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Hello all. I am new here but a long tine lurker. I am just in a really bad place right now. Here is my story.

I am a 27 year old female. About 25 -30lbs overweight. Non smoker. About 5 months ago I got what I think was a panic attack. I got up to go to the bathroom and felt a little dizzy. Then BOOM. My heart started beating harder and faster than I thought possible. I had to sit down. All I could keep thinking is that I was going to pass out. I had my boyfriend bring me some water. I drank about 3 bottles in 3 minutes. I just felt thirsty from dry mouth and closed up throat. After a few minutes I seemed to just calm down. But after I got chills for about 30 minutes. I mean bad chills. I was shaking like crazy.

I would say this has happened a total of 3 or 4 times. About once a month. There is never any chest pain or difficulty breathing with whatever these episodes are.

I have googled my symptoms and apparently for a female everything is a sign of an oncoming heart attack. This is what I believe started my heart anxiety.

I have gone to the ER 3 times over this. Never while it is happening. Usually days or a week later. After an episode I get very paranoid that something is wrong with my heart. I am convinced I am going to have a heart attack. I have random aches and pains in my wrists and arms and upper back along with my jaw. Not severe pains, just pain that lasts for a few seconds and then goes away. I also get palpitations where my heart skips beats.

I have had several EKGS and blood work done. Chest Xrays as well. All normal every time. I finally went to a cardiologist who told me I was perfectly healthy and did not even run tests on me. He said he felt as though I had POTS and told me to increase my salt intake. After this I was perfectly fine for a month or so.

Last night though .. I did not sleep at all. I had another episode and today my palpitations are really bad. I am having wrist pain when I try and rest or sleep and I am really freaking out. I have no insurance so I am trying to not rush to the ER again. I just feel like my heart will stop at any moment.

Sorry for rambling. I just needed to vent. I feel alone and scared and nobody takes me seriously.
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1198742 tn?1293503376
Hi my husband became very ill 3 years ago, He is on a liver transplant list,, So I am his caregiver 24/7,, One year after he got sick, I would Be going to the store and all of a sudden I became really freaked out,, I would sweat, dizzy, it was awfull I went to the emerg 3 times in a month, I guess they thought I was nuts or something cause they could' tell me what was wrong. So I went to my GP he told me it was a panic attack and stress, He wanted to give me pills I said no I will deal with it. And 8 months ago I told my GP ok give me pills, Then I stopped smoking, Then a month ago I started sweating felt dizzy even when I was sitting, my heart rate went way up, I have high blood pressure put im on meds, So anyway my doctor told me to stop taking the night pill for stress because it can cause a racing heart, So I threw away the pills bought a pack of smokes and Im done with pills,, The best way to help yourself is, You know when you get those feeling just go lay down till they stop, I just said to my self it's time to take control and I did,As for sleeping I was up 42 hours straight last week,, I have a hard time sleeping but again I sleep when I sleep.. Take care of you self If your strong enough just get rid of the stress in your life and think positive good luck
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Wrist pain doesn't have anything to do with a heart attack as far as I know, so to start you need to avoid complicating the issue.
Since you have lurked, you know that lots of people have had your symptoms, but got a clean bill of health from ER afterwards. The only time I got some bad "symptoms" I kept hoping they would go away for days, but finally went to ER where they said all was ok.
The doc told me I would have been dead if anything was wrong that long, so if you end up going again you might want to talk to doc about that in case whatever they say about prolonged pains helps put your mind at rest if you have future "symptoms". Here is an article about a guy who can't stop going to ER over heart worries. http://www.medhelp.org/user_journals/show/857117/5--CNN-article-about-anxiety-sufferer
I bet most people however accept that there is no problem and the anx disappears after one or 2 diagnosis come up negative, so try to work on accepting the reality and for sure stay away from google, because you can always find someone somewhere in history who had a heart issue and your symptoms, so you will just end up feeling bad for no reason afterwards.
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