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716924 tn?1235869479

My Story

Hello, Been on here a few times and asked a few questions. Now I want to give to my whole low down on whats been going on with me. So sit back, grab a drink,light a smoke and I will take you on a trip.

I am a 34 year old male, Married with 2 kids. Spent 13 years in the U.S.Army and recently transistioned over to the civilian life style. Been working for Coca-Cola for the past year and a half. I feel I have always been a strong type of a person. Always led trrops in time of war and accepted the good times and bad time with the best of them.

This past Dec 5th. I lost a loved one in my family (Uncle) from a M.I. (Heart Attack). A few days after that all my symptoms started to appear. We were close, but although his death was sudden, it was not a reqal shocker. He had alot of issues in his life that led him into a deep depression and his life choices he made from is tramatic turning point were not good ones. he increased his smokeing and drinking habits beyond repair and refused to make a change for the better. He went from being a Private Pilot with a very great self employed job makeing the big bucks to l;iving inside my grandmother garage for the last 16 years of his life. Slowing destroying himself. So It was not a big shoker for his untimely death.

Anyway, my symptoms began to worry me. They started with the classic chest pain and dizzienss. I imeadiately thought HEART ISSUES. Well, i was all over that and went to see my Doc about these issues. He did a normal check up by listing to my heart, did a EKG and everything came back normal. However, for my own peace of mind he refered me to a Cardio Doc. Once agin iwas on top of things and went flying as fast as i could to make my appointments. During the course from Late Dec to the end of Feb I had a number of test done. a 48 hour holter monitor,a 3 week holter monitor,Echocardiogram,Nuke Stress Test. The only things any of these test picked up were a few PVC's,PAC's a 2.6 second skip, and a trace amount of uptake from the echo. (Very Small amount +1) After all that he said that there wasnt anything he found with all the testing that worried him and sent me on my way.

The Symptoms and sometimes panic attacks kept on coming. went back to my Doc and he did blood work, **** test and chest X-rays....all came back normal. (however my Chalestarol was a bit high  255 over all with a 155 Bad)
He prescribed me xanex once per day to see if this helped. And is does to some degree.

3 Weeks ago I went to the ER thinking i was having a heart attack and guess what? yup you guessed it, it was not a heart attack. They did a EKG,CT scan of head, X-rays of chest,pelvis,back ,side and stomache. as well blood work. All came back normal. ER doc said probally Panic/Anxiety, but also gave me new direction as well. I have suffered from GERD/Acid reflux for years. So I am scheduled for a upper GI later this month.

I also have a bad rotting tooth that needs to be extracxted. This will happen this week as well. Due to the fact that tooth was infected I had to take Anti-bodics first.

So that is a brief work up on me. The whole low down seems to be a Panic/Anxiety disorder with possible depression under it all. i got to see a therapist on tuesday as well. (Thank god for good insurance hu)

Here is a list of my Physical Symptoms:
a) Chest Pain- This pain can range from tightness to a sharp pain, Always in my heart area.
b) Dizzyness/Lightheaded feeling- Never passed out from these but fear i will. always seems worse when i leave my house. I.E. going to work,the store Etc Etc Etc.
c) Genral feeling of not good.- The best way to explain this is go watch "Joe Vs The Valcano"
d) Middle back Aches- Not all the time,but sometimes after I have been standing for a bit. The pain is always in my middle back right behind my heart.
e) Panic/Anxiety Attacks.
Keep in mind I have alot of these symptoms without having the attacks. Is that normal?

Other Areas I am concerned with:
I am so afraid that if i dont get control over what is making me feel this way, that it will get worse. It effects my job,home and life in genral. Just Like everyone else I just want to get back to being normal. I keep on thinking I have some issue with my heart or somewhere else that might be a be serious. and no matter how hard I try to shake these thing, i just cant get them out of my head. I Swear to god I I ever recover i am becomeing a Medical persoanl. I have done so much research on just about every condition from the Head to the toes.

Can anyone relate to this, Health Anxiety,Heart Anxiety,Panic/Anxiety disorder, Depression, PTSD? imput would be great.

Thnaks for reading Fellas.

10 Responses
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I second what nursegirl is telling you.  I'm a 56 year old man, and have been suffering from anxiety for many years.  It has nothing to do with manliness, it's an illness, nothing more.  Sometimes it's hard for someone who's been in the military to face what appears to be weakness, but it isn't, and facing this will be as tough as anything you will ever do.  My own advice, since this appears to be new to you, is try the therapy first before medication just in case it works for you, then turn to medication only if you need to.  And to get your mind off it at times, go visit the troops coming back with PTSD, you'll be more understanding than the treatment they often get now where they're drugged up and left sedated.
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480448 tn?1426948538
LOL.....you couldn't afford me.  (JK)

Having anxiety has nothing to do with your "manliness".  I know that it doesn't seem that way...but it is just something new for you to overcome.  You are human and have been through a lot...it is no reflection on how "strong" you are.  I have seen some pretty tough guys (and girls) be reduced to blubbering idiots over Hallmark commercials when dealing with anxiety and depression.

It's OKAY.

One day, one hour, one minute at a time.
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716924 tn?1235869479
Nurse....at this very moment i am ready to drop my Docs appts and hire you on spot. Thanks so much....I can see you are a vet in this whole thing. I have went to being a manly man to a ragdoll...i feel so weak.   Thanks again for your input.

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480448 tn?1426948538
First of all...let me extend a HUGE thank you for your service, for taking on such danger and responsibility for the likes of all of us!  ;0)

Secondly....sometimes anxiety doesn't creep up on us till a bit later in life.  I have lived with anxiety all of my life, until I was officially Dxed with panic disorder at age 18.

It is a roller coaster for sure, as you are beginning to find out.  For one...trust your docs...you have had an EXTREMELY thorough work-up...if anything medically was a-miss...it would have been discovered by now.  The heart things that they found (PVC's, etc) are very very common among anxiety sufferers, and one leads to another.  Meaning...just the presence of a PVC can throw us into an anxiety attack...just as an anxiety attack can bring on palpitations, etc.  It's all a horrid cycle.  There is a VERY strong correlation to anxiety disorders, and the presence of heart murmurs, and other benign heart conditions.

You are on the right track.  You know you have identified a problem and you need to address it.  I can tell from your posts that you are a "get it done" kind of guy.  For that reason...you will tackle this anxiety and be on the road to anxiety recovery in no time.

A few words of caution from a seasoned anxiety vet....it doesn't happen overnight, so BE PATIENT with yourself.  A lot of times, a person has to dig deep to see if there is an underlying cause....demons if you will....to know how to proceed.  The best advice I could give you is to do exactly what you are doing....get yourself a referral to a psychiatrist...who will be able to formulate a treatment plan for you...involving meds or therapy...or both.  My own personal experience is with both.  . "Talk" therapy is a must, regardless of what you do with medications.  Even if you don't have a need to sprawl out on a leather cough and spill your guts to a guy with a neat mustache.....therapists can give you GREAT coping techniques and teach you how to adjust your life to accomodate this new thing....anxiety.  It is possible to overcome it...it is possible to learn to live with it...it just takes some time and patience....and WORK (which you are good at).

A lot of times, once the anxiety monster rears it's ugly head......you become a "lifer" in our club...having good times and bad.  Just like your cholesterol....it will have its ups and downs.  I have gone from housebound, to completely anxiety free for years, back to housebound, almost housebound, etc...back to free again.  A lot of factors play into recovery, and functioning in daily life.  What may be causing your anxiety, how well you cope....how well you stick to something....stress factors in your life.......all kinds of things is individual for each one of us.

Stick around, this place is an invaluable rescource.  You already have one heck of a grip on things, in my opinion.  I think you are going to do fabulous in a therapy/p-doc situation.  One day at a time...do not get frustrated with yourself...you are who you are...most likely this would have surfaced at some point...and I bet your uncle's death just pushed it to the forefront.  Anxiety is a hard thing to live with, but again...it isn't impossible...and you can get back to a "normal" life like you want to.  And, most importantly...you are SO not alone in this battle...anxiety disorders are VERY common...and in NO way are you not "normal" b/c you have anxiety.

Hang in there, soldier.....you've been through tougher...you're just part of a different kind of "army" now!  Problem with us...is there isn't enough manholes for all of us to hide in!  ;0)
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716924 tn?1235869479
Got another symptom.
Lately i have been getting a shakey feeling in my hands, as well a muscle spasm's in my legs and neck area. Are the common as well?
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716924 tn?1235869479
ty for the quick return Sass... i will keep a look out for that book as well. Got alot on my plate still at the moment. As mentioned above got my first appt with a therapist tues. I was givent a prescription of Lexapro from my doc, but have not started them yet, as i want to talk with a more skilled person with mental disorders and medications than just my regualr family doc. i will keep yall posted and try to provide help anywhere i can...Thanks again fellas...
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363281 tn?1714899967
I have gone through all the symptoms of anxiety that you mentioned and believe me, the feelings are very real. I think the fact that your uncle died could have been the catalyst that just pushed you over the edge. All your symptoms are classic for anxiety. It is wise that you have had the heart checks, etc this way, you can rule out heart disease. enzymelover is right, adrenal exhaustion can cause panic attacks big time, they are the "king" gland, and when they don't work, nothing works. Also, have you had a glucose tolerance test done, they are usually 4 to 6 hours, no fun, but lots of times, hypoglycemia can cause all kinds of anxiety symptoms. Again, it is strange, but the adrenal glands are directly related to this disorder as well as food allergies, do you have any that you know of. I know a long time ago, if I would eat an offending food, I would have anxiety attacks, and all kinds of trouble.

Having the symptoms without the actual anxiety attack is normal, you see, you do not have to have an "attack" every time to get the symptoms, the very fact that you are uptight can bring all the ones you mentioned on. Your body is in a constant state of flight or fight, so, it is never relaxed, when not relaxed, muscles spasm and tighten, making breathing difficult, dizziness, you name it. So, just because you are not panicked does not mean you will not have symptoms.

There are two great books out by Claire Weekes, one is called "Hope and help for your nerves" and the other is called "Peace from Nervous suffering" she goes into detail about all the symptoms you have, it is very easy to read and it is just like she is sitting next to you talking. You can get it on line from borders or amazon I believe.

I hope this helps some, keep us posted and try to relax, I know, easier said than done.
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716924 tn?1235869479
hmmm i havent heard of this...might look into that here soon
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  Stress can lead to adrenal fatigue and cause adrenal hormone imbalances, which can then lead to anxiety and even panic attacks in some cases. This is only one scenario of course, but if you haven't yet had all of your adrenal hormone levels tested, it might be worth it to have this done.

Good luck to you.
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716924 tn?1235869479
It is a fact that you should read what ya typed before posting it. Sorry for the type-os and misspelled words. The fingers are faster than my brain is :P
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