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358304 tn?1409709492

Physical or Psychological pain? PAIN IN THE NECK!!!

This seems to be ongoing.

I'm 32 male. Not a stranger here, but luckily not on here as much as I used to in the past years.

About a month ago, I was having issues with neck and head tension. My head felt like it was in a vise 24/7.
Thankfully that left!!

I've been pain free from that for about 2 weeks maybe?

Now the past week my neck has been hurting AGAIN. But this time JUST my neck and shoulders area.

My neck muscles feel as if they are took weak to hold up my head. That's what it feels like, and also I feel that the muscles on the base of my skull/neck are TIGHT.

When I turn my head left and right slowly, I can hear a sound that I can only describe like "grains of sand" or "muscle fiber noises".

Is this just tension?? It's causing daily headaches too.

Aleve, ibuprofen etc. does not touch it. :(

I'm starting to get anxiety over this, but I KNOW DEEP DOWN IT'S NOTHING SERIOUS.

I just don't feel anxious though, that's the thing.

With my history though of Generalized Anxiety, can it really be anxiety without feeling anxious??

Will this eventually go away on its own?? I believe it will. I just need to take it easy I guess.

It's just starting to depress me, b/c I feel like I've been dealing with this for TOO LONG.

My brother is a massage therapist and worked on me a few days ago, and it felt wonderful, but didnt cure it. I know it can take a few sessions. Also, I have started working out again the past 2 days hoping it will help build muscles back up and help anxiety or depression if THAT's what this is.


(32 male, no medication for 4 years)
Best Answer
4522800 tn?1470325834
My name is Vickie and I just became a CL over in the Substance Forum.
I happen to end up over here Reading in this Community. I find that all of you are so caring and sharing on here.

I wanted to chime in on this one. I do not suffer with Anxiety issues but when I went c/t from 2 meds that were prescribe like Methadone & Klons, I also added illegal Adderral to the mess (do not have adhd). Anyway, about 3 yrs ago when I went c/t I came on here an learned alot and have been doing so.
My Anxiety was on the Moon and it was SO bad. I Never experienced anything like it and it went on for months and months while by Brain/Body adjusted back from the removal of these stims.  SO during my research I had found a few things that did help with the Muscle Aches, Anxiety and I have Cardiovascular disease. I still use this to this day when I feel a bit Anxious. I get this from a natural source called Wellness Resources. It is Called "Muscle-Mag" and "Relax-Mag". There are all kinds of different Magnesium and they have put these together to work. I will also take them with some D-3 oil. Makes me calm down and relax a bit while it does relax them muscles. I use it at night only and it will help me sleep to.

After reading this post..Cnote I got tested for Fibro and I did not have it. He explained all the symptoms and I have to agree with Paxiled here. Even if we are not Drs it does not sound like you have that. Also Diet & Exercise plays a big role on ones Brain/Body. Swimming would be really good for your aches and pains right now.  
Maybe if YOU can re-directed your thinking about this for awhile then you might feel better too. I know it is so hard not to be able to get any answers. I still suffer from a issue and Drs just give me the run around. I do wish you the best and I think you are to young to have all the things you think you have..Hugs! Take some deep breaths and maybe do some good old Stretches and Soak in the tub with some Epsom salt. This should make you feel so much better, even if it is just for a short time. I also would go lay under a heating blanket when I got Back aches or Neck aches and so forth. That feels so good. going from a hot pad to a cold pad and back and fourth should help too. Well I do wish you the best. I guess I will go back over to my own area and leave this to the ones who know about Anxiety. I just thought  I would give you some of my own experience and input.
Bless U
35 Responses
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Oh ya. The pinched nerve woke me up in the middle of night and the pain was INTENSE. I almost had my fiancée drive me to the ER. It was terrible. I aggravate it from sleeping in weird positions. And the base of the skull pain lasted around a week or 2 if I remember correctly.
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358304 tn?1409709492
Yup! I don't think this is a pinched nerve, but it very well could be. Pinched nerves, don't they usually cause extreme pain? Like if you move a certain way it almost takes your breath away, type pain?

And yes, the grains of sand sound, it's gotta be from those muscles being stretched, that are so tensed up.

I also have poor posture a lot of the time from my job. I film a lot and edit a lot.

You said you had this a few years ago? How long did yours last? Thanks so much! :)
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358304 tn?1409709492
Thanks for commenting. I had an episode of this back in 2010, and it lasted over a month, but it DID get better. Therefor "the past is a good indicator of the future". Right? :)

This just stinks. I feel like an 80 year old man in a 32 year old body. haha.

The strange thing is that I DO NOT feel like I am going through a bout of anxiety. But my Dr. has told me before that YOU CAN have anxiety symptoms without being anxious. So maybe that's all this is?

And YES, the occipital muscles are what feels so TENSE, and feel like that is where the majority of the pain/headaches are starting from.

Thankfully last night I got relief, and slept REALLY GOOD. So, I know it's nothing SERIOUS like a brain tumor or anything. HAHA.

If I go to my Dr. he will just tell me to wait it out. He won't do an x-ray or anything. Which I can respect. Because that would mean giving in to my anxiety.

He would tell me it's one of these things:

1. Anxiety

2. Tension from anxiety

3. Nerves

4. Bad posture etc.

So what is the answer to those? Reducing anxiety, exercise, rest, icy hot, ibuprofen etc. until it goes away.

Let's say it is a pinched nerve. He's not going to do surgery, he's not going to give me pain killers or muscle relaxers (i do not want them anyway). So I'd only be going for a peace of mind. And I have to stop that, bc he can be my crutch sometimes with anxiety.

Thanks for writing. :)

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I get the EXACT same thing man. I tense my shoulder muscles so much without realizing it. I actually just went to the doctors last week for the first time in a long time because it hurt so bad. (Turns out I pinched a nerve) I was in so much pain I can't describe it. But my anxiety causes me to tense my shoulders and neck. and the "grains of sand" I know exactly what you're talking about. ... I was told a pinched nerve can be caused from tension. Which I do all the time. Or poor posture what I also have. I am not saying you have a pinched nerve. In fact I doubt you do. But anxiety can certainly cause tension and weakness exactly like you're saying. It's also funny you mention the base of your skull. I had this happen to me about a year ago... I of course jumped to brain tumors.... Nope. Just me being hypochondriac!
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Exactly same thing happened to me when I had severe episodes of anxiety. The back of the head and shoulder would get tensed and stiff and if felt like the neck couldn't hold the weight of the head anymore. It all was due to anxiety. It took me a while before I learned to overcome this. I used to get the massage on the pressure points on the back of skull in occipital area which helped a lot. one of the example is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7nQJzmOoUY.

Also, you might wanna check with your doctor for the spine/neck workup. Sometimes it happens due to a medical condition.
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