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Scared please help

So recently I got my tooth pulled and got prescribed antibiotics and pain killers so I got half way through the antibiotics and finished my painkillers by day 4 so I took some of my friends moms pain killers just 2 of them and a day after that I took some excedrin. Day 5 of tooth extraction I noticed a lump on my head so I worried myself sick thinking the worse then I found out it was a ingrown hair that caused an infection it was a fat quarter sized lump I noticed it was a ingrown hair because when I put hot water on it it stung so the swelling went down so by day 8 of tooth extraction wich is today the swelling on the lump on the back of my head went down. With in these past 3 days I have been really depressed and stressed out thinking about every thing there is to think of like life and worrying about my parents and wondering about what I'm doing with my life I even told my parents my deepest problems like me being addicted to pills in my teen life also about being molested by a friend whom was around the same age as me i still hang around with my friend and have forgave and forgot because we were kids but it also lead me to do other thing i regret in my life and now im trying to better myself. I'm 21 yrs old and I feel very depressed and under accomplished in life I did not finish my antibotics by the way and have quit smoking weed for a couple of days also. I was a very heavy smoker and drinker I would say from age 19 to 21 I have been drinking beer every day non stop at least 3 16oz beers a day. Like I recently stated I had to quit everything because a tooth extraction and I am driving myself crazy and feel like I'm going through withdraws please any comforting advices would help
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The cost will be different depending on where you live. You didn't fill that or your age in your profile. You will have to call them to find their rates and whether you have a medical plan that covers it.
20 Responses
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480448 tn?1426948538
You most likely are suffering from withdrawals if you abruptly stopped drinking alcohol, plus abusing opiates will cause you problems too.  Alcohol should never be stopped abruptly without the supervision of a medical professional.

That being said, it sounds like you have multiple issues you need to address with a therapist, and it also sounds like you're self medicating away the problems of your past with drugs and alcohol.  All of that needs addressed hon.

I wish you the very best, let us know how you're doing.
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Thanks for the advice a therapist maybe out of my money range that's why I laid it all on my parents I have faith I will over come my troubles and do plan on bettering myself thank you for comforting me the anxiety of losing my parents still bothers me they are only 56 yrs old and being at piece with god almighty is still a major concern I just want to be happy agin I stopped taking pills at age 19 and picked up on drinking but plan on not drinking alcohol anymore it's been a couple weeks since I had a cold one and that's probably the reason for the withdrawals the weed on the other hand is more of a difficulty it's always around me constantly I think I can gradually stop I have cut back on weed these past couple weeks that's also do to getting my tooth pulled. My weight is also an issue I need to work on. Thank you once agin it helps talking to someone I had the shakes and wasn't feeling good the other night but I think that's due to the anxiety and Also the alcohol withdrawals now I'm feeling a little better and can also think a little bit straighter
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It may be the anxiety you mention and it may also be the weed, which you are still taking. Better quit that right now too, and see what happens - some people take a while to stabilize and you describe yourself as an abuser for a long time so your body and mind have a lot to deal with when you try to get free..
Is there a substance abuse hotline in your area? In my country it is open 24 hours and is free - you can even call if you don't plan to quit so they really want to talk to you here.
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Yes I quit for good no more weed for me I feel if I quit I can get some of my loved ones to quit as well I would prefer to live a healthy worry free life I'm tiered of feeling stuck. Thanks for the reply
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You said you were tapering off the weed, so I hope your last response means you are now going to stop immediately. Good luck and write back.
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Yes immediately I just got through talking to a friend and told him about quitting he agreed so I have support going through with this I will keep y'all updated
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Did you say you stopped taking the antibiotics before you were supposed to?  Once you start an antibiotic you have to finish the program so you don't develop a more severe strain of infection.  So did I read that right?
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Is it to late to finish them I stopped about 4 days ago I don't feel sick and I have been keeping my mouth clean should i finish them I was reading about it and someone said it was mainly for the swelling and not for the pain. I'm not in pain either so please reply this is the type of info to give me anxiety
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I just got through talking to my sisters boy friend and I asked him if he finished taking his antibiotics and he said no and he is perfectly fine he got his pulled a couple months ago
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Call the dentist or the pharmacy. Dentists often have after hours answering.
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Will I see any symptoms from not taking them anymore or can it go undetected and be harmful because I feel fine tooth wise but I gave my self a big scare when I found a lump on the back of my head it turned out to be a ingrown hair it was pretty big and I'm sure it would have caught anybody's attention but I looked in to tumors and scared myself pretty bad at the time and i still worry even though the bump has majorly reduced in size. I believe it's the anxiety making me think I have other head problems along with a bunch of more worries that's making me feel scared  
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If the swelling went down likely you didn't get an infection but don't take my word for it because I am not a dentist. Most people don't, but the antibiotic is a precaution. You still have to call doc or the pharmacy for advice - I am not able to diagnose or give advice, and all I am doing is telling you likely you are ok so you relax a bit until you get hold of them.
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Yeah I'm feeling alot better Im not as worried as I was a couple days ago.
The only thing bothering me is when I told my parents I was molested do you think I should confront my friend and if so how should I go about doing so. We are around the same age and he has changed for a better already, I can honestly say he is doing better mentally then me. I'm 21 turning 22 in may, all my friends are around the same age as me but I can tell they are doing better finically,physically ,and mentally I want the same thing for myself so I'm motivated to do so. Today I went to the store and bought some celery ginger lemons oranges and apples so that I can juice, I read from a website that these combined help with anxiety and many more things. I'm done messing up my body and I want to live my life to its fullest thanks for the comfort and I'm looking forward to heir much more advice
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Maybe try the abuse support or sexual health forum for advice about that friend issue. I don't know what to do but maybe someone else does. There are doctor forums too where someone will answer your question.
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I think you wrote the solution here. "have forgave and forgot because we were kids"

Kids make mistakes. Your friend has never forgotten it so you won't be bringing up anything new to him. You like that friend. Your friend is likely uncomfortable about it but desires your friendship now, so you might ruin the friendship by bringing it up.

I don't see that you have anything to gain by bringing it up with him, but that is just me. Revenge and pity are never satisfying, so what is your motive in discussing with him?
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I don't know why you were put on the antibiotic.  Usually this is only done if you have an infection, not for swelling -- antibiotics aren't antiinflammatories.  They are antibacterial agents.  I've had three teeth pulled, one just a couple weeks ago.  I was put on an antibiotic for two of them -- the second one because the area got infected after the extraction, the third because the gum was infected before the extraction.  Antibiotics shouldn't be used for precautionary purposes because they do kill off beneficial organisms, so they are only supposed to be used nowadays when absolutely necessary and not otherwise.  I don't know in your case if you ever had an infection -- if you didn't there was no need to be on the antibiotic in the first place.  But just to be safe, I'd contact the oral surgeon who did the extraction to make sure.  If your dentist did the extraction, next time do it only with an oral surgeon -- they're just better at this stuff, including the use of antibiotics.  They're more like doctors -- in fact, mine has a medical degree as well as a dentist's degree and specialty in oral surgery.  It's not something to be anxious about, just sure about, so call whoever did the extraction and ask if they were treating an infection and, if so, if you need to go back on the antibiotic or not.  And don't worry about it -- this is not a big thing.
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I just woke up and I feel the anxiety weighing down on me I would love to have a peace of mind agin. I'm now very worried about a brain tumor I keep feeling my head every 5 seconds I feel like crap because of the alcohol withdrawals I hope... My mind keeps racing and I keep thinking of this one picture I seen on the Internet of a guy with a protruding brain tumor I keep waking up earlier than usual i can't sleep in my own room because its depressing so I'm sleeping in the front room. I'am confused if I'm feeling one thing or another.
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You said the swelling went down. I am guessing that a tumor doesn't do that, but maybe someone who knows will answer. Besides you already know the swelling was from an ingrown hair.
Almost no one gets a tumor, but just about everyone has had a head swelling for one reason or another that just goes away. I even had something grow on the outside of my lower leg just below the knee that stuck out to my side more than an inch and was shaped like a small sail. Doc wasn't the slightest bit interested in it so that was my clue to forget about it. It lasted 3 years then disappeared. Check with doc if you are concerned that it is a growth, like I did.
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That's the thing he probably does remember and probably doesn't remember. I think the things I did afterwards that I regret deeply is what's kelling me. How much do therapist usually cost I feel like I need to get this off my chest and out of my head. I can honestly say I want to be a better person and would never go back to the way I was. I took a long walk today at least 1 hour and 30 min it helped clear all the unnecessary thoughts out my head but the real problems still stayed in mind.
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