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376182 tn?1283273738

Panic/anxiety & hypochondria

Hi everyone, I haven't posted in some time but have continued to follow the forum. In a nutshell, I suffered several, terrible panic attacks about five years ago. In the midst of them I thought I was having a stroke or heart attack which led to countless ER & doctors visits. At the same time I would experience strange sensations in my head which then led me to believe that I had a brain tumor. Well after countless tests, scans & MRI's it was determined that there was nothing wrong with me. At that point I sought the help of a therapist & began paxil therapy. I was on paxil for about two 3 years total. While on paxil I felt great! I decided to try to go it alone w/out the help of meds. Ironically I stopped taking it for good just around the time that my father passed unexpectadly (18 months ago) & I haven't taken it since.

The problem is that i've always had the tendency to be a hypochondriac & well with the death of my dad & another recent death in the family I feel that these irrational fears are popping up again! At some point or another I've diagnosed myself with breast cancer, colon cancer, brain tumor... You name it I thought I've had it. For instance just recently I heard of two people who had been diagnosed with leukemia (one unfortunately died from it) and now I've had some vague symptoms which I've researched on-line and am now freaking out about this! My vague symptoms were bilateral arm discomfort, a 3 or 4 spot rash of red dots that went away w/in a couple of days & what I thought was a swollen lymph node by my throat. A normal person would simply dismiss these & move on but I focus on then and make the something much more than they are.

Is there anyone like me out there??? And if so how do you deal with these irrational thoughts? I find that I can't even sleep at times.
4 Responses
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1118884 tn?1338592850

First rule of the universe: don't panic!   My belief is that you need to be taking Paxil or whatever you and your doctor agree will help you with your health fears.

Back away from the computer!!!  Google is a great search engine, but an internet diagnosis is just going to get you more worked up.  We have all done it, so no judgement .

All of us with anxiety disorders have suffered through many physical manifestations of it.  The list is endless.  So you are not alone.  In my opinion you are not a true hypochondriac.  You are suffering from anxiety and that is easier to work on than all the fearful physical conditions.

You will hear it again and again in this forum.  But here goes.  None of us are medical doctors, but all of us have gone through a variation of what you are.  Do see your physician to rule out an organic illness if that is what you need to do.  Then see a psychiatrist to discuss your fears.   Keep posting.  We are a good bunch.  Look at us as your virtual support group.
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You posted in your post, that you are indeed a hypochondriac.
Or tend to be at least. Thats all it is. Your having Anxiety, searching thoughts. That lead to you basically believing you have something that you really don't.
Let me just start off to say searching online. Is the WORST thing to do if you are having hypochondriac thoughts.
Just relax, living life thinking something is wrong with you is very stressful.
When you think something is wrong with you just remind yourself nothing is really wrong with me. I'm just having anxiety.
When you start to think like that you start to immediatly feel better.
Also, im not just saying this because i know this. But because i experience this.
But i am on meds for it that relieve it.
You going off your meds. Because you may thought you don't need them anymore.
Was the biggest mistake. You don't think you need them because there working. Going off them relapse you. Making these thoughts of thinking something is wrong come back.
Its just a chemical imbalance in your brain that millions of people have to.
Go back on your meds. And get a shrink if you think you cant get these thoughts away by simply telling yourself, its just anxiety.
Because it's a horrible way to live like you are, when you don't need to.
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Did you have the hypochondria while you were on Paxil? I tried to get off meds several times  for other conditions, with total relapses. I have changed my way of thinking. If I needed a heart med I would not try to get off my meds.. It's ok to be on meds if you need them. I am not going to go through horrible, needless suffering because of any stigma attached to taking psychiatric drugs or because I'd rather be off them. I am taking care of myself, whatever it takes! I hope you will do the same! With compassion, Studchick
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What did the sensations in your head feel like?
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