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can anyone explain the purpose of antidepressants

I don't see how these can help. First off my symptoms are spontaneous lightedness and nausea that can last minutes or hours. Most drugs cause these symptoms, so how will that help me? The last time i took something, celexa, it made me feel extremely depressed and gave me e.d., which made me feel even worse. That was only 1 dose! Also these drugs only mask everything not cure it, so what's the point?
12 Responses
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480448 tn?1426948538
I wanted to add, that if you read your initial post, your whole over attitude towards meds is kind of negative, and you make a lot of assumptions (that all meds will cause side effects), etc.  THAT'S what indicates to us that you kind of already have your mind made up that you either will not tolerate any of these meds, or they will not work for you, or both.  And what we're trying to tell you is, after ONE dose of only ONE medication, you simply cannot come to those conclusions.  

It's those preconceived notions that will lead to the anxiety reaction when it comes to meds.

Anyway, let us know what you decide and how you're doing.
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480448 tn?1426948538
I'm in a good place in life, have what i need and yet i'm more miserable then ever.

That's anxiety for you!  For a lot of people, there doesn't have to be a thing going on in life that would cause anxiety.  That's actually one of the diagnostic criteria for an anxiety disorder...the presence of high levels of anxiety without a concurrent stressor of the same level.  The anxiety is out of context.

Listen, it's not that we don't understand what you're saying, we're only giving you some possibilities based on things we commonly see.  What you experienced may very well have been side effects.  The thing with these meds is that there are some initial side effects for people that most time resolve by about week 2-3.  It's impossible to know if a med like that is going to work for you unless you give it some time.  Like SM said, the sexual side effects are more typically seen as a long-term effect, and that's one symptom that may or may not have improved.

In order to assess whether or not these meds are going to work, you have to give it time.  No one likes to have to endure the side effects (been there myself), but in all honesty, when the meds work, they usually work pretty well, and IMO they are WELL worth a couple of weeks of side effects.  Plus, there are ways to treat the side effects, which is why it's always best to talk to your doctor before making the decision to come off.

Why not just see how therapy goes, put some effort into this yourself (with books, etc), and if you don't start seeing some improvements after that, then you can revisit trying another med.  

Just because Celexa made you feel one way doesn't mean every med will have that same effect, because while they are all classed the same, they actually vary a lot in their chemical make-up and mechanism of action.  Unfortunately with these kinds of meds, sometimes you kind of have to feel a little worse before you can feel better.
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Nobody seems to understand or actually read what i posted. I know what happened to me and i rarely ever felt as down as i did when i took the dose of celexa and i never,ever had e.d. In my life before i took it or after, only the night i took it and a few hours the next day. Yes i've been down before but it was due to people doing things to upset me. Now it happens for no reason other than the anxiety. I don't understand why this is happening. I'm in a good place in life, have what i need and yet i'm more miserable then ever.
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973741 tn?1342342773
Honestly, sometimes our emotions/stress/anxiety can affect ed.  I too wonder if some of that wasn't going on.  These medications have something called a 'half life'.  It takes a period of time for it to build up in your system.  ED is not a transient side effect but can be more of a long term one meaning it happens after some period of time on the med.  Transient or start up side effects typically fit a particular side effect profile.  

I personally have had great experience and know many that have in taking medication.  However, if you don't believe in it, then I'd suggest seeing a therapist for talk therapy as well as instituting some lifestyle changes.  Stay away from all drugs and alcohol (they'll ruin your life), exercise, meditate, do yoga, journal, eat a healthy diet, etc.  

But the medications work for many many people and quite successfully.  And it can change one's life in a very positive way and allow someone to function.  That is the benefit.  

You sound as though your anxiety lays with taking the medication among other things.  good luck
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480448 tn?1426948538
I'm not saying I don't BELIEVE you, I'm saying it's unlikely, which is why I asked if you were particularly nervous about the initial start-up side effects.  This statement of yours makes me think that perhaps you were to some extent:

"I can't handle that start up period and it might not work anyway."

You say that as if you have had a bad experience with another med, but then state you haven't tried anything else.  While you may have had severe side effects from the Celexa, I don't think you can assume you wouldn't be able to handle another med.  ONE dose of ONE med isn't enough "evidence" to support that.  Just curious, what was the Celexa dose you were starting at?

You'd be surprised at how many people basically psych themselves out worrying about the side effects, which makes it very difficult to determine what is what...what is a true side effect, and what is an anxiety reaction.  Just something to think about.  If any of that rings true, it may be more of an anxiety issue than an actual side effect.  With the exception of a severe allergic reaction, it is rare to see people experience very severe side effects after just one dose.

Hope you get it sorted out, if you think there's any possibility that anxiety played a big role in how you felt, then maybe you could reconsider trying something else.  There are many different kinds of meds used in the treatment of anxiety.  Therapy for sure is essential.  There is a lot you can do at home too to help, there are many great books out there about anxiety.  Here's our resource list:


You do not have to use medications to help you treat your anxiety, many do not and do well.  Your anxiety seems to be more on the severe side and is quite debilitating, which to ME would indicate that using meds to help with symptom control while you work on the anxiety is a good idea.  I would just hate to see you write off meds as a whole based on this one, possibly isolated incident.

Whatever you decide to do, we'll be here to help however we can!  Hang in there!

Shug, your situation was related to you taking tramadol along with an antidepressant, which is a different scenario all together from what the OP is discussing.  
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5093508 tn?1390543931
Our body knows better than any written theories, so I believe you that it was the pill 100%. Anything we put in our body can cause a bad reaction if we're allergic or don't need it. I was on SSRI, and when given more, supposedly to help reduce my anxiety, within an hour I was so ill and more anxious than ever. I persevered, as I was told it usually takes time before it works. After 2 weeks of absolute HELL, I weaned myself off it over a week. When I free of it, I felt much better, though still had anxiety issues. I was put on another SSRI, same thing happened, so only lasted a week on that one.. My daughter recognized the symptoms I'd experienced on these and suspected Serotonin Syndrome, which is too much Serotonin being released. Neurotransmitters release many chemicals in the brain and have to be in balance. Anti-deps are prescribed to try and correct the imbalance, but the wrong ones can definitely cause the symptoms you mentioned. If you're depressed and anxious, research natural remedies, foods that help the brain balance your neurotransmitters. Why andti-dep drugs indeed? Everyone is different, and there are too many anti-deps, it would take forever to find the right one. Meanwhile, you just get sicker and sicker, while waiting for your prescribing doc to get it right. Some people are lucky after the first or second one tried, but how far are you willing to go, with this? There are better ways that REALLY work, than having to put yourself.through all these trial & error, hit or miss drugs.
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No have not tried any others and don't think i will. I can't handle that start up period and it might not work anyway. I'm telling you straight up i don't know why you don't believe me, the e.d. Was from the pill 100%, never had it before or since, just the night i took it and a few hours the next day. Also i didn't read the info about the pill, i just took it.
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No have not tried any others and don't think i will. I can't handle that start up period and it might not work anyway. I'm telling you straight up i don't know why you don't believe me, the e.d. Was from the pill 100%, never had it before or since, just the night i took it and a few hours the next day. Also i didn't read the info about the pill, i just took it.
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480448 tn?1426948538
I can understand having a side effect of nausea and lightheadedness, but the ed I can't imagine would occur from one dose.  Did you happen to read a lot about side effects before starting it?  A lot of times, people get very anxious worrying about side effects that they can experience kind of a psychosomatic effect.

Have you tried any other meds?  If you do, just keep in mind that they can take 4-6 weeks before they really show noticeable improvements.
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Thanks for the reply but i know what i felt and i never felt as bad as the night i took celexa. What i was saying is that i feel nausea and lightheaded already with no meds and every 1 i've researched list those as side effects so how's that going to help? I just want to feel normal again consistantly. I'm not living just existing and it *****.
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480448 tn?1426948538
I would doubt that one dose would have caused those significant symptoms, especially because they take time to build in the system and make the chemical changes.

To give you a quick physiology lesson, here's the premise behind antidepressants being used to treat anxiety or depression.  The SSRI antidepressants, like Celexa, are also known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.  Serotonin is one of the chemicals that circulate in the brain that adds to one's feeling of happiness, contentment, etc.  The THEORY behind the prescribing of these meds is that for some people, there isn't enough circulating serotonin (and I won't bore you with the theories behind how THAT may happen).

There are receptors that normally grab serotonin from circulation (like a checks and balances type thing), an SSRI BLOCKS (or inhibits) that reuptake of the serotonin, allowing more to continue circulating.

Like Paxiled said, all of mood disorder treatment is based on theory, as there are no definite clear cut scientific answers, but that's how they are supposed to work to change the brain chemistry.  The scientists will also say that (in theory), even those who have normal levels of serotonin still benefit frm the increased amount, which increases sense of well being, which in turn decreases feelings of depression, anxiety.

I know that they worked well for me for symptom control, but they definitely aren't a "cure".  They're good for symptom control.  There's other work that needs done to change the way we think, in terms of anxiety.

Hope that helped!
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You're right to a point, they don't know what causes these disorders so the drug claims to "cure" the disorder are just false advertising that usually goes away with lawsuits.  But they do mitigate the symptoms, and if the symptoms are ruining your life and therapy doesn't work, the drugs are all you have and many are helped by them, though they can cause a lot of problems as well.  As for your symptoms, there's no way to know what side effects you're going to get from a drug, as individuals get different ones, and some get none at all.  If one gives you bad symptoms, you try another.  And the two you're complaining about are more often caused by trying to stop taking them, not taking them, though some will get those symptoms, which can be temporary at the beginning as well.  So the real question is whether a drug is the only thing left to try and have a life, although most people take them much more readily than that as our medical practice in this country tends to be pharmaceutical driven.  
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