to let those sneaky anxious thoughts pop up.  Keep concentrating on how far you've come.  You don't have to speculate anymore...you're living it babe!  When IS your follow up with the surgeon?  2 weeks right?  That's next week already!

I also agree with JS about the pain...if the pain pills aren't keeping you as comfortable as you think you should be (most likely they won't take the pain away COMPLETELY)...then by all means...call the surgeon and tell him.  He may up your meds, or change them up temporarily.  Another suggestion I have for you.....is some tips on taking the pain meds to get the most benefit out of them (OH, and that does NOT involve snorting....lol.....joke, mods).

First, do NOT let your pain level become out of control....it will be that much harder to bring down if you wait too long.  You should be taking your pain med when your level gets to a "5"/10...no higher.  If that means you have to take them every 4-6 hours (as prescribed) until you turn that corner...that is okay.  Don't be a hero. If you are prescribed one OR two tabs and one isn't cutting it....try two for your next dose. Also...you can alternate the pain pills with the children's motrin....you can also take the motrin for less severe pain (under a "5").....just don't NOT take ANYTHING if you feel the pain is "so-so".  It can sneak up on your fast.

Also...for pain management with this surgery specifically....I know you are having trouble eating...that is totally understandable.  Swallowing your own spit is prolly challenging enough.  So....find some cool, soothing foods that you can eat when your pain level is higher...jello, popsicles, those kinds of things.  I don't know if your doc told you to stay away from milk products (b/c of phlem)...that's why I didn't mention the infamous comfort food ice cream!  :0)  Chew solids VERY well...and while you're eating...drink a lot of water in between, even WITH bites.  Drink a lot of fluids, period.  The more hydrated you keep your throat...the less painful it will be.  You can even suck on hard candy to keep your throat moist (unless of course your doc has told you NO to any of these things.....I'm just going by MY experience and what the docs I worked with recommended).  Keep the cool mist going too.  Try to avoid the temptation NOT to swallow as frequently b/c of the pain.  That will just add to any dryness.  It's easy to want to do that...when it hurts to swallow...you naturally want to put it off.  Just swallow as usual.  Drinks should be cool-cold for comfort purposes also.

LASTLY my darling...you said you are lying in bed...I KNOW you're exhausted...but lying in bed all the time is the last thing you want to do...for general recovery purposes.  You don't have to run a marathon...but start by GRADUALLY increasing your activity level each day...a few walks around the house...even outside to the curb and back.  You'll know your limitations, believe me.  You may have some shortness of breath initially as you increase your activity level...again...TOTALLY NORMAL!!!  What I always tell my post op pt's...is "Don't over-do it, but don't UNDER-do it either".  Neither is helpful.  Bea patient patient (lol)...it will take some time before you don't feel as though you've been run over by a Mack truck.

Also...since your follow up is prolly quickly approaching...start making a list of any questions and concerns you may have.  This way you'll be ready to go.  And...if at any time you need your doc...for a question or concern that you feel cannot wait till your appt....call him.  That's what he's there for.  Okay?

So glad to see you posting.....I've been thinking of you.  If you need me...you know how to get me.

Hang in there....you are doing WONDERFULLY!!!!!!  :0)



P.S.  My bill is in the mail.  LMAO
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366811 tn?1217422672
That pain you feel is your body at work and with each passing day you get closer to freedom from the pain -just keep that thought. I assume you will have a follow-up visit with your surgeon or doctor to see how things are going -and don't be afraid to request a bit more aggressive pain relief, either.

We miss you, too, but know your "injured reserve" status is necessary to getting well. Say "Hi" when you can and otherwise, easy does it!

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385668 tn?1301793880
Hi Ya'll,

It's a pain ridden Carole here just checking in.  The past 2 days I have been in alot of pain and just trying to manage it all.  Haven't slept but 45 min here 1 hout there, etc.  Pain is pretty intense and hoping this will go away REAL SOON.  Last night I slept for about 6 hours but not interrupted.   I think my anxiety is not allowing me to sleep right or at least I hope so......I hope this surgery was the right idea...Contrarily to what I had read the surgery could actually make sleep apnea worse, so of course the anxiety ridden person I am I am thinking OMG what IF that has happened to me....

I am trying to look at the bright side though.  I feel weak because I havent eaten much.  Trying to choke down food to start my healing process and do some throat muscle conditioning....whew this is hard.  Its hard to swallow even my siliva without feeling like a jack hammer is performing construction in my mouth and throat.  

No physical activity, just lying in bed....consequently that sucks in and of itself, works in conjunction with no food to make me weaker.  

Medicine consumption which irritates my tummy also csausing me to feel weak.....

Hopefully I will start feeling better, after all it is officially day 8...i like to think it is actually day 9 though because surgery was over at 0930 hours on the 21st.  I like to count THAT day as day 1 in recovery.

I luv and miss you guys soooooooo much.  I cant wait until I can feel strong enough to offer help to someone else on one of the threads.  ALSO talk to my wonderful friends.  Let me send a shout out to  JS, WOLFIE, NURSEGIRL, HEARTFLUTTER, BOSNIAN, & GENTLE.  Gosh I hope I didnt miss anyone......:={ drinking some of JS's martini mix...)

The centerpiece looks so beautiful...and it keeps me connected to you guys....smootches  I have the card in my room on my headboard...it so touches my heart in ways unimaginable.

I will post again soon.  Have a blessed and anxiety reduced day.

Luv your friend,

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480448 tn?1426948538
YAY Carole!  I'm glad you're doing so well.  ONE week already.... wow!  Isn't it amazing how SLOWLY the time was dragging when you were anticipating the surgery?  Now, it's just flying by.  Sorry about the pain...but that's what the pain pills are for (well, that, and to be ground up for the salsa for our BBQ).  You are smack dab in the middle of the healing process...which can be more painful for sure.

And, you got a trim new sexy uvula, huh?  Cool!

The Begonia was alllll JS's doing....all of that was.  He's such a sweet man.  I personally would have chosen a plastic one had I been in charge....they do SO well for me!  They thrive!  ;0)

Keep us posted when you feel up to it.  I'm glad you dropped us a line.  You are soing so great!

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366811 tn?1217422672
Those are INDEED Bagonias and yes they may be planted outdoors, but bring 'em in for winter. NO direct sunlight -they like it shady. I selected these because they can be around a LONG time -just like your friends.

I am pleased to know that you'll be visiting the evidence locker so as to procure our favorite adult beverages and marinades. Oh and by the way, you may have noticed that since you've had the operation and gone through the "fear factor," there will be many other things that just don't bug you as much as they once did.


Post when you can and keep getting well. Bug hugs, and ants pants.

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212161 tn?1599427282
hey carole, so happy for you , you took a big step and you did it , you showed us we can do it and i thank you for being the strong person you are , i know how hard it was i have had surgery many many times and wanted to back out but my sweet husband held my hand and got me through it . now we all have each other on here and its a great feeling to know i can come on here and ask a question and not be looked down on but get wonderfull answers from people who really care and know what am going through.i hope everyone has a anxiety free day or close to one. hugz to all barbara
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385668 tn?1301793880
I am 7 days OUT!!!  YIPPEE, well except for the Darn pain that kicked me in my tush on Monday night.  I took my first dose of LORTAB last night, the pain got wicked.  I cany wait until I could come back strong and start posting more.  I  cant wait until the pain subsides and I am on the road to a pain free throat.

For the first time I looked at my throat last night.  OMG it looks so UGLY.  I see white patches where there used to be tonsils, sutures all over the back of my throat, as well as an itty bitty uvula.  Lots of space back there now for air......happy as heck about that.

I hope  everybody is doing well....Nursegirl, JS, Wolfie, Heartflutter, Bosnian, Gentle, and so many others.

I hope you guys are getting your menus ready for our Barb-b-que... (I have Wolfies steak marinating in morphine, and mixed a martini cocktail  the way JS likes it).  Give me your pleasures and I will surely fix you right up....I want EVERYBODY to have a WONDERFUL and MEMORABLE time at the Barby.

BTW you should see how lovely the flowers are...OMG they brighten up my kitchen.  Are those Bagonias?  These can be planted outdoor correct?

I luv you all MUCHO, MUCHO, MUCHO.

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409760 tn?1271037972
It is GREAT to hear you are up and going again. I had neck surgery once. I was so SCARED that I asked for valium before surgery. Well, I was in happy land and then it was over...Good to hear all went well. Prayers answered. Amen

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385668 tn?1301793880
Thank you sweetie, I truly couldnt have gotten through this if it hadnt been for all of you,  really.  You are my new found, never met (although I feel I have), friends.   I will be here for you all...I truly  feel blessed to have all of you in my life


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212161 tn?1599427282
hey girl, way to go ,see you can do it , we was all there with you,not in body but in prayers,
you did it girl its over and your healing praise God he is GOOD. rest and get well cause we might need your energy one day when we go throught it i hate surgery and i try to back out everytime. lots love to you. heartflutters

way to go gang am proud to know each of ya , we are a team together.
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480448 tn?1426948538
Yay!  Alls I can add is WE did it!  All of us....although Carole may have had a SLIGHTLY more challenging role.  lol  I'm sooooo happy for you....just think what a new woman you are...with a svelte, trim uvula.....don't be showing that off to just ANYONE now ya hear?  Let them buy you a bowl of jello with a tang chaser first!!!!!  

Big huge bug hugs...and best wishes...it sounds like you are doing WONDERFULLY!

Post when you feel up to it...we'll leave the light on for you.  ;0)

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190673 tn?1259203266
Very good news. I am happy for you.
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366811 tn?1217422672
It is SO good to have heard from you, and especially at such length and detail. Please be aware that your success is by no means exclusive -we ALL have been made better by it. In time, I know, there will be more reflection but for now, close your eyes and drift off; you've got some more healing to do. Thank you very kuch for having allowed us to be a part of your experience -it it something I shall forever treasure.

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385668 tn?1301793880
I am alive and kickin honey.  You all are just the best   Nursegirl, JS, Heartflutter, just everyone.  I could not have  gotten through this without you all, sincerely.  I know I have made friends for ever.  The kindness, patience, and compassion I received is un measureable.   You knew how frightened I was, but you stuck with me...ALL THE WAY THROUGH.  Your ceremonial prayers, WHITE MOTHER, are felt everyday, as well as  when I was in the presurgical room that day.

I have a story, not as good as yours, nursegirl, and JS....Well I left the house with my friend at about 6:15 am had to be at the hospital by 6:30am to check in.  I was nervous but not to wear I had to show my fear through dark brown spots on my undies..lol  I got to the hospital, and the nurse led me and my friend into a room and told me to put this gown on  that had PAWS on it.  ...I knew I was in good hands then, I thought to myself ahhh pet lovers.. I realized later that it was a gown that heated up so that I would be freezing my but off coming out of the operating room.....well ok,let me go on.  I said to myself this gown will probably not cover me up in the back and expose everything I had for dinner over the last ten years, but to my surprise it actually went around me.  I plopped up on the gurney, and in comes a nurse with the dreaded B/P machine clung to by a nurse.....low and behold 148/80...honestly I couldnt believe it and attributed  my level of relaxation to you all.  I kept thinking about what everyone has told me all these weeks...the prayers, everything.  Time passes and the anesthesiologist came in to talk to me.  His name was DR. KUMAR...OMG I will never watch KUMAR goes for WHITE CASTLES again without thinking of him.  Super great guy.  I asked him if he was going to wake me up....he said with a smile, "well thats the plan"...me as the anxiety ridden individual I am  kind of wanted to know what exactly he meant by that, but I surely wouldnt say anything.  He left and my Surgeon came in...He looked happy and steady....I thought if he's happy so am I.  I asked him if while he was in there he could make me sing like Miriah Carey...he laughed and just said that he wasnt going down that far...  OK, now he leaves and my friend and I are waiting about 50 minutes until a woman comes in and asks me are ya ready...I said heck ya lets go.  My friend walked me over to the doors to the operating room, gave me a good luck smootch then left.  I was given this hat thingy to put on so I did.  The anesthesiologist met me outside of the OR and gave me a shot in my IV port....well homey the next thing my butt knew is I was in the recovery room and people were asking me to wake up....I wasnt cold , shivering or nothing...I guess that was due to my little PAWS outfit.   The only thing I said was that I could not breathe ..they told me to take a couple of deap breathes and the rest was history.  

I asked the  recovery room nurse if my surgeon was there to see me...she said he talked to me, but you couldnt prove it by me, I dont remember seeing him, much more like talking with him.  

The surgery was supposed to last between 1-1-1/2 hours...it only lasted like 50 minutes.
When i was sent to my room, which was like 4 hours later (cause they didnt have a room available) I was met by my friend.  I asked him How they said I did, and how did the surgery go....he smiled and gave me 2 thumbs up...whew I was soooooo relieved.

They monitored me all night, and I did really well....my 02 sats sometimes without the oxygen would go down to 91, but only for a while, it stayed basically at around 94.  When I had my little tent type O2 device of course it went up higher.

The next day the anesthesiologist came in to see me around 7am.  I asked him how I did, he stated NO PROBLEMS AT ALL,  I thanked him for taking care of me.  At around 10 am the surgeon came in to see his masterpiece ...He put this head thingy on  looked in my mouth and said GREAT GREAT....So I asked the dreaded question  DO YOU THINK THIS SURGERY WILL HELP MY CONDITION...he said with a gleam in his eye that he believed it would.  Of course me loosing this weight and exercise will also play a large roll.  I will be getting another sleep study in a few months just to see how we did.  

It is so great to actually be able to take a full breath in with NO OBSTRUCTION...WOW
If I had to blow my nose I could do that also.....without feeling that a flap of skin was closing off my airway

I am still snoring a little but I think its because I am still swollen, hopefully once the swelling goes down I will not snore at all.

I have been in marginal pain, but I am a good little girl and doing everything the DR has instructed me to do.

It seems like I keep cholking on the sutures though and that annoying.  I have only taken childrens ibuprofen elixer for pain, as well as PCN Elixir...I think thats amazing....thus far anyway.

I  do have a prescription for tylenol with codine that I havent opened yet.  It has actually been in the third day post surgical and thus far not bad at all.  I dont want to jinx myself though...we'll see around 6 days out how I feel with those scabs and stuff.  I am staying WAY hydrated and have a cool moisture machine  set to keep my room at 55% humidity.

Well I am a little tired so for all of my wonderful new found friends, I love you all,

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