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5055866 tn?1362951481

day 11 of diazepam

today is day 11 off diazepam for the past week ive been so ill just feel physically drained and exhausted... can barely stand or walk i feel like im dying please help x
10 Responses
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Sorry to hear that you have been feeling much worse.

By the sound of  things you had a severe allergic reaction to the Venlafaxine.

Venlafaxine (brand name: Effexor) is an antidepressant belonging to a group of drugs called Selective Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SSNRIs).   It affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause depression.

Diazepam is NOT the same as the above drug.  Diazepam helps to treat anxiety disorders, for muscle spams and alcohol withdrawal symptoms.  It too can cause side effects in some people.

Did you take the two drugs at the same time or jus the Venlafazine.

Learning relaxation techniques would be of benefit to you.  Have relaxing baths with some relaxing oils in like lavender.  Keep off the coffee and fizzy caffeinated drinks.  Stick to water or herbal teas.  Camomile tea is very calming and relaxing.

Best wishes.
Helpful - 0
5055866 tn?1362951481
today is day 23 after last week which was thee most horrific time of my life i thought my body was giving up... i started the pills venlafaxine and did not feel well soon after all day i was out my face... that night i suddenly felt so ill i went to bed and lay there with sudden peace and strange blankness it was like i was slipping away i called my parents at 1 am just to speak to them i really didnt think i would see them again... my dad came to the house and called the doctor out but as usual cant see anything physically wrong with you as if im making it up.... bloods came back normal to my frustration as i feel so physically ill..... had a scan on friday that too will be normal i bet.... i spoke to my psychiatrist and told him i had a bad reaction to the pills he's given me something else.... i dont feel this is the answer here yes im very very anxious so much so i cannot think straight or speak properly... my body needs more time to pass through withdrawl.... before i start swallowing more drugs so at the moment im not starting the meds they wont work right away anyway ... i know im depressed and im having episodes of impatient outbursts and aggression just through all this suffering..... i managed to get out of bed yesterday first for 3 weeks get dressed but was still very wobbly... im eating better trying to eat protein and build myself back up but i feel so sick at times and the bowel probs dont help again all withdrawls.... all i can do is try and stay positive... its hard though when you live alone with your fears and symptoms frightening you 24 hrs a day... i still have very heightened senses and the most awful metallic taste in my mouth... noises are ten times louder i jump every time theres a slight noise my sense of touch is the same if i knock against something or my dad pats me on the arm i jump 10 ft in the air ... im hyperaware of everything constantly scanning my surroundings incase i see something no one else does.
please let this ease off now... its been 23 days i will never swallow another diazepam in my lifetime i will never forget this experience it has almost killed me
Helpful - 0
4851940 tn?1515694593
Hi Suz245,

Good to know that you are being helped with regard your depression and hope the medication works for you.  It will take a few week for you to feel any benefit,.

When you saw the doctor and she took blood tests, have you had these back?   Feeling sick and having pain in your liver area appears that you may have a gall bladder problem or liver problem.  Did you tell the doctor about this?  When you eat, don't eat anything that is fried, fatty or greasy.  
If you do drink alcohol you will need to stop that.  

As CBT did not work, I don't know if your doctor can refer you for EMDR or a different type of counselling.  There are different types of counselling and they don't all suit everyone.  I suppose your psychiatrist will see if the antidepressants will work for you.  Do you know which one he has put you on?

Do you know of a particular trigger that caused you to feel this way, or do you feel it is an accumulation of different stressful events too close to each other that made you feel the way you do now?  You don't have to reply.

The heart does not beat strong and irregularly just because you do not eat.  I am glad that the doctor is sending you for tests on that.  
My daughter in law who is 29 has a birth defect that has only just recently been found and her heart will start racing really fast.  She has to go to A&E for an injection to slow the heart down.  She has now been prescribed with medication to stop the heart beating so fast, trouble is she is pregnant and a B blood group.  So they can't put her heart right by an operation until after the baby is born.

Do you know the date of your heart scans yet?

Take care,

Best wishes.
Helpful - 0
5055866 tn?1362951481
thanks to everyone for your kind wishes... ive been to see a psychiatrist and to start on antidepressants tmw... i feel very strange im confused alot and keep going blank.... im not able to eat much feel awfully sick have pain in my liver area.... had CBT it did not help x
Helpful - 0
5467587 tn?1370008547
Good luck!  Please let us know what you find out!
Helpful - 0
4851940 tn?1515694593
Try and take things easy.  
I am glad to hear that you have been to see the doctor and she is going to do blood tests and other tests on you.

Wait and see what the results are of the tests.  If there is any problems with your blood test the doctor will be able to prescribe the correct medications for you and send you to a cardiologist if there is a problem with your heart.

With jaundice your skin and the whites of your eyes would be yellow tinged.

Rather than going on nerve medications and antidepressants, counselling therapy (CBT) may be of more help to you.  At the moment though you will be feeling anxious if you have medical problems.

Don't drink more than 2-3 litres of water.  You can overdo things with water.
Try and eat small meals that are healthy.  Breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, Evening meal.  A snack can be a piece of fruit or a small yogurt.  

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Helpful - 0
5055866 tn?1362951481
i have seen a different doctor and she is going to run a full load of bloods on me And an ECG as have irregular heartbeat and its very strong at times... also she is sending me for scans... i think alot of it is because im not really eating and came off the diazepam too wuick but they were having the opposite effect on me.... im drinking loads but have pain in my right side like a stitch some days i just feel very yucky sick like i am jaundice...? i dont want to take any anti depressants i am not subjecting myself to any more drugs ive been on 9 different ones in the past year and a half but have suffered from anxiety since i was 8 years old.. was on pills for 23 yrs but eventually they stopped working.... i just want my strength back my limbs are like jelly! tests will tell i hope x
Helpful - 0
4851940 tn?1515694593
Diazepam is addictive.  If you had been on it for a while you should have been under the direction of your doctor to gradually reduce the dose or miss every other dose so that your body could get slowly used to not having it.

Make an appointment with your doctor and explain your symptoms to him.
Your symptoms may be due to stress and anxiety, but you need to see the doctor to rule out any other possible causes of you feeling this way.

You may have a viral or bacterial infection.  Or you may be anaemic.  If you have not been eating properly, your body will be lacking in nutrients, minerals and vitamins and you may be anaemic (lack of red blood corpuscles in the body that carry oxygen).  Your doctor can take a blood test to check for that and any other test that he may feel is required.

Make sure you eat a healthy balanced diet with lots of fruit and veg.  Keep off the junk foods and fizzy drinks.  Drink lots of water - 2 litres throughout the day.

The doctor may decide to put you on an antidepressant that is not addictive if he feels you would benefit from this.  

Ask your doctor to refer you for counselling if you are having coping issues.

Hope you get on OK

Best wishes.
Helpful - 0
1696489 tn?1370821974
See your doctor as soon as you can please.  He will treat you for this either medically or through treatment of some sort.  Blessings - Blu
Helpful - 0
784558 tn?1276007829
See whoever prescribed the meds. urgently, you should not feel as you clearly do. Don't delay. Tell them how you feel. Good Luck.
Helpful - 0

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