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453329 tn?1205959232

Is this anxiety or something

Ok I am a 14 year old white female.
For the past few years [like 2] I've been having these symptoms
1) not eating enough
2) feeling of nervousness for no reason
3) sometimes I get so nervus that my muscle start feeling stiff and I start shaking
4) sometimes I cry for no reason
5) sometimes I feel like things are always going to be the boring way they are now
6) I always feel like I have something wrong with me, like blood clots and serious stuff

Please help me
What do I have
9 Responses
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370181 tn?1716862802
I am so sorry that you have been "betrayed" with your trust. Your two "friends" you confided in, sadly, were not really your friends. This is yet another rather nasty aspect of the age you are traveling through...........friends come and go at an alarming rate and the one who is your best friend today, will not speak to you tomorrow. I can remember those painful times even all these years later. It really hurts. But there IS someone you can trust........and what that takes is for you to take yet another chance, which I know is very difficult and scary. As gentle51 has said, there are many caring teachers who go the extra mile. There must be one teacher you feel you could approach to discuss this with. The school nurse might be another person you could talk to. She has the resources to find you the help you need. All school districts have psychologists on staff and she can help you connect with them. They will not abandon you.  
I do understand your trust issues Sweetie. I've been there myself and it aint' easy, but part of growing up is learning to take risks and sometimes, as you've sadly found out, you will get hurt, but you can't let that stop you from trying.
As both gentle51 and I have pointed out, you are obviously intelligent and strong and you ARE seeking help..........please don't give up! There IS someone out there who is just waiting to extend their hand to you.
If you still can't find them, come back to us and we'll work on this together.......all of us. You are not alone in what you've gone through and you don't need to be alone now.
We care because we're family here and you're part of that now.
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453329 tn?1205959232
There isn't really anyone to talk to though.
I have a really big problem trusting people in real life.
Because it seems like everyone I do trusts leaves me.
And the two most important people [friends my age] that I trusted and told EVERYTHING to hate me now and won't have anything to do with me and I don't see the point of talking to someone about something who isn't gonna always be there for you.
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409760 tn?1271037972
As already commented by others puberty is a time for some less than desirable physical changes and emotional issues. I am a teacher who works at a Junior high with 13 and 14  year olds. There are many caring teachers who take extra time with their students where I work.Since you were willing to speak out on this forum it is obvious you are willing to step outside the circle and talk with others including adults. When I was in my teens I confided in the Counselor at school, She helped me out tremendously.

So please take care and do consult a Dr. for those symptoms like feeling nervous, muscle issues and holding your breath. Get a second opinion if you have to. If nothing else find a kind, willing to listen adult to talk with on a daily basis. I have many students who confide in me just give the adult a chance to care.

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370181 tn?1716862802
So now we hear about a custody battle that happened, what, four years ago? You were 10 years old and your world was falling apart. Could this cause anxiety? Yes. You began to hold your breath and saw a doctor about this who brushed it off saying it was "just" stress from the custody issue. I take it there was no discussion about seeing a therapist?
And now, four years later, you are in the thick of puberty, you are still doing the breath holding thing and a number of other disturbing symptoms are beginning to appear. Some of which are no doubt due to puberty and some to anxiety.
I again urge you to seek out the counsel of an adult you trust. A teacher at school, a relative, a clergy person............someone, anyone who you can tell what is going on with you. You really need to been seen by a doctor and have all of these issues addressed so you can get on with being a happy and nutty 14 year old who has nothing worse to worry about than sitting next to the pimple-head in math class or what shoes to wear to the school dance!
You are obviously an intelligent young girl..........you found us. Now take the next big step and find someone who can really help you with this burden you're carrying all by yourself.
And know that we are always here and you can always come to us, OK? You have many friends here and we care about you.
Take care my little g/f!
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453329 tn?1205959232
Also, I hold my breathe a lot It's not purposely, I don't even relize I'm doing it.
But I went to the doctor a few years ago and they said it was just streess from a custody issues I was going through But, I still do it 4 years after. Is that anxiety.
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453329 tn?1205959232
So, are you saying it's anxiety/puberty ?
I can't really talk to any doctor. He already think's I'm crazy.
But what can cause anxeity ? Like holding in emotions and stuff?
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366811 tn?1217422672
Sometimes I think that puberty is a form of punishment for having been born as a human being as opposed to, perhaps, a toadstool. I'm not kidding about this: I would never go through it again, although there is a convincingly large crowd of people who would say I've never actually gotten over it.

Be that as it may, the purely mental aspects of your presentation (crying, boredom) are among the freebies kids tend to get as they move into the world of adult life. No question about it, there is much that IS as boring as a table and there is much to cry about. And this, alas, is a sure sign that you are "getting it." BUT, you are getting it now for the first time in your life, so it tends to get attention. Trust me in this, there will also be those times when you are overcome with a sense of euphoria, that everything is well and right and good in the world -and I have an album of Woodstock photos to prove it.

So my advice is to pay attention to yourself -not in an obsessive way, but rather as a trained observer on the DC Metro system might scan the crowd for suspects. More a "mental note" kind of thing. Something you will get back to later, to compare notes with what you observe later on.

That's the mental part. Now, as to the physical part (nervous, muscles) there may be an anxiety component, such as greenlydia has mentioned. This happens when your emotional and mental part needs to get attention -so you have wacky sensations. And that means a visit to your doctor to lay it all out and plot a course of action. Far be it from me to say what that might entail, but I can say that a request for assistance from a pro (like your doc) is not a bad idea.

One thing is clear -very clear: you've demonstrated the mental muscle to discuss these issues openly and with really very excellent precision. This means you have a "brain," and one that I'll just bet is a bit ahead of then rest of you, and the others in your age group. Therefore, go with your strength, and get that chat with your doctor.

Oh -and hang in with us, OK?

Cya round.
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370181 tn?1716862802
Hey Toots,
I think it's pretty likely that what you have is called "puberty," and it can be kinda creepy at times. Some of the symptoms you speak of are fairly classic for this time of your life. On the other hand, some are NOT so classic for puberty, but ARE for anxiety. And it's not terribly uncommon for these two to go hand in hand during the turbulent years of puberty.
Numbers 1, 4 and 5 are really typical for someone your age to feel.
Numbers 2, 3 and 6......not so typical but not terribly out of the ballpark either.
Having said that, let me now urge you to talk to a trusted adult about your symptoms and get in for a check-up with your doctor. If this is more than just the hormonal hurricane of the teen years, then now is the time to nip it in the bud.
You're gonna be fine. Keep us posted, OK? We're always here.
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heya yes i know how u feel i am terrified i have a blood clott too do u have anymore symptoms. Trust me it is prob anxiety the horrible scared nervous feeling u get is anxiety.Have u been to the docs'?

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