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anyone else with this problem??

I have been to the ER numerous times for this Problem  i have been Having and been Given an anxiety/Panic disorder Diagnosis every single time without fail...
They run Bloodwork, they even ran a Special Blood calcium test to rule out hypocalcemia  "so im told"
-ive been to a Neurologist and had (Nerve conduction test, MRI, CT scan, EMG, EEG, Physical exam)
-ive been to a Cardiologist and had ( Stress Test, holter, 30 Day event Monitor, Echocardiogram)
countless ER visits and countless Blood Panels

this is my problem,...  
Completely out of the Blue the right side of my Face will Start to to feel tingling and tight, the muscles become hard to move, it becomes hard to even Talk once an Episode takes full effect, Then comes the Tingling in a couple of Fingers in my Left hand, and the Tingling shoots up my Arm, Then the Same to the Right arm, Then the Legs Specifically the lower calf/Ankle area,  Then my Abdomen Starts to tingle and the muscles begin to tighten, When an episode is in Full effect it seems the Final Stage before it goes away is Carpopedal Spasms and Complete Paralysis of my arms (I literally could not move any of my fingers, and my fingers Curl in to make almost a Claw shape, whenever i tried to move my Fingers or Arms during an Episode it was Very hard, it Felt like electricity was running through my body and disrupting me in some sort of Way.) when i told this to the Nurse she just Laughed right in my Face and told me that its a Classic anxiety attack, i was Completely Dumbfounded at how Lightheartedly they took my Symptoms, oh yeah did i forget to mention my Tongue goes numb too and its very hard to Talk?)  the longest i've had one of these episodes has been Up to an Hour and the Tingling slowly goes away

i've began to Suspect maybe i start to breathe rapidly Without even Noticing it and causing myself to Hyperventilate, i've been more conscious about my breathing lately and i haven't had an episode in almost 2 weeks, so maybe i do hyperventilate without noticing it.

I also Have a Heart arrythmia which is why i went to the Cardiologist, some type of Wierd Vagal Response when i try to Take a Dump, my heart Pounds really hard and slow.. DR. Told me it was nothing (i just figured i would include my Cardiologists Tests as well) maybe it could be tied to whatever is going on...

i was just wondering if anyone else has Tingling like me.. its been scaring the crap out of me lately and the only answer has been anxiety so far, which i refuse to believe.....
2 Responses
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1709162 tn?1314084832
I have also had this when I had my first full blown panic attack. My whole body went into spasms. It did not help that myself thinking I could not breath proceeded to use an inhaler which of course made it worse. An ambulance was called and by the time it had arrived my whole body was contorted. I was told how to breath and slowly my body relaxed but felt extremely shaky afterwards and anxiety was through the roof. I read an awful lot of literature on it and once
I knew what was happening I never got in that state again. Four years later though I try to watch my breathing but find it so difficult sometimes because the more aware of it I am the more it seems like I cant breath properly! I always have tingling in my hands and face but mine is on the left side, sometimes going completely numb. I have had mri scans,heart testing numerous blood tests etc and still found nothing. I developed health anxiety because of this,thinking I was having a stroke or a heart attack. I know how you feel as although I have had all these tests I still think they are missing something seriously wrong. I am currently having cbt as was on medication for four years with no help and had to ask the doc to refer me. Hopefully you have some reassurance from this and maybe therapy will help you Best of luck and take care Kath xx
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i Also Forgot to Mention i have constant Muscle Twitches All over my Body, it could happen literally anywhere, name a Place on my Body, I've had a Twitch there....
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